Status: Complete

Lady of the Evening


The next day was just a normal day starting with practice and hanging out with some of the guys. thankfully nothing was weird with Milan even though Brad tried to make it weird by making as many threesome comments as possible. Chara left that evening because he was going carry his country's flag in the Olympic ceremony. The next day we lost in over time against the blues so I had the night off. The next day we were back practicing for the last game before the Olympic break. I stayed home that night to spend some quality time with my aunt since I haven’t had a chance to do that recently. The next night we won 2-7 over the senators and of cores since Brads had a lot of luck lately star of the game, Bergeron, is married and he was second star and was more than happy to take me home to sleep with him.
"Are you as excited to sleep with me as I am to sleep with you?" he asked and I laughed.
"Brad I am never as excited as you are." I said and he wrapped his arms around my shoulders from behind me and rested his head on mine as I leaned back into him. "Plus we have to go out with the guys first. Tuukks, Bergy, and Erikson are leaving tomorrow morning for the Olympics." I said and he groaned.
"Fine, but you have to make me breakfast in the morning." he said and I laughed.
"I would but we both know you and Torey have no food in the fridge." I said and he sighed.
"That’s true. I guess you'll just have to let me take body shots off you tonight then." He said acting upset about it.
"Your funny if you think I'm going to be that girl embarrassing herself by being the slut having shots taken off her." I said and brad turned me around so I was facing him and he gave me puppy dog face.
"Come on. Please?" He begged and I shook my head.
"Not a chance." I said and started walking away "lets go."
We were at a club but left once we all realized the guys we were celebrating weren't going to have any fun at a club since they wont have time for a hangover in the morning so wont be doing any drinking we decided to just go out to a ice cream shop.
"Well since there’s no alcohol here for me to do shots off you, can I eat ice cream off you here instead?" Brad asked and I smacked his chest with the back of my hand.
"No! That’s even trashier! What is wrong with you?" I said and the guys within hearing distance of us laughed.
"You let me eat whip cream and chocolate off you before" he said and I gasped
"Bradley! what the fuck is wrong with you!? Don't talk about things like that in public!" I yelled at him and walked away from him mad and went and stood with Dougie. "What is wrong with him?" I asked and Soupy answered from behind us.
"Sounds like he's trying to claim territory. Let the guys know your his. I used to do that to my wife, she hated it but it got the message across to the guys." He said and I shook my head.
"But I'm not his. And he knows we're just friends." I said and Soupy shrugged
"Maybe he caught some feelings with all the sex you guys have been having" he said
"God I hope not. I don't need or want a relationship or relationship drama right now." I said shaking my head.
"You two do act like a couple though, Rach." Dougie said and put a hand on my shoulder
"I don't think we do. Has Adam been doing his exercises for his quad strain by the way?" I asked and Dougie shrugged his shoulders.
"I think so" he said and I nodded my head
"Good. Make sure he keeps doing them, he'll get back in the game quicker." I said and Dougie nodded his head. "Where is Adam? He wasn't at the game today like he usually is." I said and Dougie shrugged his shoulders
"I don't know, he seamed off today when I left though." he said and I frownd a little.
"I wonder what’s up." I said.
After we all got our ice cream we said good bye to the guys who would be leaving in the morning. Brad walked over to where I was still standing with Dougie and Soupy.
"Listen I know your mad at me and probably really don't want to have sex with me tonight so don't worry about it tonight." he said and I nodded my head.
"Yeah, I think I'm just going to go to Dougie and Adams place. Dougie said Adam seamed a little off before. but um... thanks." I said and he nodded his head and walked away and I turned to Dougie. "By the way, I'm coming over." I said and he laughed.
"I got that part. You ready to go then?" he asked and I nodded my head and linked my arm through his.
"let's go" I said and we went out to his car and to his and Adams house. When we walked in all the lights were off except for one in the kitchen and the light coming out of the bottom of Adams door. "It's a little early for him to be going to bed isn’t it?" I asked and Dougie nodded his head.
"Yeah that is pretty weird, he usually watches the news and stuff. I'm going to make a grilled cheese, you want one?" Dougie said and I shook my head.
"No thanks." I said and walked towards Adams room as Dougie went to make his sandwich. I knocked on Adams door and didn't hear anything and slowly opened the door and peaked my head in to see Adam sitting on his bed staring at a picture. I walked in quietly and he looked up and saw me, he looked like a lost child. I walked over to him and sat on his bed next to him. "Hey, are you okay?" I asked putting my hand on his back.
"um, yeah... well not really... but yeah." he said and I laughed a little.
"well as convincing as that just was, for some reason I don't believe you" I said and he chuckled a little.
"Yeah, your hard to lie to." he said and sighed, "My dad's sick." he said looking back down at the picture in his hands which was of him holding the Stanly cup with a man who I assume is his father smiling next to him. "I'm sure he'll be fine... but my mom says it's pretty serious this time... and I, I just don't know what I would do if anything ever happened to him." he said and I couldn't help but think back to what it was like when I lost my parents.
"It's just one of those things you learn to live with. I lost my parents over a year ago and I don't feel like I'm ever going to get over the loss, but I do feel like I can live even though they can't." I said and he looked at me.
"I didn't know your parents died." he said and I nodded my head.
"There’s a lot you don't know about me." I said, "I'm sure your Dad's going to be fine though, don't worry yourself if you don't have to." I said and he nodded his head.
"Your right. how was the game?" he asked and I laughed.
"We won 2-7." I said and he looked at me.
"And your not sleeping with Brad or Carl or someone?" he asked and I shook my head.
"No. I was supposed to sleep with Brad but he was a complete asshole when we all went out to get ice-cream after the game." I said and he raised his eye brow wanting to know what happened. "He wanted to do body shots on me when we were going to go to a club before we decided on ice cream and then when we were in the ice cream place he asked to eat ice-cream off me and when I said no he practically yelled in front of the whole team that I had let him eat whip cream off me before, which was so embarrassing and totally uncalled for." I said and Adam shook his head.
"Wow, I didn't think he had it that bad for you." he said and I looked at him.
"What do you mean?" I asked and Adam laughed.
"You can't seriously say you haven't noticed that Brad has a thing for you. I mean it's pretty obvious. I didn't think that it got so serious that he would start staking his claim on you like that." he said and I shook my head.
"That is not what he's doing. I don't care what you and Soupy say about him staking his claim or showing territory. He doesn't have a thing for me. He knows that I only sleep with him because of my uncle and he knows that we are just friends." I said and Adam laughed.
"You two do more than just act like friends even when your not sleeping together. Your even apart of his after game ritual now. He always gets a hug from you after games." he said and I shook my head.
"I hug lots of you guys after games though." I said and Adam shrugged his shoulders.
"It means more to Brad than it does to the rest of us." he said and I shook my head.
"I guess I'll have to talk to my uncle about sleeping with Brad less then, because I don't want him to think that I feel the same way." I said and Adam laughed.
"But you do. You may think it's not noticeable but it's obvious you get excited when you get to sleep with Brad instead of one of the other guys and according to Torey you always end up cuddling with Brad in his room when you stay at their place even when you start off in Torey’s" he said and I thought about it and shook my head.
"I do like sleeping with Brad and I do like hanging out with him a lot. But I don't feel attracted to him like that... he's just... he's fun. sleeping with him is fun, he's a good time... but I don't feel attached to him like a boyfriend." I said and Adam shook his head.
"I call bullshit." he said, "you say you don't feel that way but I think you just wish you didn't feel that way because of the circumstance your in with your uncle." he said and I thought about it for a second, "Just imagine tomorrow your uncle told you that you don't have to sleep with the team anymore... would you still want to sleep with Brad? would you miss all the time you two spend with each other if you weren’t allowed to spend time with him?" he asked and I was about to answer him, "Don't answer yet, just think about it. if you had to stop talking to Torey and stop talking to Brad, which would hurt the most? you always say that they are your best friends... but I think we both know Brad means a little bit more than that." he said and I looked at him.
"I... I mean... I... fuck you Adam I came here because Dougie said you were in a funk and now you have me in a funk." I said and Adam laughed
"Sorry. It's just so obvious that the feelings between you guys are mutual. I had a thing for you, I'm not goanna lie, but I gave up after watching the way you hang out with Brad. I was no competition for him at all." he said and I shook my head.
"You did not have a thing for me... and if you did. You were SO competition for him. because 1, your handsome. 2, your tall. 3, your a total sweet heart. 4, that sex we had was still the best sex I ever had. I don't care how much you try to tell me I like Brad... If I really liked him... sex with you wouldn't have made me accident call him Adam a few nights later." I said and Adam looked at me surprised.
"Is that why he wasn't talking to you? I thought he was giving dirty looks for sleeping with you in general not because you called him my name." he said and I laughed.
"Yeah. so maybe you shouldn't have given up so easily... because your more competition than you think." I said and got off his bed. "I'm goanna go see if Dougie want's a cuddle buddy because I don't feel like getting felt up tonight and he has no experience on how to do that or the balls to do it. good night Adam" I said and he laughed as I left his room.
"Night Rachel." he said as I closed his door and walked into the living room to see Dougie on the couch eating a grilled cheese sandwich.
"You want to be my cuddle buddy tonight Dougie?" I asked and he looked at me surprised
"Me?" he asked and I laughed.
"No the other Dougie in the room. Yes you. I just want someone to cuddle with that won't try to have sex with me and I know you wont do that because your probably going to be too awkward to even cuddle me back." I said and he glared at me.
"I'm not that awkward." he said and I laughed and walked over to him pulling him up off the couch.
"Then let's go" I said and he led me to his bed room and he walked over to his bed already changed into gym shorts and a t-shirt and was about to get in. "Have you never had a girl in here before? your not goanna offer me something to wear to bed? be a gentleman Dougie." I said and he looked at me.
"Oh... right. my bad." he said as he walked over to his dresser and pulled out a t-shirt and some shorts and handed them to me.
"Thank you." I said and motioned for him to turn around as I changed, "Do I have to teach you everything about being a gentlemen?" I asked as I changed then folded my clothes and put them in a pile on his dresser and walked around him and got into his bed with him following. "Now, I'm going to cuddle you... your natural human instincts should kick in and know how to cuddle back." I said and he laughed a little.
"Your mean. I should make you sleep on the floor." he said and I smacked his arm as we laid down and I laid my head on his shoulder with my arm over his stomach cuddling into his side and he wrapped his arms around me.
"So your human instincts do work, that's good." I joked and he pinched my arm so I pinched his side and he squirmed making me laugh, "whoa someone's ticklish." I said and he told me to shut up making me laugh more, "Good night Dougie." I said.
"Good night, Rach." he said and we both silently went to sleep.