Status: Complete

Lady of the Evening


The next morning I woke up before Brad and helped myself to a shower thinking he wouldn't mind. After I came out of the shower and got dressed I saw that Brad was still asleep and also saw that it was only 7 still and I know practice doesn't start till 9 so I figured I'd make some breakfast while I wait for him to wake up... and then I realized that I was a sucky cook and found his cereal and then found out he had no milk and started laughing at how much of a typical guy he is and just took the box of toasted crunch and sat on his couch and turned on sports center... then I realized that I only like hockey and turned on nesn instead. Eventually I heard laughing coming from behind me and saw Brad standing there looking showered and clean.
"I like your style Rachel, that's how I usually go about my morning too." He said and sat next to me and I handed him the box of cereal.
"Well, I was going to be cliché and make you breakfast... but then I remembered how bad at cooking I am and changed my mind and ate cereal, and then you didn't have milk... so I just took the whole box to the couch." I laughed
"So I have to be to the Garden by 9, what time do you need to be there?" he asked me knowing that he was my ride to work.
"I Have to get there the same time you guys do since I'm only there today incase one of you guys gets hurt during practice and to make sure all my medical stuff is all packed up after to go tomorrows game in Toronto." he nodded his head.
"We should actually get going soon then because it's 8:30 right now." I looked at the clock on the wall and saw that he was right.
"Wow... I've been sitting here much longer than I thought I was... your lucky I didn't eat all your cereal... especially since that's the only food in your house apparently." I got my stuff together and me and Brad went to his car and drove to the garden at 8:50 so I went through the locker room to my new office Uncle Claude told me about and put my bag down. I then started to take inventory on everything that was left for me from the last guy with my job and then took inventory of all the new things they gave me and then I went out to the locker room and saw all the guys except for Brad trying to cover up at my presents.
"Relax boys, nothing I haven't seen before. Plus I'll most likely see most of you guys up close and personal eventually." they all looked at me like I was crazy.
"What are you doing in here in the first place?" a fairly large man with a very crooked nose asked me.
"Oh, I'm the new Athletic trainer for you guys... not just the new whore prize." he looked at me skeptically.
"They expect a small woman like you to be able to help carry around our weight when we get injured?" I raised my eyebrow at him.
"And does Mr. Sexist have a name?" I asked him with an attitude.
"Milan Lucic, and I'm not being sexist I'm being logical." I was going to start yelling at him and then Brad decided to crack a joke.
"I don't know man, I happen to know she's very dominate." all the guys started laughing and I went over and slapped Brad on the back of the head and the guys laughed more.
"As I was saying. Milan, give me any challenge you think I'm not 'Manly' enough to handle and I'll prove you're wrong." he looked deep in thought for a while then thought of something.
"Okay, bench press 100 lbs. and I'll consider it." I laughed at him
"Fine, but put 180 lbs. on it. How many reps do you want?" I asked him and he looked at me like I was joking.
"Five." he said confidant that I would chicken out.
"Okay, I'll do ten then." I said and he looked at me shocked.
"Fine lets go then if your so sure." he said and started walking to the weight room and I followed behind him and felt all the other guys following behind me. Milan set up the bench press and I laid on my back ready to go and he looked down at me.
"You sure you don't want to back out?" he asked and I laughed.
"Don't worry about me." I said we started.
I did one rep and could see surprise written all over Milan's face I continued doing the next seven reps with no problems and the last two were a little slower but I did them and sat up and look around the room to see all the guys looking at me with shock.
"Told you she's dominate." Brad said.
"Oh and I know you snuck 200lbs on there instead of 180... so tell me again how you don't think I'm going to be able to help carry you guys around while your injured again?" I said and looked at him and he stepped back and bowed at me.
"I'm impressed, I didn't expect that from such a small girl." he said and I smiled at him.
"Well now you all know better. Now I would hurry onto the ice before you’re all late for practice." they all rushed out of the room except for Torey Krug, the guy that introduced himself to me yesterday.
"That was awesome. How often do you work out?" he asked and I smiled
"Not as often as I used to, but I plan on working out more often now that I'm kind of getting my life together and have time to."
"Well your awesome." he said and patted me on the back.
"Thanks Torey." I said smiling as he left.
I went out to the ice to see all the guys had started practicing so I sat on the bench and watched them for a while until Torey came up to me again when he came to get a drink of water.
"Who do you think's looking the best out there?" he asked and I laughed.
"Sadly for me Milan's looking like he's doing good and I really don't want to sleep with him after him acting so sexist towards me."
Torey laughed. "Brad's been sounding like he doesn't plan on sharing you so maybe he'll pull through for you and do good in tomorrow nights game for you."
I groaned. "God, he's not talking about it that much is he? That’s so embarrassing."
Torey laughed. "Don't worry he hasn’t been going into detail like he normally does... so he must really not want the guys to know how good it was."
I face palmed, "Great. Now there going to have expectations for how good it's going to be."
Torey laughed again, "Don't worry maybe we'll all play like crap and Rask will save the day and you'll get to sleep with him. I've heard he's good in bed... just ask Brads sister." Torey said and started to skate away and I gasped, "Torey! Are you lying!? Don't tell me scandalous things like that then skate away!" I laughed as he turned around and shrugged his shoulders at me. I shook my head at him and he went back to practice as Uncle Claude skated over to me.
"So it seams like the team likes you so far... I assume things went well with Marchy." he said and I felt SO awkward to hear my uncle talking about my sex life that HE set up.
"Listen, if this deal is going to keep going on... the least you could do for me is NOT try and talk about it with me. Ok?" I said with attitude and got up and walked down the tunnel to get away from him. I heard a cell phone ringing from the floor and picked it up and answered it without even thinking. "Hello?" I asked and get a really confused and panicked answer back from the woman on the other end.
"Hello? Who is this? I have an emergency. Where is Milan!?" Great of cores this has to be Milan's phone. I politely talked to this woman though trying to be helpful since she sounded so worried.
"Hi, my name is Rachel. I'm the new athletic trainer here. Milan is out on the ice for practice and his phone was on the floor so I answered it not really thinking. What's the emergency?" I asked trying to see if I could help her out.
"I'm Brittany, Milan's wife. I'm freaking out! Our daughter Valentina fell and she hasn’t stopped crying and I just don't know what to do!" she was clearly panicking.
"How long has she been crying? If it's been ten minuets or more I would take her to the ER, or if you really don't want to wait there forever you can bring her here and I might be able to find out if she broke anything when she fell. Okay?" I asked her hoping to calm her down. I heard her taking deep breaths trying to calm down.
"Okay. I'll bring her to you. Thank you SO much. Bye."
"No problem Brittany. See you when you get here." I hung up the phone and put it on the shelf in Milan's cubby and went to the front desk to talk to the receptionist.
"Good morning Ms. Julian." he said and I shook my head at him.
"Oh please do not be that official with me. Just call me Rachel. I can't even believe you even tried that with me Justin, we went to middle school together didn't it feel weird calling me Ms. Julian?" I laughed and so did he.
"Yeah of cores it did but it's my job to be official sounding with people." he said and I shook my head at him.
"Well just so you know Brittany... you probably call her Mrs. Lucic, is coming in with Valentina, Miss. Lucic, to see me so just send her to my office." I said and he nodded his head at me.
"Will do Rachel." he smiled and I messed up his hair "Hey! You can't do that to me anymore I only used to let you touch my hair because you let me touch your boob in 8th grade so I could impress my brother when he came back from war." he said and I laughed remembering that.
"I was such a good friend to you wasn't I? How many girls would let a boy touch their boob just so they could tell their brother about it?" We both laughed at the memory and I started to walk back to my office, "I'll see you later Justin."
"Later Rachel!" he called as I walked back into the locker room and to my office. About fifteen minutes later I heard someone walk into the locker room with a crying baby and walked out of my office. "Brittany, right?" I asked and she looked at me still clearly panicking.
"Yes. Your Rachel?" she asked.
"Yes, it's nice to meet you. Bring her in here and I'll have a look okay?" I said and held my office door open for her. We walked over to the medical bench and I had her put Valentina down on it and I started to check her arms and found the problem. "Oh no wonder she's been crying. She popped her elbow out of socket. I can fix this easy... if I were you though I wouldn't look, it's going to look even more painful to her and I know how new moms are with their babies." I said and she looked deep in thought then turned around.
"Your probably right. If it's going to make me panic more I definitely don't want to look." she said and I took Valentina's arm and gently pulled in and jammed it back into socket and she slowly started to cry less.
"Okay, it's done you can turn back around. She’ll feel much better now." I said and she turned around relieved to see that Valentina's crying had calmed down a lot compared to how it was and she hugged me and I hugged her back.
"Thank you so so SO much! I have no clue what I would have done, thank God you answered Milan's phone!" she said and I laughed a little.
"Its no big deal, I'm an athletic trainer popped sockets are a regular thing. I would help this cutie any day for you." I said smiling and picked Valentina up. "I'm pretty sure practice is almost over if you want to wait for Milan." I said as we walked into the locker room.
"Sure that would be great." she said and we sat in Milan's stall and the empty one next to his. Soon enough the guys started to walk in and say hi to us. Let me just tell you now, hockey plays are big softies for baby's, and let me confirm what your already thinking, it is the cutest and most attractive thing ever. Soon enough Milan walked in.
"Hey, what are you two doing here?" he said picking up Valentina off my lap and kissing her then Brittany. And Brittany slapped his arm.
"I called you with an emergency! Your lucky Rachel answered your phone! Which you left on the floor to get broken again by the way." she said and I laughed a little.
"What was the emergency?" He asked
"Valentina fell and was crying and wouldn't stop and I didn't know what to do so I called you because you always know what to do but you didn't answer your phone! You are lucky Rachel answered it and had me bring Valentina here or you would be sleeping on the couch tonight!" she yelled at him and I was trying not to laugh and I saw Torey across the room also trying not to laugh and he walked over to me.
"So what was wrong?" Torey asked and I calmed down and answered.
"She popped her elbow out of socket. So I popped it back in that's all." I said and Milan looked at me.
"Well thank you... and for picking my phone up off the floor... I tend to break it sometimes." he said and Brittany scoffed.
"Sometimes!? You just got that phone last week. AND it's the third one you've had this month!" she said and took Valentina from his arms. "We are going back home now, and you are making us lunch when you get there and you are also cleaning the bathrooms today." she said and kissed his cheek, "I love you, see you at home. Bye Rachel, thanks again, seriously I don't know what I would have done without you." she said and left the room and we all started laughing except for Milan.
"Don't worry Looch cleaning bathrooms isn't that hard plus you guys only use one and you have like 5 so it's not even going to be that much work." Torey said patting his shoulder and Milan shoved him back making him stumble a little.
"Fuck you Krug." he said and started to take his pads off.
"I'm actually not one to talk, I've been on the couch all week." he said as he walked back to his stall.
"Still in the dog house Krug? You guys have only been married for 6 months how much could you have done wrong already?" Sidenburg, according to his jersey, asked.
"Well this week I apparently don't make enough time for her. Plus I was joking around and said her butt looked big and she didn't like that and then got extra mad when I told her I was joking and that her butt was really small... I guess I was supposed to say her butt is medium sized?" he said and I started laughing.
"Wow. She must have had a rough time in high school then because all high school boys talk about is boobs and butts." I said and they all thought for a second and laughed then looked over at a tall ginger that looked pretty young.
"Don't look at me like that, I've been out of high school for 2 years already." he said and Brad looked at him
"Dougie, what do you think of Torey's wife's ass?" Brad asked him
Dougie shook his head at him then shrugged his shoulders and answered anyways, "It is a little on the small side." all the guys laughed and I shook my head and walked back into my office.
"Don't forget that tomorrow nights game is on the road so you have to pack everything up for the equipment guys to take with the gear." Uncle Claude said walking into the room.
"I know, I packed most of it up this morning, I just have a few more things then I'll carry the boxes out to the locker room to be packed up." I said as I got up and walked over to the crates of medical supplies that I was packing and started to put the rest of the stuff to bring on the road for tomorrow. Once I was done I picked up one of the crates and carried it to the door put it down opened the door held it open with my foot and struggled to get the crate through the doorway while holding the door open until someone finally took pity on me and picked up the box. "Ugh, I don't know your name but I love you." I said and they laughed
"I'm Adam McQuaid. Where do you want your box?" he asked and I realized I don't even know where I'm supposed to put them.
"I actually have no clue where I'm supposed to put them but there labeled so I guess anywhere in here is fine." I said and he laughed and put it down near a bunch of other boxes of stuff for the road. "Yeah around there's probably a good guess." I laughed, "So Adam, handsome, sexy, breath taking, manly, Adam... you look like the kind of guy that want's to help me get the rest of the boxes too." I said and he laughed.
"And here I thought for a second I was getting free complements. Yeah I'll help you out, I have nothing better to do anyways." he said
I smiled at him, "Perfect."
We finished bringing out the rest of the boxes and then I realized that Adam was the only player that was here that whole time, "What were you doing here still anyways?" I asked him.
"Oh I wanted to wait before going home because Dougie usually makes dinner if I'm taking to long to get there, and I don't feel like cooking tonight." he laughed and I shook my head.
"Are all you hockey players this funny?" I asked and he shook his head.
"No there are some pretty serious guys... not many on this team but on other teams there’s a lot." he said and I laughed.
"Well thanks for the help Adam. I'll see you tomorrow." I said and grabbed my things and walked to my car that I left here last night and went home to uncle Claude’s house. When I got home my aunt already had dinner on the table.
"Hello dear, how was work today?" she asked and I smiled at her
"It was good. I didn't do much though." I said as we sat down to eat, "Where's uncle Claude?" I asked wondering why he wasn't home.
"Oh he never comes home before the team has to travel, he likes to do all kinds of last minute things... have you been okay here Rachel? I know you've lost a lot last year and I know being in this house might make it even more difficult on you. I just want to make sure you’re alright."
I smiled at her holding back the tears that I felt coming on, "I'm okay Aunty, than you." I said kissing her cheek. We ate the rest of our dinner in silence and I helped her do the dishes and went to bed making sure to set my alarm for 4 am making sure I would have enough time to get to the garden tomorrow at 5:30 am to get on the bus to the airport with everyone else.