Status: Complete

Lady of the Evening


I woke up the next morning with Dougie snoring loudly in my ear and got out of bed and into the living room where Adam was watching the morning news. I walked over and sat down on the couch next to him.
"Morning Adam." I said and he turned his head to look at me and kissed my cheek.
"Good morning." he said.
"ooo I get a kiss." I joked and he laughed and joked back.
"Yeah well I know you didn't get laid last night being in Dougies room, so I figured I'd give you some morning action." I shook my head at him.
"Sleeping in his room was terrible. Why didn't you tell me that he snores SO loud?" I asked and he laughed.
"Oh did I forget to mention that?" he asked and I smacked his arm.
"Shut up. You can make it up to me by making me breakfast." I said jokingly.
"Okay." He said getting off the couch and walking towards the kitchen.
"Really!?" I asked excitedly. "I never get breakfast with Brad and Torey." I said and Adam laughed.
"That's because neither of them can cook. I however can." he said and I watched him walk over to the fridge and pull out some eggs and bacon and cheese. After a while of him cooking he put a plate of scrambled eggs bacon and toast in front of me. I took a bite of the eggs.
"Ew Adam... it's delicious. I can't believe you can actually cook." I said and he laughed as he came and sat next to me with his own plate of food.
"Yeah when I started to get really into hockey my mom thought it would be a good idea to learn how to cook so I could survive with out her." he laughed, "Plus she claims I'm never going to have time to find a wife to cook for me." he said and I laughed.
"Your mom sounds funny." I said and he smiled.
"She is, she's also really embarrassing though. which is what I think caused my socially awkward personality." he said.
"Aww Adam, your not that bad. Your no where near being as awkward as Dougie." I said and he laughed.
"He'll grow out of it though, he's young. It's too late for me." he said and I laughed.
"That may be true... but your not too awkward to live, Dougie can barely function sometimes. The other day Caryn was interviewing him and I thought he was going to either pass out or throw up all over her." I said and Adam laughed.
"That’s because he has a crush on her, he does better with interviews with Jamie Erdal." he said.
"Aww that’s so cute. I didn't know he had a crush on her." I said.
"I can't tell you anything can I?" Dougie said coming up behind the couch.
"Sorry Man. It's just Rachel though, she's not going to tell everybody. It's not like I told Carl who would tell everybody by accident trying to figure out what the word crush means." and we all laughed.
"Aw don't be mean to Carl, he's sweet. he bought me dinner before he slept with me." I said and Adam shook his head laughing.
"We all saw the way that you thanked him for that." he said and I glared at him.
"Shut up. Your just jealous that I slept in Dougies room last night." I said and he nodded his head.
"That’s true."
The Olympics came and went Bergy came home with a gold medal (of cores), Louie with silver and Tuukka with bronze. I forgave Brad after a lot of him begging and Torey begging to get him to stop whining. I asked my uncle to let me not sleep with Brad so much since Everyone was saying that he was catching feelings so I've only slept with him once in the last month of games. I have slept with Carl again and with Bart after he broke up with his girlfriend. It's playoff time and I've had quite a few injury’s come into my office. Paille has a concussion, Chris Kelly is hurt, Adam's quad strain is healing a lot slower than it should be, and of cores Sidenburg still isn't fully healed after the broken bones he had. The first game of the playoffs was tonight and the boys were pumped... until we lost the game by one and everyone got pissed.
"Fucking Smith is a little bitch! Being an asshole runs in your family doesn't it Reilly!?" Milan yelled as the guys were getting ready for the media to come in.
"Yeah your brothers going to get his ass beat if he keeps playing like that!" Brad yelled.
"Hey, calm down. it's not his fault his brother is like that." I said and Milan looked at me.
"You of all people are going to stick up for him?" he asked
"I'm not sticking up for him... I'm telling you guys to calm down. The last thing you guys need in the playoffs is to be against each other instead of the other team." I said and Milan nodded his head.
"Your right. Your starting to sound like your uncle." he laughed and I shook my head.
"Shut up." I said and walked over to Brad and gave him his after game hug.
"You hanging out with me and Torey tonight?" he asked
"No, I think I'm just going to crash at Adams." I said and Brad rolled his eyes. "Hey, What’s that about?" I asked and he shook his head.
"You always hang out with Adam now, I thought we were best friends." he said and I kissed his cheek.
"Aww Bradley, we are best friends. I just like hanging out with Adam too. I'll hang out with you and Torey tomorrow okay?" I said and he nodded his head. The media started to come in and I kissed his cheek before leaving. I walked into the hallway and found Adam leaning against a wall. "Hey." I said and walked up to him and he brought me into his arms.
"Hey Rach. You coming over tonight?" he asked and I nodded my head. "Good." he said and I smiled.

Brads pov:
"Dude, I think your losing your chance with her." I heard from behind me and turned around to see Reilly Smith.
"What are you talking about?" I asked and he shook his head.
"It's obvious that you have a thing for her. It used to seam like a mutual thing before but I got to say Adams taking over and winning your woman over." he said.
"She doesn't have a thing for Quaider. What do you know anyways, your practically a rapist. your not exactly known for knowing what girls want." I said and he rolled his eyes.
"So I thought she was freakier in the sheets than she actually is. She'll get over it." he said and I had to walk away so I wouldn't kick his ass. He doesn't know what he's talking about anyways. Rachel doesn't have a thing for Quaider. She would tell me if she did right? I'm her best friend. she would tell me.

Rachel pov:
Me and Adam were standing around waiting for Dougie to come out so we could go to their place when Brad came out looking oddly deep in thought.
"Hey! You good Marchy?" Adam asked him as Brad was about to walk by us.
"Yeah, just thinking." he said and started to walk away again but he still seamed weird so I told Adam I'd be right back and caught up to Brad and stopped him.
"Hey. Are you sure your alright?" I asked concerned.
"Yeah, I just, um... it's just... nothing it's nothing." he said and I gave him a look
"Brad seriously what’s wrong? Something’s bothering you." I said and he looked me in the eyes.
"I... I'll talk to you tomorrow." he said and I sighed.
"Fine, but don't think I'll forget about it." I said and he nodded his head and I hugged him before he left and I walked back over to Adam who now had Dougie next to him.
"What's up with him?" Adam asked and I shrugged my shoulders.
"I don't know. He said we'll talk tomorrow. I guess whatever it is he just wants some time to ponder it alone first." I said and Adam nodded his head. "You had a good game tonight Dougie. You've been on fire lately, I might have to sleep with you yet." I said and he laughed.
"I haven't been that good." he said and I shook my head.
"Oh please I had to sleep with Bart a while ago, if he plays good enough for me to sleep with him anyone can." I said as I saw Matt Bartowski was walking by.
"Ouch." he said and put his arm around my neck jokingly choking me and I put my arms above my head and grabbed him from behind me and tried to flip him over my back but he was too heavy so all I could do was lift him onto my back. "ha-ha Ms. MMA" he said and I dropped him and he let me go.
"That’s not fair, your heavy. I'm used to flipping girls over my back." I said and he laughed.
"That’s what you get for trashing my game" he said.
"That’s what you get for sucking." I said back.
"That's weird I remember you being the one doing the sucking." he said and started to run away after I gasped. "I'm SORRY!" he yelled as I started to chase him. "I didn't mean it!! HELP!" he kept yelling as I got closer to him and jumped on his back
"Shut up! I didn't even do any sucking so you sound PATHETIC!" I said laughing and got off his back. "You wish I would suck your dick." I said and he nodded his head.
"On every shooting star I see." he smiled and I smacked him.
"See you tomorrow at skate." I said and walked back over to Adam and Dougie.
We left back to their place and decided to go in the hot tub.
"Wow last time I was in here things were a lot different." I said and me and Adam laughed and Dougie looked confused.
"Because Bart and Torey aren’t here?" he asked and I laughed.
"Nope, that wasn't the last time I was in here. Right Adam?" I asked and he slide next to me and put his arm over my shoulders.
"No the last time you were in here was WAY better than that time and this time combined" he said and Dougie looked like he was putting things together in his head.
"EW! Tell me that you guys did not have sex in the hot tub that I'm currently sitting in." he said and I laughed.
"I'm sorry but we can't tell you that." Adam said and we laughed as Dougie quickly got out.
"I can't believe you guys let me get in there." he said and Walked away to go back up stairs.
"Sorry Dougie!" I yelled after him and Adam shook his head.
"He'll never use the hot tub again." he said and I laughed.
"That's okay, I'll use it." I said and leaned my head on Adams shoulder.
"Good, I like the way you use it." he said and I giggled.
"I bet you do." I said, "I like the way you use it with me." I said and he put his head on mine.
"Maybe we'll use it like that again some time." he said and I nodded my head.
"Maybe we will." I said.