Status: Complete

Lady of the Evening


I did end up going to PEI for the summer I was relaxing on the beach when my phone rang and I saw it was Brad.
"Hey Brad what's up?" I asked
Brad: "Have you been keeping up with the free agency!?" he asked and I sat up.
"No, why? What's going on?" I asked a little panicked since a bunch of the guys were on free agency this year.
Brad: "A lot happened. Shawn, Iginla, and Chad all got signed to other teams!" he said and I gasped.
"NO! What teams!?" I asked really upset.
Brad: "Shawn's going to Florida, Chad to the islanders, and Iggy to Colorado" he said and I shook my head.
"This sucks! I'm going to miss them! They were my favorites, barley ever came in my office" I said and Brad laughed.
Brad: "I know it's going to be so weird without Shawn. Iggy and Chad are goanna be missed too don't get my wrong but Shawn's been on the team ever since I have! He loves it in Boston! It's going to be so weird without him." he said and I frowned at his upset voice.
"This sucks! The offseason is the worst part of the year with all the trades and free agents being signed to other teams. I hope nothing happens to you Torey Adam and Dougie EVER!" I said.
Brad: "Yeah me too. Alright, I'll let you get back to your Tanning. Just thought you would want to know what's up. Don't forget to put sunscreen on that beautiful pale skin." he said and I laughed.
"Yeah thanks’ for ruining my relaxation with Bad news." I said sarcastically, "Oh and thanks’ for reminding me about sunscreen! I need to put more on. I'll talk to you later." I said
Brad: "Yeah, talk to you later, Maybe I'll come and visit you for a day or two. Don't let any hot guy's offer to get your back with the sunscreen." he said and I laughed.
"Don't worry I won't... unless it's Adam, his hands are heaven and he's supposed to be here soon" I said and felt arms come around my waist and jumped a little.
"Me and my heavenly hand's are already here." he said and I could here the smile in his voice from behind me and turned my head and smiled at him.
Brad: "Alright have fun, Rach" Brad said.
"Bye Brad, talk to you later." I said and hung up the phone.
"How's Brad?" Adam asked and I frowned.
"He called to tell me about all the guys getting signed to other teams." I said and Adam frowned too.
"I know, I heard about Thorty, Iginla, and Chad. Has there been anyone else yet?" he asked and I shook my head no. "That's good then. What was it you needed my hands for?" he asked and I laughed.
"Brad said not to let any hot guys offer to rub sunscreen on my back and I told him I wouldn't unless it was you." I said with a slight blush and he laughed.
"I'll get your back for you, I can get your front too, your legs, anywhere you want, especially if you like not having tan lines" he winked and I laughed.
"Too bad this is a public beach then" I said and he looked at me with a lustful look in his eyes.
"You sure do know how to rile men up don't you?" he asked licking his lips with a laugh.
"Only the men I want riled up." I said with a wink and grabbed the sunscreen, "Now come on, get my Back and I'll get yours." I said and he grabbed the sunscreen from me and started to rub it into my back like he was massaging me and it felt so relaxing. "God, you'd make a great husband with those relaxing hand's Adam." I said and he laughed putting more sunscreen in his hands and rubbing his hands on my shoulders and down my arms before bringing my back to his chest and bringing his hands around to the front of me rubbing sunscreen on my stomach and ribs.
"What can I say? It's a gift" he said and I turned around in his arms.
"Well you missed a spot." I said and picked up his hands putting some sunscreen on then and bringing his hands to the tops of my breasts and on my collar bones.
"How could I forget somewhere so important?" he said as he rubbed the sunscreen in. Once he was done I took the sunscreen from him and turned him around and started to put sunscreen on his back and shoulders.
"Your back is so muscular, If we didn't look like a couple molesting each other on the beach right now, I bet girls would be lined up wanting to have you sunscreen them." I said and he laughed
"I bet you had quite a bit of male attention before I got here." he said and I nodded my head.
"Yeah, but all you men are so easy. Your all horny all the time, you have to be the ugliest person ever not to get male attention on a beach." I said and he laughed.
"That's true." he said and I turned him around and started to put sunscreen on his chest and abs too and down his arms before taking his hands and looking in his eyes.
"There’s only one guy I want attention from though." I said hopping he was catching my blatantly obvious hint to him that I was starting to have feelings for him. he lifted my hands and dropped my arms around his neck and moved his hands to my waist.
"That's a coincidence, because there’s only one girl I want attention from." he said and I smirked.
"Well what are you going to do to get her attention?" I asked and he smirked back at me before bringing his lips to mine and gently kissing me, softly pushing his tongue though my lips to battle mine. I put my fingers through his short hair and could feel him rubbing circles on my hip bones with his thumbs while holding me close to him. He slowly pulled away leaning his forehead on mine.
"Do you think that will get her attention?" he asked in a whisper looking in to my eyes and I blushed a little and smiled nodding my head.
"Yeah I think it will." I whispered back and he brought his hands up to my face cradling it as he looked in my eyes.
"Your so beautiful, Rachel. You have no clue how great it feels to have you kissing me back without having to wonder if it's because of your uncle or because you mean it." he said and I brought my lips to his giving him a quick kiss.
"With you I've always meant it. I'm not kissing anyone for my uncle anymore" I said and he smiled at me.
"Good. You never deserved to be treated like that." he said and I nodded my head.
"I know, I just needed to have a place to stay. Torey said now that he's moving out of Brad's place that I could move with him." I said and Adam nodded his head as we both sat down on a blanket on the sand.
"You never did tell me why you can't get a place of your own." he said and I nodded my head.
"I know. It's a long story and it makes me get all emotional and gross." I said and he grabbed my hand.
"I don't mind" he said and I smiled at him and started to tell him my famous story from beginning to end with my fake knee injury to my husband and son to my family dying to my uncle not helping to pay for anything to where my uncle gave me no choice but to sleep with the players. I cried and cried and Adam held me in his arms.
"Now that I'm not going to sleep with the players anymore I'm just worried about losing my job, but Brad and Torey and Milan all said they would stand up to my uncle about it if he did anything to get me fired even if it got him fired in the process so I'm not too worried but still nervous about it." I said still trying to wipe the tears from my eyes. "God, I hate telling that story. It feel's like all I do is tell that story." I said and Adam held me tighter to him.
"I bet you the more you tell it the easier it gets though." he said and I thought about it and nodded my head.
"It does. I cried less this time if you can believe that." I said with a little laugh and he laughed too.
"You were right a couple weeks ago when you said there was a lot I don't know about you. Is there even more than that?" he asked and I shook my head.
"No, nothing else big like that. Just normal small details you get to know about someone like my favorite color and stupid things like that." I said and he nodded his head
"Good. I can handle that." he said and I laughed.
"Anything crazy I should know about you?" I asked and he nodded his head.
"Yeah! I'm in the NHL! Believe it or not." he said and I laughed.
"NO WAY!? Your a professional Hockey player? I don't believe it." I joked back and we both laughed.
We stayed on the beach for a couple of hours laying on towels tanning then messing around in the water and taking all kinds of funny pictures together we even took some of us kissing.