Status: Complete

Lady of the Evening


I texted Adam that morning asking him what I should wear on our date and he said to keep it casual. Which is perfect because I didn't bring any fancy shmancy clothes with me on vacation.

I didn't do much of anything the next day besides Skypeing with Dougie so he would stop blowing up my phone for a while. I was flipping through channels when I saw it was 4:30 and decided to shower and start getting ready for my date with Adam. I know it's just Adam and that I really don't have any reason to be nervous about our date especially with it being a casual date but I was feeling nervous about it anyways. I mean what if we go on this date and he decides that he doesn't like me, which sounds childish for a 23 year old to be saying but I really like Adam and I don't know what I would do if he decided he didn't like me. After my shower I put on a nice pair of skinny jeans and a purple tank top and my white convers. I put on a little extra makeup than I normally do and used my favorite cocoanut perfume I barely use. By the time I was ready there was a knock on my hotel room door and I knew it had to be Adam. I opened the door and sure enough it was Adam standing there with a small bouquet of purple roses.
"Aw, Adam, they're so pretty" I said taking them from him and warping my arms around his waist, "Thank you." I said and he hugged me back.
"Yeah I thought they would be a good way to kick start our date." he said and I smiled.
"I've never seen a purple rose before." I said while I took scissors and cut the top of a water bottle off and put them in it like a vase.
"I should have figured you wouldn't have anything to put them in while staying in a hotel." he laughed.
"That’s fine." I said, "So where are we going for this date?" I asked while grabbing my purse off the bed where I left it.
"Well, first of all you won't be needing that. I'm a gentleman." he said taking my purse from me and putting it back on the bed.
"Ooo a gentleman, how refreshing." I said and he smirked.
"Yeah, I don't want you sending my Aunt after me." he said and I laughed and we walked out to his car where he opened the door for me before going to his side to drive. We ended up at a nice little dinner.
"This place is cute." I said as we sat down in a booth.
"It has good food too." he said as I looked at the menu and decided on a burger. Soon a waitress came and took our order and I laughed as Adam ordered Mac and Cheese.
"I didn't realize I was on a date with a 12 year old." I laughed and he did too.
"I happen to like mac and cheese, and theirs is one of the best." he said. We talked as we ate our food and were soon heading back to the car, the date felt like it was ending too fast and I felt a little down about it as Adam opened the car door for me again.
"What’s wrong?" he asked as he got in the car looking at me with concern in his eyes.
"Nothing... this just seams like a kinda short date." I said and he smiled taking my hand squeezing it.
"That’s because it's not over yet." he smirked letting my hand go and turning on the car.
"Really?" I asked happy that it wasn't over yet. "What else are we doing?" I asked
"They have a summer fair every year that's pretty fun, so I'm taking you there." he said and I smiled as he glanced over at me while at a stop sign and he smiled back and I took his hand again holding it in both of mine playing with his fingers as he drove. he parked the car and we got out of the car and he took my hand again as we met at the front of the car. We walked up to a ticket booth where Adam bought a bunch of tickets for going on rides and playing games.
"What do you want to do first?" he asked me and I looked around for a second before deciding.
"The tea cups!" I said smiling as I saw them. He laughed.
"We just ate and the first thing you want to do is go spin around in a circle?" he asked and I laughed too.
"yes!" I said dragging him to the line for the tea cups. We spent a lot of time laughing and smiling on all kinds of rides and were now just walking around looking for a game to play. "Bet I can kick your ass at whack a mole." I said and he laughed.
"Your on." he said he gave the guy some tickets and we started to play.
"That all you got Adam?" I joked as I started to win.
"You wish!" he said back as we kept playing.
"Damn it." I said as the game ended and he won at the last second.
"HA!" he said and I punched his arm and he laughed pulling me into his side, "Which one do you want?" he asked while looking at the different prizes he could get.
"See this is what's great about being the girl on a date at a fair. Even when I lose a game I still get the prize." I laughed. "I want the polka dot ducky." I said and the guy got it down and handed it to me.
"If getting the prizes is what’s great about being the girl on a date, what’s great about being the guy on a date?" Adam asked and the whack a mole guy answered.
"Nothing, you spend all your money." he said and I laughed.
"No, the good part about being the guy on a date is that you get to act all cuddly like you secretly like, without other guys making fun of it because you can play it off as trying to get laid." I said and Adam laughed.
"What makes you so sure it's that we secretly like being cuddly and not that we just want to get laid?" Adam asked and I laughed.
"Because on the first date the whispers in the ear are sweet then on the third or forth they are dirty and then after you guys get laid they get sweet until you actually want to get laid again." I said and Adam nodded his head.
"This is bad, you cracked the code. Once the rest of the women find out guys will never be able to get laid again." he said and I laughed as we started to walk around again. "So how am I doing so far on this date?" Adam asked and we stopped walking as I turned to look at him.
"Good, really good." I said and he smiled and leaned his forehead on mine.
"Does that mean I can do this?" he asked right before gently pressing his lips to mine in the sweetest way I've ever felt. I shivered as he pulled away. "Do you want my sweatshirt from the car? you have Goosebumps." he said and I shook my head.
"They aren't from being cold." I said and brought his lips back to mine with my hands on either side of his face while he had his hands on my hips. we pulled away smiling at each other.
"I'm glad you and my aunt made me ask you out." he said and I laughed.
"Me too." I said and he put an arm around my shoulders and I put one around his waist as we started walking again.
"Let's go cuddle and watch a movie." he said, "Sound good?" he asked as he turned his head to look at me.
"Sounds perfect." I smiled
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay I know the ending's not the best. I didn't know how to make it better though so let me know what you think and give any feedback you want, good or bad, they both help. thank you!