Status: Complete

Lady of the Evening


I woke up and took a shower and packed a bag with some clothes and makeup in it and other things I would need and went to my car and headed to the garden I parked my car and headed over to where I saw a bunch of the guys standing.
"Good morning boys." I said and the guys that were standing there said hi to me. "Okay I don't know any of your guys names except for Dougies." I said and they started to introduce themselves.
"Dennis Sidenburg." older looking.
"Daniel Paille" very derppy looking and adorable.
"Carl Soderburg" ooo an accent.
"David Kejci" kinda cute.
"Shawn Thornton" older brother looking kind of guy.
"Zdeno Chara" A tree with an accent... whoa.
"You are SO tall." I said and all the guys laughed. I felt someone slap my ass and turned around to see Brad grinning at me. "That is not a way to attract woman to you Brad." I said and he laughed
"You love it. You ready to sit with me on the bus and plane today?" he asked and I laughed at him.
"Sorry I can't, I'm sitting with Adam." I said and grabbed Adams arm as he was walking by and pulled him to stand next to me.
"Adam how could you!" Brad yelled dramatically.
"Hey, the ladies want what the ladies want." Adam said and I laughed as he put his arm out to escort me to the bus.
"This isn't the end Adam! I'll show you, I'll show you both!" Brad yelled dramatically as we walked away. We all eventually got on the bus and I did end up sitting next to Adam and Brad was across the aisle in the seat closest to me.
"I still can't believe that you would do this to me Adam. And YOU, Rachel, I thought we really had something special." Brad said.
"Brad are you almost done being dramatic? Did you ever think that all of this drama is WHY I choose Adam over you?" I said also being dramatic and Brad gasped.
"I pushed you away from me... its all my fault!" Brad was yelling and Torey who was sitting next to him slapped him on the back of the head.
"Dude shut the fuck up." He said and closed his eyes again and tried to sleep.
"Are you okay man? Your usually even more hyper than I am in the morning." Brad asked him and Torey groaned.
"Not only did I have to sleep on the couch last night but I also had to wait forever for Melanie to stop yelling in my ear before I was allowed to even walk over to the couch." Torey said with his head still leaned back and his eye's closed.
"Dude I hate to say it but it sounds like she's getting worse and worse, not better like you thought." Brad said and Adam leaned to look across the aisle
"Yeah Krug, her making you sleep on the couch and making you stay up all night to get yelled at is going to start effecting your health" Adam said and Torey opened his eyes and looked at his two concerned friends.
"I know guys... I just... I still love her... it's not like she's just some chick; I've known her forever and have been with her since high school. I don't think I'm going to be able to just leave her." he said sounding very upset about the whole thing.
"I don't know anything about you and your wife... but to me it sounds like she might be the one scared to say it's over and is trying to push you away so you make the call instead of her. I mean... I did the same thing to a guy I dated in high school and one day he finally gave up and I didn't have to worry about it anymore." I said and I saw Torey really think about it.
"Fuck. I don't know what to think now." he said sounding even more distraught than before.
"Maybe when we get back to Boston tomorrow morning you should just ask her. The worst that could happen is it being true right?" I said and Torey leaned his head against the window again and closed his eyes.
"Yeah, I guess." he said sounding like he was going back to sleep and Brad put his hand on Torey's shoulder comfortingly before looking back over to me and Adam.
"Anyways since when do you talk to Adam?" he asked me in a much quieter voice than he was using when we were talking before.
"Since he was gentlemanly enough to help me carry the crates to medical supplies out of my office yesterday." I said and Brad shook his head
"When was that? I would have helped you." he said and I laughed a little.
"It was after all you guys left, he helped me more out of pity and me giving him complements as a form of begging than by choice." I said and Adam nodded his head.
"Yeah that's pretty much how I remember it. 'Adam, sexy, manly, handsome, Godly, Adam'" He said making me and I slapped his arm as Brad laughed.
"I did NOT say Godly... I said breath taking. And it worked so I don't even care." I said and they both laughed. "So Brad, your going to play good tonight so I don't have to hop in bed with a different guy like a slut right?" I asked and Brad laughed.
"Hell yeah I'm going to play good."
~After the game~
"Brad you played like shit!" I said as he came into the locker room and he hung his head looking totally bummed.
"I know, tell me about It." he said sounding even more bummed than he looked even though the team won the game.
"No! Don't be sad! You guys won, be happy! I didn't want you to feel bad." I said hugging him and he hugged me back and kissed my cheek when he let me go.
"I was just really hoping to not have to share you with any of the rest of the guys... who gets you tonight anyways?" he asked and I shrugged my shoulders.
"I don't know most of the team seamed like they did pretty well. I'm guessing either Kelly or Soderburg though." I said and Brad shook his head.
"Damn it you'll never want to sleep with me again if you sleep with Sod's, he has an accent... chicks love accents." Brad said laughing a little.
"Aw don't worry Brad I don't have the choice to never sleep with you again." I said and he laughed more.
I eventually left Brad to change and went to stand on the side of the room so all the guys who had changed could get interviews done and things like that. After a while Uncle Claude came up to me.
"Here’s the extra key to your hotel room, give it to Soderburg, your sleeping with him tonight." he said handing me the key card that looked just like the one I got earlier in the day when we got here and sighed as Uncle Claude walked away. I looked up and made eye contact with Torey and he wiggled his eyebrows at me obviously wanting to know who the card was for and I discretely pointed at Carl Soderburg and Torey winked at me and mouthed the word accent to me and I shook my head at him rolling my eyes as he laughed. Torey wasn't being bothered by anyone for an interview so walked over to me.
"So... Sod's huh?" He asked and I nodded my head
"Yeah. I just hope it won’t be too awkward. I feel like Brads ridiculous personality and annoying ranting is the only reason why it wasn't that awkward with him." I said and Torey patted my shoulder.
"I'm sure you'll be fine. Chicks dig accents right? He'll seem super sexy since he has one right?" he asked and I laughed shaking my head.
"Not every accent is a sexy accent. Just having an accent doesn't make you more attractive... because some accents are a turn off depending on what kind of accents you like. For example I had a friend who absolutely loved Indian accents and was with this guy from Lebanon. Me, I would never be able to sleep with him because I don't find Indian accents attractive." I said and Torey looked confused.
"You women have this stuff down to a science don't you? Why don't more of you work for NASA?" He said and I laughed.
"Shut up, like there aren't stereotypes of things guys like about girls that aren't true." I said and Torey thought about it for a second.
"Nope." he said and I smacked his arm and gave him a look before he started laughing.
Carel Soderburg walked over to us after a few more minutes.
"Hello, Rachel. I'm going to take you out to dinner first. Okay? I'll be right back." He said in his sweetish accent and left.
I turned to look at Torey and the expression on my face must have been exactly what I was thinking because he called Brad over to us right away.
"Brad quick gets over here." Brad walked over panicked and looked at my face.
"Oh no. Why does she look like she just saw babies playing with puppies?" Brad asked and I smiled at him.
"Carl want's to take me out to dinner before he sleeps with me. Isn’t that the sweetest thing?" I said.
"Danmit I'm already getting shown up by him and he hasn't even touched you yet never mind slept with you. He better lose that accent so I don't go even lower in ranking from him." he said and Torey laughed.
"Don't worry man apparently its not all accents that women love. It turns out that their choosy about that too." Torey said and Brad laughed
"Oh young Krug, that is not new information, that is obvious... but women not liking Swedish accents is rare. It's not like he has an Indian accent, or a accent from New Jersey." Brad said and I laughed.
"Or a Canadian accent, oh God that would be the WORST." I said jokingly to Brad and he gave me a dirty look while Torey laughed
"That's cold Rachel." Torey said while laughing.
"I know. I'm just messing around, you guys know I love you... even though we just met a couple days ago." I laughed and so did they.
"Aww Group hug!" Brad yelled as he pulled me and Torey into his arms. I laughed and pushed them both away from me.
"Weirdo’s." I said as Carl came back over to us.
"Are you ready?" he asked me and held his arm out to me and I smiled and put my arm through his.
"Lets go. Bye boys." I said as me and Carl walked away. I looked behind me one more time to see both of them winking and making humping motions at me and shook my head at them. "So where are we going?" I asked turning back to Carl.
"Just the hotel restaurant. Is that okay?" he asked and I nodded my head.
"Yeah of cores. I didn't get to eat dinner when I slept with Brad so you're already better than him." I said and he laughed.
"It's the least I could do. I know this isn't exactly your choice and that your uncle would be upset if he found out you weren’t doing your part of your guys deal." He said looking like at me with a little bit of sympathy.
"I'll be okay... I'm sure I'll get used to this life style, I mean prostitutes get used to it why can't I? Right?" I said as we got into a taxi and he opened the door for me and I got in and slid to the other side.
"Don't compare yourself to a prostitute, your better than that." He said before getting into the taxi next to me that drove us back to the hotel. Once we got to the hotel we ate dinner and talked a little bit about ourselves, he told me much more than I told him and then he even paid for my dinner. We were now standing in front of my door and I handed him the key card to open the door. We walked inside and I was immediately pinned to the door with his lips aggressively on mine and his hands roaming my body. I put my hands under his shirt on his toned abs and kissed him back just as hard. Next thing I know my clothes are being almost literally ripped off my body before we've even gotten anywhere near the bed. We’re standing in the middle of the room aggressively kissing and feeling each other up when I feel him take two of his fingers and rub my clit and I let out a loud moan and rest my head on his shoulder as he rubs my clit more and more before sliding two of his fingers into me and letting his thumb take over working my clit. I can't contain my moans as he whispers Swedish words into my ear. Before I know it he has me cuming into his hand and I let out the loudest moan I've ever had as I scrape my fingernails down his back. He takes his hand with my juices on is and rubs it on my breasts as he licks and sucks them. I finally drag him over to the bed and aggressively push him onto it and start to suck and leave bit marks all over his body making him moan. I soon make my way down his body to his more than ready penis and lick from his balls to the tip of his penis before going back to his balls and sucking on them as I work his shaft with my hand until I switch to gently massaging his balls with my hand as I suck him to his breaking point and he moans my name and lets out a strew of Swedish words I don't understand but sound so sexy. I make my way back up his body to kiss him again and he roughly grabs my face kissing me back hard as he leans up as much as he can with me sitting on his stomach. I grab his shoulders and shove him back down onto the mattress and guide his penis into me and start to slam aggressively onto him causing more moans from him as he tries to flip us over to be on top but I keep him pinned on his back and he lets out a low sexy moaning growl and grabs my hips to help me keep my rhythm and he growls more Swedish words into my ear making me moan as he grabs my ass and starts to slap it making me let out loud moans of enjoyable pain and I feel myself tightening around him and quicken my pace making him moan louder. Once we've both released for the second time that night I get off of him and lay next to him on the bed thinking we were done, but apparently he had other plans because he's all of a sudden dominatingly kissing me again and sucking almost painfully hard on my skin going down my body starting at my jaw and neck then sucking even harder on my breasts and he bites one of my nipples making my let out a screeching moan before he licks it and continues sucking down my body until he's to my vagina and starts to lick and suck on my clit making me roam my fingers through his hair as I moan. Out of what feels like no where he lifts me up by my waist and lays on his back putting my legs on either side of his head and pulling me down by my hips making me sit on his face as he sucks on my clit and I can't help but tilt my head back and moan, he's just so fucking good at this. Once I cum and he licks all my juice up he lifts me off his face and lays me next to him on the bed and leans over the top of me just watching me.
"Now we can be done." he said as I reached my hand up and pushed some of his hair off his sweaty forehead.
"You don't want more? We're not even." I said and he kissed my lips WAY more gently than he has all night.
"A gentlemen always gives more than he takes." he said and I smiled up at him and giggled a little.
"You must be the most gentlemanly man on this earth then because you sure did give a lot, aggressively too." I said and he looked a little concerned.
"I wasn't too aggressive was I? I do that sometimes. Especially when sleeping with a woman as dominant as you were." he said and I laughed.
"You were perfect. Blew Brad right out of the park" I said and he smiled and talked in his perfectly deep and sexy Swedish accent.
"Good" he kissed my forehead and pulled my body almost completely on top of his to sleep. "Goodnight Rachel." he said
"Goodnight Carl" I said resting my head on him and closing my eyes drifting off to sleep.