Status: Complete

Lady of the Evening


I woke up the next morning still on top of Carl and felt him stroking my hair. I turned my face to look at him and saw that he was watching me.
"Good morning Rachel. Did you sleep good?" he asked and I laughed
"How could I not? I slept on a Swedish sex god." I said and he laughed and shook his head at me.
"If I'm a sex god, there isn't even a comparison to what you are." he said and I giggled and got off of him and checked my phone and started to grab some clothes.
"We have to leave soon to make it to the bus on time with the guys to the airport, so I'm going to go wash the cum you felt the need to rub into my chest last night off." I said and he got up and walked over to me picking me up bridal style.
"I guess the gentlemanly thing for me to do would be to help you wash it off then." he said walking into the bathroom as I laughed.
Once I got the water to a good temperature we got in the shower and started washing each other his chest and abs are just so danm firm and sexy, I would shower with him any day. I wasn't paying that much attention to him washing me until he pinched one of my nipples and I squealed and slapped his chest making him laugh as he bit his lip before backing me up to have my back against the cold tile of the shower wall and he brought his lips to my neck and sucked on it, "You have more hickeys than you have of clear skin." he said and I laughed.
"Well you weren’t exactly gentle with your sucking of my skin last night... but that's okay, I didn't exactly go easy on you with my nails." I said as I rubbed my hands over the scratches on his back. "Plus you have quite a few hickeys from me too." I added and he laughed and picked me up by my ass with me still pinned to the wall and lifted me so my breasts were at eye level with him and he stuck his head in between them and started to suck all over them again.
"I guess you wont mind a few more then" he winked at me making me laugh as sucked one of my nipples into his mouth causing a moan to soon follow. I bent my head down to his shoulder kissing it and leaving a trail of kisses up to behind his ear and he moaned and guided his rock hard penis into me and I put my hands on his shoulders squeezing them as I tilted my head back and he used his arms to move me up and down on his cock constantly hitting my g-spot at just the right angle making me scream in pure pleasure and once again dig my nails into his soft flesh as he bit down on my collarbone and sucked on it no doubt leaving another hickey on me. He soon had us both screaming in pleasure while cuming and put my feet down and I held his shoulders for support while he had his hands on my waist so I could regain my balance I lost during my intense orgasm. Once I was balanced I grabbed his face and kissed him hard before letting his face go again.
"Your too fucking good at this." I said out of breath and he smiled at me and we finished our shower actually getting clean and left the bathroom to get dressed and I soon realized that I didn't have tops that would cover all of the hickys and I frowned and he looked at me in my low cut V-neck shirt and laughed throwing a big sweatshirt from his bag at me as he pulled a t-shirt over his head that covered most of the hickeys that I left on him except for one behind his ear. I put the way too big sweatshirt with his name and number on the back on and it covered up most of the hickys except for a few he left on my neck making me wish I would have given him more on his neck than chest and shoulders. "Thanks." I said and we walked out of my room and down to the lobby and went separate ways as he walked over to Riley smith and Dougie Hamilton and I walked over to Brad, Torey, and Adam.
"Holey shit, look at that neck! And he gave you his sweatshirt! You go Girl!" Torey yelled and I slapped him looking around making sure no one heard him and thankfully they didn't.
Brad walked over examining my neck, "Did you guys have sex or a fucking wrestling match up there? Damn" he said as he pocked one of my hickeys making me slap his hand away.
"At least you weren’t in the room next to theirs. You can ask Paille about how hard it was to sleep last night with all the yelling, AND this morning." Adam said and I gasped covering my mouth no doubt truing bright red and Brad raised his eyebrow at me as Torey and Adam stood there not being able to contain their laughter.
"You didn't give me morning sex." he said and I put my hands on my hips.
"Well you weren’t awake and didn't follow me into the shower." I said and the three of them ooo'd
"Not just morning sex, but shower morning sex... sounds like Carl knows what he's doing." Torey said and I shook my head at them.
"We're done talking about it now." I said and brad held his hand up in a wait a moment motion.
"Not quite... why are you wearing his sweatshirt?" Brad asked and Adam started laughing and pulled on the collar of the sweatshirt and looked down it and started laughing more.
"My God, did he do that to your whole body? It’s looking like you have a new skin color." he said and Torey and Brad rushed closer to me to also look as I tried to stop them and they both gasped when they looked. And then Torey ran over towards Carl and grabbed his shoulders turning him to face us from where he was standing a bit away from us and he looked really confused until Torey lifted his shirt showing all the hickys I left on his chest and abs. then of cores Torey looks at Carl's back and starts laughing harder and turns him around and shows us his back and you can see all the deep read scratch marks on his back from me. I turned bright red and mouth sorry to Carl for the embarrassment but he seamed fine with it as Torey let go of him and ran back over to us as I buried my face in my hands if the team didn't hear Torey before they sure as hell heard and saw him just then.
"Do you turn into a bear or something when you have sex? Damn." Adam said and Torey was still laughing when I looked up and I hit him in the gut and he stopped for like five seconds then started laughing again.
"Stop it. This is so embarrassing." I said starting to feel really self-conscious about it the more Torey laughed.
"Okay, that’s enough Krug." Brad said sternly and shoved Torey and pulled me into his side and walked me away from Torey and Adam. I hugged myself into Brad's side and he rubbed my shoulder.
"Thanks." I whispered and he kissed the top of my head.
"No problem. He's been having a rough time since his wife called him last night. He just needed something to laugh at and get his mind off his problems, he always goes too far with it." Brad said.
"I hope him and his wife can work everything out. He's usually so sweat to me, I'd hate for him to act like this all the time." I said and Brad sighed.
"Yeah me too... I'm not so sure staying with his wife’s the best thing for him anymore though. I hate to say it but I'm worried about him." Brad said and I looked up at him a grinned.
"I didn't know you had such a soft mushy side to you Brad. I thought you would be the one cracking too may jokes about the hickeys and making me feel like a whore. Not the one defending me and being worried about your friend" I said and Brad laughed.
"Nah, I have a sister I know how you women get about those kinds of things. And he was getting better but now things for him are worse than they ever have been... it's just concerning." he said. "So do I get the pleasure sitting with you on the bus and plain this time?" he asked and I laughed.
"Sure, Adam can sit with Torey." I said as me and Brad walked over to the bus that everyone was finally getting on and we sat in the same seat that me and Adam sat in on the way here except I got the window seat this time because apparently Brad gets claustrophobic, which I didn't know, and I was all of a sudden really tired and leaned my head on the window. I must of fell asleep because the next thing I heard was Brad and Torey yelling at each other about something and Chara yelling at them to knock it off while Adam held Torey From behind to keep him away from Brad and Lucic had his arm across the seat in front of Brad to keep him from getting to Torey.
"YOUR NOT YOUR SLEF ANYMORE MAN! SHE'S NOT WHO SHE WAS WHEN YOU MARRIED HER!" Brad was yelling at Torey and Torey yelled right back.
"I LOVE HER! I CAN'T JUST DROP EVERYTHING AND LEAVE JUST BECAUSE WE FIGHT SOMETIMES!" Brad tried to stand up and yell but Lucic kept him held in the seat.
"YOU DON'T FIGHT SOMETIMES YOU FIGHT ALL THE TIME! YOU ONLY GET ALONG SOMETIMES!" Brad yelled, "YOU CAN'T STAY WITH SOMEONE WHO DOESN'T LOVE YOU KRUG. YOUR FUCKING SLEEPING ON A COUCH EVERY NIGHT AND YOUR GAME IS STARTING TO SUCK!" Brad yelled and I put my hand on his shoulder and he looked over at me and I shook my head at him letting him know that he should stop before things get too out of hand.
"FUCK YOU BRAD!" Torey yelled as the bus finally got to the air port and Adam Dragged Torey off the bus first and Lucic made Brad wait till everyone else was off the bus just so there would be space between him and Torey so they wouldn't cause a scene in front of the few paparazzi's at the airport. I walked next to Brad to the plane with Lucic still with us.
"I fall asleep for five minutes and you and Torey are at each others throats? What happened?" I asked and Brad shook his head clearly upset about the whole thing and didn't answer so I just put my hand on his lower back rubbing it trying to comfort him a little as we walked onto the plane and sat all the way in the back while Torey sat all the way in the front. I also took note that they had Lucic next to Brad and Adam next to Torey and Chara in the middle of the plane as if they were all ready to have to try and stop Brad and Torey from killing each other. The plane took off and I know Torey was out of line with how big of a deal he made about the hickeys but I was still worried about him so when the seat belt sign went off I got up and walked to the front of the plain and sat in the empty seat on the other side of Torey that Adam wasn't in and put my hand on his forearm.
"Are you okay, Torey?" I asked and he looked over at me looking like he was holding back tears.
"I'm fine." he said but he sure as hell didn't sound it.
I sighed and hugged him and whispered in his ear, "Just remember that everything happens for a reason okay? If things don't work out they don't work out, just remember that no matter what happens you are going to be a better person when it's done with weather it works out or it doesn't. Trust me on that okay?" I said and saw a tear slide down his cheek and whipped it off and kissed his cheek and rubbed his arm before getting up, I was about to walk away but Torey pulled me back down in the seat and kissed my cheek, "Thank you... and I'm sorry about earlier, I shouldn't have made you and Carl's hickeys such a big scene like I did." he said and I patted his knee.
"It's okay... I'll get over the embarrassment eventually." I laughed a little and walked back to the back of the plane and sat back down next to Brad.
"How is he?" he asked and I turned my head to look at him.
"He's really upset, Brad. His heart is breaking, it's all over his face." I said sadly and Brad sighed.
"Should I go talk to him?" he asked.
"No. I think he just want's to think on his own and I don't want you two to argue again." I said and he nodded his head, still seaming upset.
"He'll be okay, Brad. Don't worry about him too much. Okay? I don't like these sad versions of you and him." I said and poked his cheek making him laugh a little.
"I'm glad I was the first one to get to sleep with you." Brad said, "I don't think we'd be this close already if I wasn't." I smiled at his words and leaned my head on his shoulder.
"Aw Brad, I'm glad I slept with you first too. I don't think I'd be able to bare this whole having to sleep around with all you guys thing if we weren’t friends." I said and he leaned his head on mine. I then remembered Lucic was next to us and lifted my head and leaned over Brad to ask him a question, "Hey Milan, how's Valentina's arm?" I asked and he looked over at me.
"It's good. Brittany says it's like the whole thing never even happened." he said and I smiled.
"Good. She’s too cute to be hurt." I said and he laughed
"God, I wish that were true." he said and I laughed
"I bet you do. The Dad's always secretly worry even more than the Mom does." I said and he nodded his head.
"Your probably right on that one." he said and I leaned back in my seat and rested my head on Brad again and he put his arm around me as I fell asleep again.
I woke up to feel myself being put down on a bus seat by brad and yawned. "You could have woken me up." I said as he sat down next to me.
"Nah, you seamed like you needed the sleep." he said and I smiled at him.
"Are you trying to get me to sleep with you again?" I asked laughing and he looked fake offended.
"Is that really what you think of me?" he asked and I laughed.
"Yup." me and Brad talked the rest of the way to the TD Garden and he mentioned his sister was coming to visit and I couldn't stop the laugh that came out of me remembering what Torey told me about Brad's sister sleeping With Tuukka Rask.
Brad looked at me confused, "What's so funny?" he asked and I calmed my laughter down.
"Nothing. So does the team know your sister?" I asked trying to see if he had any idea about his sister and Tuukka or if Torey was just messing with me that day.
"Oh Yeah they know her. Her and Tuukka hang out a lot I think they might have a secret thing going on but she would tell me if it was serious." I gasped and Brad looked at me confused again, "Are you okay? Do you know something already somehow?" he asked and I looked at him.
"Yes... but I don't want to tell you incase it isn't even true." I said and he raised his eyebrow at me.
"Tell me." he said
"No" I answered back.
"I'll tickle it out of you." he threatened putting his hands on my waist.
"No, please don't." I begged putting my hands over his trying to get his hands off of me.
"Tell me then." He said and pinched one of my side making me laugh because it tickled so much.
"I can't." I said and he started to tickle me and I couldn't stop squirming and laughing and I heard Milan and Sidenburg laughing from behind us.
"Fine Fine Fine! I'll tell you." I said and he stopped and I caught my breath, "But you have to promise not to react to it or tell anyone that I told you, because I'm not even sure it's true, it's just something one of the guys told me." I said and Brad nodded his head. "Okay... I heard, that Tuukka slept with your sister." I said and watched Brads facial expression change from surprise to anger to confusion to just plain like I said nothing at all. "Are you okay?" I asked and he shook his head.
"Not sure yet. But when Melisa gets here she has some explaining to do." he said and I nodded my head, "Who told you that anyways?" he asked and I shook my head.
"Not telling." I said and he sighed.
"Fine. Do you have any brothers or sisters?" he asked and I shook my head.
"No, not anymore." I said and he was about to ask what I meant by that but the bus stopped and guys started to get off so I stood up, "Well see you tomorrow for morning skate." I said ad he got up and let me out in front of him.
"Um yeah, see you then." he said and I walked to my car and drove back home to my aunt and uncle's house to get some sleep before tomorrow.
I woke up the next morning and got ready but couldn't find my phone anywhere and looked everywhere in all of my things. I groaned knowing I would have to buy a new phone and left to get to the Garden so I wouldn't be late.
I walked in and went through the locker room and into my office to put my purse in there but when I walked in I saw Milan sitting at my desk with my phone in his hands. He looked up when he heard me and held my phone up. "I found your phone on the bus seat last night. Who are the guy and kid in your background picture? you guys look happy." he said and I felt trapped and like I couldn't breath remembering what the lock screen of my phones picture is. I must have looked like I was going to pass out because Milan got up and walked over to me and held my shoulders, "Whoa, are you okay?" he asked and I shook my head feeling a tear roll down my cheek. "It's your kid in the picture isn't it? They look just like you." he asked and I cried bringing my hands up to my face as he pulled me into his chest and rubbed my back as I cried. I eventually calmed down and Milan held me in front of him and wiped some remaining tears off my face, "What happened?" He asked and I looked into his concerned eyes as I answered him.
"They died. They all died. I was supposed to die too." I said and he looked at me and shook his head.
"Don't say that. How did it happen?" he asked curiously.
"We were all going to go on a family vacation, my parents, my brother and sister, my husband and my son and I, we were all going on a road trip and my parents rented a giant RV for us to go on but I had to go to a meeting about my classes for once the summer was over so they were all going to get on the RV and pick me up after but on the way there on the highway they crashed and the RV blew up and none of them made it. I should have been with them; I should have died with them. They shouldn't have died that day." I said crying again and I saw Milan wipe a tear off his face he pulled me into his arms again.
"I'm sorry." he said as he let me cry into his chest, "How long ago did it happen?" he asked.
"A year." I whispered. "My son was only 2. He had so much life ahead of him. Everyday I think about what he would look like now, how tall he would be, how many new words he would know, and how many naps he would try to skip to play catch with my husband... but none of that is ever going to happen now." I said as Milan held me tighter to him. "So the knee injury you told Brad about ending you mma career was fake huh?" he asked and I cried a little more.
"It was because I got pregnant." I cried. "His name was Hunter James. We named him after his father but with their first and middle names switched" I laughed a little at the memory. "I thought it was the cutest thing. I miss them all so much, I hate living with my Uncle, he acts like it doesn't even matter that it happened." I said. "He only lets me stay with him because he knows I have no money left because I had to pay for all the funerals for my family and some other family’s that lost people from the accident and I had to pay for the RV and other cars and I had to sell my house to pay for it all and that I still didn't have enough money and I'm in debt because he wouldn't pay for his own brothers funeral or his niece and nephews or help pay for any of it. I hate it, I hate the thought of having to sleep with the guys, I hate not being able to look at my uncle with out thinking of how much I hate him, I hate that I can never see my little boys face ever again I hate that I lost the love of my life I hate that this whole year has felt like a minute and like I just got the phone call telling me that everyone that I loved in life all died." I couldn't even try to hold my tears anymore as I cried into Milan’s chest and he rubbed my back trying to comfort me the best he could. "Please don't tell anyone okay?" I asked and he nodded his head.
"Of cores. If you ever need someone to talk to about it though you can talk to me okay?" He said and I nodded my head.
"Thanks." I said and let him go, "Don't be late for practice." I said and he left and I sat at my desk with my phone and changed my lock screen to a picture of me and a girl I was friends with in MMA instead so this wouldn't happen again. After I collected myself I went out to watch the guys practice and I looked around and noticed that Adam wasn't around. Brad skated over to the Bench for some water so I asked him, "Where's Adam?" Brad looked at me as he answered.
"He got hurt a little while ago but Looch said he should go see the other trainer because you were busy." I nodded my head. I'd have to remember to thank Milan for that later. "Are you okay? You look like you've been crying." Brad asked and I shook it off not wanting to tell my story to Brad.
"I'm fine, just a little tired." I lied and I think Brad could tell but he nodded anyways.
"Okay." He said sounding a little skeptical so I changed the subject.
"How's Torey this morning?" I asked and Brad sighed.
"He's rough, he slept in my guest room last night because Melanie kicked him out of the house, he wouldn't even tell me what happened, plus he was already awake when I went to wake him up and he's usually hard to wake up so I don't even think he slept last night." Brad said and I shook my head and looked at Torey and he did look really tired.
"If his lack of sleep starts to be a danger to him, send him over to my office okay? I'm goanna go check on Adam." I said and Brad nodded his head at me before going back to practice. I walked back to the locker room and into the other trainer, Joe's, office and saw that Adam was lying on the medical bench looking a little bit in pain. I walked over and put my hand on his shoulder, "What happened?" I asked and he groaned.
"I think my left ball fell off." he said dramatically and I laughed and looked over to Joe who was also laughing.
"Not quite. You do have a pretty serious groin injury though." Joe said and I patted Adams chest.
"Man up left ball, you'll live." I said and he laughed a little and I went back out of the room to watch more of practice but noticed Brad walking into the locker room with Torey's arm around his shoulders dragging behind him with blood on his face. "What happened!?" I asked and went on the other side of Torey and helped Brad get Torey into my office and onto the medical bench.
"He fell face first into the side boards trying to get some water." Brad said and I shook my head and put some gloves on and started to wipe the blood off Torey's face.
"Thanks Brad, you can go back to practice now." I said and Brad nodded his head and left my office. "Well it looks like your going to need a few stitches above your eyebrow." I said as I cleaned his cut with alcohol making him wince a little. I got out the needle and thread to sew him up and when I finished he got off the table like he was going to go off to finish practice but I grabbed his shoulder. "Hold on. You’re not going back out there." I said "Brad said he doesn't think you slept last night so I told him to bring you to me if you started to be a danger to yourself and needing stitches from trying to drink water is definitely you being a danger to yourself." I said and he sighed.
"It was just an accident, I'm fine." he said and tried to leave again.
"Torey just stay in here okay? I don't want you going out there and getting hurt any worse than this just because you don't want to admit that you didn't sleep okay? I'm not asking you to talk about it I'm just asking you to stay in here get some rest just take a break, the teams going to need you in tonight’s game because Adam won't be able to play and you'll be less than useless if you can't even manage drinking water without getting hurt okay?" I said and he nodded his head.
"Fine. I'm not going to be able to rest for tonight’s game anyways though, I'm not allowed home." he said and I walked over to the medical bench and hopped on it to sit next to him.
"So stay at Brad's. He wont admit it to anyone else, but he's worried about you anyways, so he won't mind having you with him." I said and Torey nodded his head.
"I think he was right yesterday when we had that fight. Melanie’s not the same anymore... I caught her buying things with my credit card, she maxed the damn thing out. I told her she can't do that and she threw a wine glass at me and I told her she should also start to cut down on her drinking and she threw me out of the house." he said and I sighed and put my hand on the back of his head and ruffled his hair and jumped off the table.
"You don't disserve that from anyone Torey. You do what you think is right for you, but right now just get some rest. Take a nap on the couch for the rest of practice, then go home with Brad, or even me if you want, I won't be using my bed anyways." I said and he kissed my cheek.
"Thanks." he said and I left the room, and went to finally watch the rest of practice. Once I got out there Zdeno Chara skated over to me.
"Is Torey okay?" He asked as he looked down at me.
"Yeah just needed a couple stitches, he doesn’t seem to have any concussion symptoms, but Brad told me he didn't get any sleep last night so I told him to sleep on the couch for the rest of practice so he wont get seriously hurt before the game because unfortunately Adam will be out for tonight’s game and hopefully not too many more after that." I said and he nodded his head.
"Is he having problems with his wife again?" he asked and I nodded my head at him.
"Yeah. I told him to go back to Brad's place or come to mine so he can get some sleep before the game." I said and he nodded his head at me.
"Good because without McQuaid we're going to need him at his best." He said and went back to practicing and I watched the rest of practice trying to see who was really doing good and I would possibly have to sleep with after tonight’s game, but they all looked like they were doing good so I guess it'll be a surprise. After practice when all the boys got off the ice to change out of their gear, I walked into the locker room and saw that Tory's gear was all already in his stall, so hopefully that meant he was asleep on the couch in my office. I walked into my office and sure enough Torey was sound asleep with a quiet snore on the couch. He looked so adorable and little kid like that I had to take a picture of him. Once I had my picture I sat at my desk to fill out the paper work that goes along with when the guys get injured to fill out for giving Torey his stitches and filled it out giving Torey some extra sleep before I would have to wake him up. I had just finished the paper work when Brad came into my office and looked at Torey's sleeping body and laughed a little before looking at me, "I'm here to pick up sleeping beauty." he said and I laughed a little.
"He's such an adorable sleeper." I said and Brad laughed at me.
"Wait till you see what he's like when you try and wake him up. It's not so adorable." he said and walked over to Torey and smacked his shoulder and I rushed over and smacked the back of Brads head.
"Obviously if that's the way you wake him up he's not going to like being woken up dumbass. You have to be gentle." I said and sat on the armrest of the couch and started to play with Torey's hair and whisper to him. "Wake up, Torey."
"Oh please like that's actually going to wo-" Brad was cut off by a small groan from Torey as he started to wake up and I gave him an I told you so face. Torey looked up to see who was playing with his hair as he squinted from the light in the room.
"Practice is over already?" He asked as he sat up rubbing his eye's noticing Brad in the room.
"How come you didn't hit her for waking you up?" Brad asked and I rolled my eyes.
"Because unlike how you wake me up she didn't hit me to wake me up." he said and I stuck my tongue out at Brad and to my surprise he caught my tongue between his thumb and index finger.
"What's wrong Rachel? Cat got your tongue?" He asked as I tried to tell him to let go while he held my tongue, "Oh wait, no, that's me." He said and let go of my tongue and I punched him in the arm.
"Meanie." I said and he laughed.
"Alright I got to eat and have a pre game nap, let's go Torey you can sleep more at my house." Brad said as Torey got up.
"Thanks man. I really appreciate it." he said and Brad put an arm over his shoulder as they walked toward the door of my office, "No problem man. Bye Rachel!" Brad yelled as he and Torey walked through the door.
"See you tonight boy's!" I called after them and then decided to leave for myself and found Adam in the locker room. "Do you always stay later than all the rest of the players or do you just like seeing my face?" I asked and we both laughed.
"As pretty as your face is to look at, I'm actually here because Joe just let me leave his office now." he said and I nodded my head
"Well make sure Dougie takes good care of you at home." I said and he laughed
"Dougie can't even take care of himself never mind me." he said and I made a sad face.
"Tell Dougie I say he better take good care of you because if he doesn't and he's the star of a game he's not going to have good sex from me and I'll leak naked pictures of him on the internet." I said laughing and Adam nodded his head.
"Yeah maybe that'll make him make me some lunch." he laughed and we walked out to the parking lot and got in our separate cars to go home. When I got home I changed out of Carl's hoodie and put cover-up over the visible hickeys on my neck and changed out of my v neck and into a crew neck t-shirt not even bothering to try and cover the hickeys on my chest with make up.