Status: Complete

Lady of the Evening


Milan: Hello?
Rachel: Milan? *I asked as I realized that I was still crying pretty much uncontrollably.*
Milan: Rachel? What’s wrong?
Rachel: Can you come get me? I'm a few houses away from Reilly's.
Milan: um... yeah, of cores. Are you alright?
Rachel: No... just come get me please? *I sounded like I was begging almost*
Milan: I'll be right there.
I hung up the phone and put my head on my knees crying and put one of my hands on my back and I could feel that there was blood starting to soak through my shirt. Less than 10 minutes later Milan's car pulled up in front of me and he got out as I stood up off the curb. as he got in front of me he had a look of horror on his face. "What happened to you?" he asked sounding extremely concerned and touched a spot on my neck causing me to flinch making me realize I must have a burse around my neck from Reilly. he turned me around and gasped seeing the blood on my shirt. he turned me to face him again. "Rachel, who did this to you?" he asked and I shook my head at him.
"Can you just take me to the Garden to get my car?" I asked still crying.
"Were you at Reilly's house? Why were you there? Does he know someone did this to you? Did HE do this to you?" he asked me these questions finally connecting the dots on the last one.
"Just please take me to my car." I whispered beggingly.
"No, I'm taking you to my house." he said and took me to his car opening the door and letting me in. When we got to his house he opened the door and I slowly followed him in still feeling completely in pain. I followed him upstairs and into a bathroom. He nodded towards my back and asked "May I?" wanting to get a better look at what was making my back bleed the way it was. I nodded my head letting him know that he could and he rolled my shirt up exposing most of my back but not high enough to show my breasts. I heard him gasp a little looking at the whip marks on my back. "HEY, BRITT COME HERE PLEASE!" he yelled out the bathroom door into the rest of the house and Brittany was soon in the door way of the bathroom.
"Wha- Oh my God! Rachel, who did this to you!?" she yelled looking at my back. I felt more tears start to come out of my eyes but couldn't make myself talk.
"Just help her clean up and I'll get her some of your clothes to wear okay? Is Valentina still taking a nap?" he asked.
"Yes, I'll wake her up after I help Rachel." she said and Milan left the bathroom and Brittany closed the door after him. She put one of her hands on my face looking at me in such a caring way I just wanted to cry more. She then helped me out of my shirt and bra and jeans and panties and helped me into the shower and she gently washed all the blood off my back and then washed my hair too. she turned off the shower and took a towel and wrapped it around me and helped me out of the shower as we heard a knock on the bathroom door. she opened it a crack and took the clothes from Milan which were a big soft shirt and some sweat pants and she helped me put them on and picked my other closes up. "I'll wash these for you." she said and she opened the bathroom door and walked out and I followed her until Milan told me to sit in the living room with him and I sat on the couch and he came over and sat next to me.
"Did Reilly do this to you?" he asked and I started to silently cry again as I nodded my head. He looked so angry. "He's dead. Rachel, tell me exactly what happened." he said trying to calm down.
I started to tell him what happened almost in a whispering voice from all my crying, "I was talking to my uncle and he told me that I wasn't allowed to sleep with any of the players unless he told me to and I got mad and decided that I was going to do just that because I'm an idiot. First I went home with Adam but then I remembered his injury and couldn't have sex with him so I had Brad come pick me up from Adams and drop me off at the Garden to get my car because I didn't want to sleep with Brad randomly because that seamed like it would be weird since we're such good friends now but when I got to the Garden I remembered that I left my purse in my office and when I was leaving I saw Reilly and I thought why not sleep with him so I went up to him and I guess seduced him and he took me to his house and into this room that looked like it was straight out of fifty shades of grey and I was like why not try but once things started he wouldn't stop and I was so scared and I tried to get away from him but that made it worse and I begged him to stop and he wouldn't and when I started crying he got mad and yelled at me and stormed out of the room and I snuck out of his house and called you." I said crying a lot by the end of the story.
Milan whipped some of the tears off my face, "Don't cry, you'll be okay. You can stay here tonight okay? or I can call Brad and Torey if you want to stay with them, but I don't want you being alone tonight, and I know if you go home your uncle wont care and that you wont tell your aunt about it so your not going home." he said and I nodded my head.
"I'll stay here. Brads mad at me because I keep saying no to having sex with him." I said and Milan kissed my forehead and stood up.
"Stay here and watch some TV or take a nap or something. I'm going to go talk to Brittany." he said and I nodded my head and turned on the TV flipping through some of the channels. I must have fallen asleep because the next thing I know Brittany is at my side gently shaking my shoulder holding my phone in her hand.
"Hey Rach, I would have let you sleep but Torey called your phone and he sounds really worried." she said and handed me my phone.
"Thank you." I said taking the phone out of her hand wondering what Torey is so worried about.
Rachel: Hey Torey.
Torey: Rachel! Are you okay? Brad said he dropped you off at the Garden after you couldn't sleep with Adam and wouldn't sleep with him and I knew Reilly was there and Brad said that you were just getting your car but I went to check anyways and your car was still there. You didn't go home with Reilly did you!? Are you okay!? Brittany said you were staying at her and Milan's house tonight. what happened!? *He asked all of these questions sounding so concerned about me*
Rachel: I went to Reilly's house wi-
Torey: He didn't hurt you did he!? he's into that stupid s and m shit and doesn't know when to stop. I'll kill him! Tell me your okay.
Rachel: I will be. how do you know Reilly likes that stuff?
Torey: My cousin Abby went to his house one night and then left back to Michigan without even saying bye to me and refused to ever come and visit again and she finally admitted to me what he did to her and I almost had to kill him.
Rachel: Why didn't you tell me? You knew I might have to sleep with him eventually, why didn't you warn me? *I asked quietly and crying again*
Torey: I'm so sorry Rachel I haven’t been thinking clearly lately. Are you okay? Are you going to be okay at Lucic's house? You know what I'm just going to come check on you myself okay? I feel so terrible. I'm the only person on the team that knows about Reilly and I should have warned you. I'm so stupid. I told you he used to live on hookups but didn't tell you he's a fucking phyco. this is all my fault. I'll be right there okay? I'm so sorry Rachel, you must hate me.
Rachel: I don't hate you Torey... see you when you get here.
I hung up the phone and shook my head. I still can't believe how much of an idiot I am. Why did I have to want to sleep with someone so bad just because my uncle told me I wasn't allowed to. I shouldn't be acting like some rebellious teenager and now Torey feels like it's his fault and he's already going through so much. I walked into the kitchen where Milan was playing with Valentina while Brittany cooked dinner.
"Is Torey okay?" Brittany asked turning away from the stove to look at me.
"Um yeah, he's just worried about me. Apparently he knew that Reilly was like this and he feels bad about the whole thing so he said he wants to come over and make sure I'm okay for himself." I said and sat down on one of the chairs in their kitchen.
"How are you feeling?" Milan asked looking up from Valentina.
"I'll be okay." I said, "Thank you for coming to get me. I have no clue what I would have done if you didn't."
"Don't worry about it. I'm glad you called instead of doing something crazy like trying to walk back to the Garden or something." he said genuinely. "Hey, Brit, Valentina needs to be changed."
"You have two hands and know how to change a dipper." she said.
"Yeah but I-" The door bell rang cutting him off, "I have to get the door." he smiled and ran from the room after kissing Brittany’s cheek. I laughed as Brittany shook her head at him.
"Don't ever let a man convince you to have his kids, you'll do all the dirty work while they take up all the time while the kid is being cute instead of a monster." she said obviously not knowing about my past making me even more grateful to Milan as I laughed off her comment a if I've never experienced what she's talking about. I was going to respond to her when we all of a sudden heard a lot of yelling and fighting coming from the front of the house. She quickly put Valentina in a play pen in the kitchen and we ran out to see what was going on and I froze as soon as I saw that Reilly was here. despite the fact that he was currently underneath Lucic who Torey was trying to pull off of Reilly. I didn't know what to do, I felt so sick I had to sit on the steps as Brittany ran over to help Torey pull her husband off of Reilly. Once they finally got Lucic off of Reilly, Brittany stood in front of Milan with her hand on his chest trying to calm him down as he shot daggers into Reilly from over her shoulder. It got harder and harder for me to breath as Reilly looked over at me and I stared back not knowing what to do. I didn't realize I was crying again until Torey was pulling me off the steps and into his chest and guiding me back inside the house.
"Your okay" he said as we got in the house and he sat me down on the couch rubbing my back gently as I cried into his shoulder which honestly hurt a lot but I didn't care, I needed the comfort, "I'm so sorry I let this happen to you. I should have warned you about him as soon as I met you. This is all my fault, you've been there for me and I let this happen to you." he said and I lifted my head off his shoulder whipping some of my tears and looked at him.
"It's not your fault he did this Torey. I know that if you knew this was going to happen then you would have stopped me, but you didn't know it was going to, it's not your fault." I said and got off the couch when I heard Valentina start to cry and I walked over to the playpen and picked her up, "Ooo you do need to be changed. come on cutie lets go clean you up." I said talking to Valentina and walked upstairs and found her room and started to change her dipper as Torey came up behind me.
"How do you know how to change dippers?" he asked and I laughed.
"I've changed a lot of dippers." I said and laughed a little thinking about how I used to hate changing dippers but would change a million more dippers to have my son back. I finished changing Valentina’s dipper and turned around to see Torey watching me. "That interested in how to take care of children?" I laughed and he looked away and blushed a little.
"Yeah, I guess. Just a few months ago me and Melanie used to talk about having kids... I guess it's a good thing we never went through with that." he laughed sadly.
"Don't worry Torey, you'll find the right person eventually." I said and we walked back down stairs and sat on the couch playing with Valentina, and then Milan and Brittany finally came back inside. Brittany came over and took Valentina from me.
"Ooo you smell much better than how I left you." she said kissing Valentina's nose, "Did you change her?" she asked me.
"No, I did." Torey said and Brittany laughed knowing he was lying.
"Thank you Rachel." she said and I laughed
"No problem." I said as Brittany walked away and I looked over at Lucic who still looked mad, "Are you okay?" I asked and he nodded his head.
"I'm fine, just pissed off, that kid had no right coming here." he said.
"Was he looking for me?" I questioned kind of creeped out.
"Yeah, he said he wanted to make sure he didn't leave any visible marks, that asshole shouldn't have done anything that could possibly leave a mark on you." he said angrily shaking his head. I went up and hugged him.
"Thank you again, Milan." I said and he hugged me back.
"Don't worry about it, Rachel. I'll make sure he never touches you again." he said, "Brit should have dinner ready soon, you can stay if you want to Krug." Milan said then walked into the kitchen leaving me and Torey alone again.
"You promise your okay?" Torey asked me and I looked down not sure anymore after what just happened when I saw Reilly.
"I thought I was going to be, but I'm not so sure anymore. I mean I couldn't even handle seeing him just then, what am I supposed to do at work tomorrow? What if he gets hurt and I have to be alone with him?" I asked starting to panic a little bit.
"Don't worry okay? I won't let him near you. And as you saw Lucic also obviously wont let him near you either." he said and I laughed a little remembering how Milan had Reilly pined to the ground in his front yard just a few minuets ago.
"Thanks for checking on me Torey. Can you do me a favor and not tell Brad about this? or anyone else on the team? I don't want this to be a bigger thing than it already is." I said and he put is hand on my shoulder.
"I wont tell anyone." he said and we walked into the kitchen to eat dinner. After dinner Torey left and I went up stairs with Milan and he showed me to the guest room.