Status: Just trying to put words to ideas for now.

Under a Funeral Moon

I Wanna Be Yours

Earlier that same day...

Aurora stepped out of the shower, she looked herself over in the semi-fogged bathroom mirror before reaching for a towel. She swayed slightly from side to side to catch the light on her curves. Her iPhone was synced to her Bluetooth speaker, closing her eyes she soaked in Alex Turner's sultry voice as it wafted into her bathroom. Secrets I have held in my heart... She lifted a leg onto the edge of the tub and ran the towel from her thigh down to her ankle, are harder to hide than I thought... She could feel her wet hair dripping onto her bare back. Maybe I just wanna be yours... Daniel snuck into her mind, sending a shiver through her naked body. She quickly stepped out of the tub and paused the music, her heart beat had quickened and her body felt flushed. Looking up at the mirror she stared into her eyes, silently wishing she was staring into Daniel's gorgeous green eyes. She bit her lip before bending over and flipping hair down to wrap it up in the towel. "I'll just shoot Matt a quick text..."

Aurora hit send before unpausing her song...Wanna be yoooouuurs...
There was something electric about getting ready Saturday mornings, just knowing that she'd be hanging out with Daniel excited her. But it's not like they did anything exciting. In fact, most people would think it was the exact opposite, hanging around for hours just listening to music, smoking, drinking, talking about nothing and everything all at the same time. Yet, this was a highlight of her week. She didn't quite understand it, but hanging out with Daniel felt...good. It felt...right.

She pulled her t-shirt over her head and gave herself a quick glance in the mirror before grabbing her car keys and heading out the door. Her phone pinged in her back pocket, it was Matt letting her know he'd be getting out of work around 3 and that he'd meet her at Daniel's. Alright babe, I love you. She pressed send, closing the door behind her.
♠ ♠ ♠
I'm thinking about sticking with the double perspectives? Or should I just focus on Daniel's point of view?