‹ Prequel: Second Chances
Sequel: Someone, Somewhere
Status: Sequal!

Oh Calamity

Chapter 14: Never too late

Ryder's p.o.v: I'm putting the boys to sleep when i hear a knocking on my door. i open it to see a lady i look an awful lot alike and a guy i look a bit but not much alike too. They look very familiar, and the guy looks like my dad
"Ryder" the lady says and she has a strong french accent
"Do I know you?" i ask
"Yes but you'll have to sit down for this may we come in" the an says with a British accent like mine and my dad's
"Ok come on in but be quiet my two little boys- brothers are sleeping" I say and lead them in and they sit down
"Ok. well you may not believe us but Carter and Karen aren't your birth parents" the guys says. I had a feeling Karen wasn't my mom but Carter not my dad.... what?
"Then who's my dad. and Carter said my birth mom died giving birth" i tell them
"That wanker brother of mine." he sneers
"Sorry chéri I'm Adeline Comier-Eckes and this is Collin Eckes. I'm your mother and this is your father" The lady says and i believe her because i remember Carter arguing with Karen

(Flash back Ryder is three years old): "Carter I don't wanna be taking care of a kid that isn't mine. i don't wanna take care of kids at all!" my mommy yells
"Fine then I'll leave back to Sheffield with him. he is my son and i will take care of him" daddy yells back
"He isn't yours he's your brother's. Your brother was in perfect condition to take care of him but no you where jealous and you took his kid. now your brother hates you." mommy screams and daddy storms into my room
"C'mon Ryder we're going" Daddy says and he packs my stuff and we leave

"You two really are my parents" i say in awe
"Yes" Adeline says tearing up and they hug me
"Wanna meet your nephews?" I ask
"Sure. Where is Carter?" Collin asks
"He passed away from cancer. Why did you guys never try to find me?" I question
"When we did find you Carter would move you. then you guys stayed stationary here. and one of the kids at the rehab i work at asked me if i was your mom and he ended up telling me where you lived. so we came and found you. that sounds kinda creepy but yeah" Adeline says
"Well I'm glad. is there anything you want or need?" i ask
"Well we want you to get to know us. and if you like us would you live with us. I know your eighteen but we'd still love your company" Collin says
"I'd like to get to know you. but the offer just depends on when i do." I say then yawn
"well we better go before it gets too late. Here are our numbers if you want to contact us" Collin says and we exchange numbers and they leave and i hit the hay. man what an eventful Saturday
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Young Freddie Highmore plays the twins. yes the pictures look a little older than three but i couldn't think of anyone else