A Broken Heart

Joel's House

Joel's house was a little three bedroom with a long driveway. After a long shift at the spa i pick up Carly and drive over to his house I give him a kiss on the cheek and we walk hand in hand to the front door I tell him that Sophia is out of town and he says that his dad is on his usual drinking habit so the house is free,so we decide to cuddle and because he was warm it wasn't hard to fall asleep. The next morning I get woken up to a delicious breakfast and Carly and Markus decided they wanted cookies so we settled on homemade animal crackers since the kids were still with us we decided to stay in for our first date.

The kids helped decorate the different animals which were purple dinosaurs,green hippos,pink elephants and orange lions after decorating the kids went and played for awhile as we cleaned up Joel prepped our romantic dinner which was crab stuffed steak, roasted potatoes and chocolate covered strawberries.After several hours it was time to get the kids ready for bed and lights were out by 8pm which meant romantic time for Joel and I. When it was super quiet we went into his room and began making out and eventually lead to sex which was amazing over several months we became serious.

I felt I was not being truthful, I tell him more about my life and pull off the wristbands and pull out a few joints from my pocket at first he looked surprised but then gave me a calming hug I told him that this was the only way of coping that I could control. He took off his wristbands also and i gave him the biggest hug he said he started after his mom died.