Obsidian Crosses

Fading Pt. 1

At some point, I fell into a deep sleep. It was nice and peaceful until I heard the crash of thunder. Someone shook me awake, it was Billie Joe. "Heather, it's an earthquake!!" He slurred and fell over. The disciples were freaking out, trying to keep the boat stable. I yawned. I knew how this fairy tale ended. J-Christ would end up walking on water, and Peter the Rock would end up sinking like a stone. Knowing this, I tried to go back to sleep, except that people kept waking me up. I told them all to fuck off.

And then were shouts of surprise. I opened my eyes. I knew what was coming. Dammit, Jesus, you're not cool, okay? Peter was gasping at the figure of Jesus. I pushed him out of the boat and stepped onto the water. It was pretty easy, as long as you believed you could actually do it. I sprinted over to Jesus and started waving at the boat. "Come on, you dumb motherfuckers, get your robed asses out here." I shouted gleefully. One by the one, the other disciples climbed out of the boat, and surprisingly, they didn't sink. They looked around happily.

I started jumping up and down. "See, I'm equal to your J-Christ! I'm your messiah, I'm a water-bender like he is!" I shouted and laughed. It was nice being equal. Then then unthinkable happened. I somehow lost my footing and fell beneath the waves. It was cold, and murky. Further and further I fell, and I tried to hold my breath. But, it felt like I was fading. And then, a hand reached down and grasped mine, pulling me upwards. My eyes locked with Jesus'.

It was horrible.