My Love

My love...

Savannah, the girl I hold in my arms. She smiles up at me, holding me tightly as well. She was always happy- always singing. I always went to see her perform. She sang her heart out everyday. And her voice was enough to break your heart. Everyday.

I knew she was broken from the beginning and i didn’t care. I never cared. But lately it was worse. As she shattered more and more, She cried more and sang less. I stayed. Holding, comforting her. Eventually she stopped singing.

We drove home in the rain that night. Pouring from the sky. Savannah was at the wheel. No music played. Just the hard, metallic sound of rain on the car. She started quietly, but i could hear the soft sobs escape her chest. I tell her to pull over and she does. Her warm tears soak into my shirt. the light smell of lavender comes off her hair. And i just hold her. Nothing else matters. Not the roaring of the rain, not the bright headlights coming at us, not the screech of brakes as the truck tries desperately to stop. Nothing.