North Star


"Hey foxy lady," Amber yelled when she opened the door and saw me. "I'm so excited you could make it."

"Well we had to make it to at least one event before we head back to school," I pointed out. I hugged my high school friend and led Spencer into her house. Amber's house had been the party house in high school and it didn't look like much had changed since I went away.

"I'm going to go get us a drink," Spencer told me, running his hand across my lower back. "Go mingle with your friends." I blushed as he kissed my cheek.

"God you got lucky with him," Amber said. I nodded in agreement. "Come on, the girls are all here. For once everyone made it back to town." I realized that she had meant everyone when I saw a large group of my high school friends gather. I smiled and hugged several of them. It took so long to say hello to everyone that Spencer had come back with two beers. I introduced him to everyone before settling down to catch up with my friends.

I didn't really keep an eye on where Spencer went. He was good in social situations and had probably found some of the guys to talk sports with. I was having so much fun drinking and talking with my old friends that it was nearly midnight before I realized what time it was. I excused myself to go in search of him. I wandered around the downstairs of the house for about twenty minutes but he clearly wasn't there. I glanced around before ducking back into the entry way and heading upstairs. The party was restricted to the downstairs area but maybe he'd gone up to use one of the bathrooms.

I peeked into several of the rooms to no avail. As I came near the end of the hall I could hear breathy moans mixed with deeper ones. I assumed someone was having sex in the bathroom so I averted my eyes as I went past the partially open door.

"Oh Spencer, does your girlfriend appreciate this cock?" I stopped and ducked back into the shadows breathing heavily. It couldn't possibly be my Spencer.

"She does but not as much as sluts like you seem to," he replied. I put my hand to my mouth quickly to cover the sound of my sobs. It was Spencer's voice but I had to see him to be sure. Bracing myself I peeked into the bathroom and saw a younger girl I didn't recognize on the sink with her legs wrapped around Spencer's waist. I pushed the door open further and Spencer saw me in the mirror. His eyes widened for a second but he didn't stop what he was doing.

I ran away. I didn't know what else to do. I didn't want to confront him and I couldn't deal with all the people downstairs. I hurried straight for the front door. When I opened it I ran right into someone.

"Avery, what happened to you?" Dave's voice was concerned. I glanced up at him. We had known each other in high school but not well enough that I wanted to tell him what I had just witnessed. I shook my head and tried to push past him. "Hey, let me drive you home. You don't have to tell me why you're upset but it's way too late at night for you to walk home alone."

"Okay," I agreed.