North Star


I shook my leg up and down as I waited for class to begin. It was my first class of my junior year and I recognized several of my classmates. I checked to make sure my sweater sleeves were puled all the way down. A lot of the bruises had started to fade since I'd been attacked but the marks from being bound were the worst. My wrists looked awful. I started chewing on my cuticles, an old nervous habit.

"Honey, you look awful," Penny's voice came in my ear. I couldn't help but jump. "Whoa, calm down. What's going on with you?"

"Long summer," I said quietly. I met her worried gaze and then glanced down at my desk.

"Did something happen with Spencer?" She asked. I couldn't help the tears that slipped down my cheeks.

"He was cheating on me," I confessed. I'd been angry at first but I also missed him. It hurt to think that he had been sleeping with other women as if our relationship had meant nothing to him.

"Avery? What's going on?" George's voice was concerned. I looked up and realized that everyone as listening. There were only twenty people in our class and we'd known each other in various classes.

"That asshole Spencer was cheating on her," Penny told them. I winced. I hadn't really wanted to take the information public but at least it would keep people from asking about the other thing. There were several murmurs of sympathy from my classmates. I avoided eye contact with anyone but it was kind of nice that at least in this class I had some support. My other classes would be more varied but the French department was small. Anyone in an upper level like this had taken some lower levels together.

I sighed in relief as our professor walked in the door, taking focus away from me. I barely listened as he started speaking rapid French. I wrapped my arms around myself and sank down in my chair.