The Story of Red

His Name is Red

"What?!" Ariel leaned forward, trying to get a better look at the little puppy.

Several korean boys had started chasing the puppy around the room, JiHyun was still standing by the door, and Miss Shanna was going, "Boys! Sit down now!" The puppy gave an excited high pitched bark.

Finally the class settled down on the carpet. Miss Shanna sat in her chair, holding the puppy in her arms. I was close to my teacher, so I got a good view of the puppy. He had adorable brown eyes, soft, fluffy redish-gold fur, bug floppy ears and a tail that wagged a million miles per hour. He was just so cute!!

"Now, I don't know how he got in here, or into the school, but he must belong to someone." Miss Shanna started. I could immediately feel where this conversation was going. "So no keeping him, got it?"
"But what if he's a stray?" I blurted out, "Then we can keep him, right?" the whole class backed me up, nodding and going, "Yeah, we can, right?"

Miss Shanna sighed and gave the puppy a little scratch behind his ear. "I don't know how to answer that question, Kathy. But I guess if no one does show up we can keep him."
The whole classed cheered, causing the puppy to jerk up in surprise and excitment. Miss Shanna waved one arm, "Oi! But that's only an if. If no one shows up we can keep him. And I have to talk to the principle about this situation."
I sat and smiled, undaunted. I was pretty sure no one would claim him. Looking at the puppy, I saw that he a stripe of dried white paint on his gorgeous fur, and he was dirty and a little skinny. Stray, for sure.

"But then what should we name him, when he's here??" someone called out.

"Well, any suggestions?" Miss Shanna asked. Immediately students started calling out and yelling different names.



I thought 'Golden Boy' would be a good name. After all, he was golden colored (sort of) and he was a boy. But I was too shy to say it. As I watched the puppy yap in excitment, his fur seemed to glow orange-red in the light.

"How about Red?" Miss Shanna suggested herself. Maybe she also saw the way the puppy's fur shone, I don't know, but then I thought it was a great name. It was simple and cool, and described him pretty well.

"You know, his fur is sort of reddish and we are P6Red!" Miss Shanna explained.

"Yeah, that's great!" everyone agreed. Arete squealed happily and squeezed Ariel's hand. They said something I couldn't make out in chinese. (They're chinese by the way)

Miss Shanna smiled as well and gave the dog and pat. He wagged his tail. "Then it's settled. Your name is Red."
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