The Story of Red


When it was time for break, everyone ran out of the classroom as quickly as possible, eager to tell everyone about the puppy. Miss Shanna had gotten two plastic bowls from the canteen for Red. One had water, and the other had some bacon. Red gobbled up the bacon as fast as possible, and gulped down the water.

I bumped into my friends Eva and Julia. "Hey, guys!" I yelled. They looked at me. "There's a puppy in our class!"

"What? You're joking." Eva annouced, and I shook my head. "No, really, Eva! Come look!"

Eva and Julia still looked unconvinced but they followed me to P6Red. Already a large crowd had gathered around the door. Eva and Julia stood on tiptoes to look over the heads of some taller students.

"Whoa. How did he get there?!" Julia asked. I grinned. "Well, according to JiHyun, she said she heard him scratching the door and opened it. Then he walked in! His name is Red, by the way."

"Red..." Eva murmured, thinking the new name over. "Cool. I like it."

"Me too." Julia piped up.

We walked outside. Already the whole P6 knew about the puppy. I spotted several japanese girls talking to their sisters or brothers or whatever who were in grade 7 or 8. I figured the by the end of the day, basically everyone would know about Red. Students who weren't here would recieve Instagram messages or email from their friends who were here. By the end of the week the whole school, every teacher, every staff member, every cook, would know about Red. I mean, who has ever heard of puppy just walking into a class?!

The gong sounded, signalling the end of break. We headed back inside the building to our classes.

"See ya, Kathy." Eva and Julia waved goodbye. "Meet you at lunch!"

"Yeah, see ya!" I called back. Ariel and Arete were in front of me so I caught up with them. "Tell anyone about Red?" I asked. I was pretty sure they did.

"Yes, the other chinese students. I told Sally first and she was shocked. Yuki came with me to tell. I think the whole P6 knows about him now." Ariel replied. Arete added, "He's just becoming so popular!"

"I hope no one claims him," I whispered to Ariel. That might've been a little selfish but, come on! He had already captured my heart. Ariel and Arete nodded. They agreed.

"Would the principal let us keep him? And where will he stay??" Arete asked, worried now. I bit my lower lip. I didn't know. "Well, let's hope everything turns out fine."

Everything did, actually, for a while. But when you always think something is going fabulously, something always comes along and wrecks it.
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Please don't copy this story, thanks.
Hooray for the 3rd Chapter of 'The Story of Red'! Hip hip hooray x3!!! :-)
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