Hogwarts the Canadian Take Over

Not really going home

It would be a week today that Harry had gotten out of the hospital wing and classes had been over. Tonight was our last night at Hogwarts; I was going to miss this place. The twins reassured me that we could spend the whole summer together if I liked. This made me smile Talia got excited too. Of course everyone found out about what happened last week with the philosophers stone. I was glad that Dumbledore got to Harry on time.

The twins, Talia, Lee and I were sitting in the common room in front of the fire reminiscing about the past year. I couldn’t be happier that I met those three. Talia was bugging me all day about what I saw in the mirror, I won’t tell her at least not with the boys around. Especially two certain red heads. I placed my head on Fred’s shoulder and sighed.

“What’s wrong Tash?” He asked.
“I wish I could stay here.” I said.
“Well just think you’ll be with us most of the summer.”
“And you know we’ll keep you company.” Finished George.
“Yeah Tash so it’s not like we’re really going home.” Talia said.
“I vote you two sit with the three of us on the train.” Lee said.
“As long as they don’t mind Angelina sitting with us.” Fred said.

My heart sunk, he must like her.

“No we don’t mind.” Talia said for the both of us.

Two hours later we made our way to the Great Hall for the end of term feast. The ceiling had Slytherin banners hanging from it. This caused the five of us to give a look of disgust to the Slytherin table. While doing so Draco winked at me that boy needs to get a life. What was worse was Gryffindor was in dead last for house points, how could we have been so daft.

I took my seat in between the twins like always. I also said my hellos to Percy and Oliver who were sitting down the table a little ways. Hermione was sitting in front of me with Harry and Ron on either side of her. I asked them how they were even though I know Harry was dreading going back with his aunt and uncle over the summer.

“Put it this way Harry you’ll be coming back to this place.” I said.
“That’s the only thing I have to look forward to I guess.”
“Don’t sound so depressed Harry. Just think there are lots of people out there in your situation.” Talia said, I knew whom she was talking about.
“You know guys I wish there was a way that we could beat those Slytherin’s.” I said.
“Yeah I know and give them a run for their money.” Ron said.

As soon as we said the Dumbledore stood and said that more points were to be awarded to Gryffindor. Once they were given we were now in the lead and that meant we won. The whole table cheered as the Slytherin’s protested in their defeat. This was it my first year over and I would have so many great memories to take home with me. Also a bunch of friends in which I can write to over the summer.

As everyone started cheering we all threw our hats in the air. I knew as soon as the summer ended my second year at Hogwarts would be more eventful then the first. When the feast was over we all piled into our respective common rooms those who hadn’t finished packing headed up to the dorms to do so. Some turned in early while others wanted to talk to their friends some more before the holidays.

As the next day approached we all headed into the boats or carriages to reach the train. Of course Talia and I managed to find Lee and the seat where everyone was sitting. When we reached platform nine and three quarters we said our goodbyes and departed with our families. I hoped this would be an amazing summer.