The Pros & Cons of Breathing

Standing upright, Opposable thumbs, Speech Ability

You could argue all day with me.
Or you could think about what I am saying.
You have no choice really.
I mean, who's the one talking?
And who's the one reading?

But I don't even know if you are reading this.
What I mean is, if anybody has even seen this.
For all I know, this could be under a historic mass of water.
An ocean I believe it is called.
Or a fossilized imprint in some ancient granite and basalt.
From a thing called a 'Volcano' ...?

It's hard remembering that stupid language.
That past language, English, so old, archaic even.
Everything was spelled much harder than it sounded.
So confusing, why would you spell Urth as 'Earth'?
Speaking of Urth, You must help me.
Or try to at least.
Considering you could alter the Future.
This SHITHOLE that you left us.

I hope you are proud.
Proud at what you've done.
What you've created.
What you've spawned.
This magnificent Earth that had everything necessary.
That miracle, Oxygen, you USED up.
That miracle, Water, you USED up.
Not to mention that paper currency.
That could really get you out of a bind, huh?

Would be nice if it could have gotten US out of trouble.
Too bad the 'Dollar' was worth a penny by the end.
The end of your generation.
Thanks to y'all again.

You disgust me.
How could you preach ...
Yet, you do NOT think about what happens...
What happens to the next generation?


You owe me.
You owe me BIG.
And I am cashing this 'I.O.U.' in NOW.

But first, ...
First listen to my story ...
Listen to what has happened.
What being able to breathe, stand upright, and talk has created.

I want you to feel me.
My Misery.
My Fears.
My Agony.
My Anger.
My Tears.
My Pain.
My Torment.
My Only Choice.

I want you to learn the Pro's and Con's of Breathing.
♠ ♠ ♠
Don't flame me. It's not done yet.
You'll get the gist of it, if you Keep Reading.

-Riot ♥