The Pros & Cons of Breathing

Year 2013

I want you to know sooner than later.
Sooner of what you've caused.
Let's fast forward this ...

It is now 2013.
I am a junior at River Run High School.
The Flounder.
Yeah, I know.
The Board of Supervisors must have been on crack.
How embarrassing.

"Hey Sarah, you going to the game tonight?" A tall, lanky girl [Jessica] with bleach blonde hair and brown eyes sidled up to the girl, thus I am introduced as 'Sarah.'

Sarah, also tall but with naturally red straight-as-a-ruler hair and green eyes, responded, "Oh I don't know, Jessica. I'm not really into field hockey."

"Oh c'mon! You never come and watch us play!" A girl [Christina] with dirty blonde hair and brown eyes joined in.

"Geez, you know what will happen if I do go!" Sarah warned.
"Yeah, yeah, Crisis Chris will follow! But y'know, you need more color to your skin than just freckles." Jessica sighed and flipped her hair over her shoulders.

"I'm pale. I'm stuck with it! You and I both know that I will never have color besides these freckles! And don't look now, but here comes Crisis Chris." Sarah's words sped out of her mouth when her eyes landed on the not-so-handsome Crisis Chris, Sarah tried to hurry out to the cars but, a group of freshman had decided to goof off right in her way.

"Hey Sarah! Hey! What's Up? Wanna go do something tonight?" Chris asked preppily.

Now about Crisis Chris.
He could never figure out who he was.
I mean, one day [For example, today] he is dressed as a prep.
The next day, a gangster.
And the next, an emo kid.
He must have a huge closet.

But anyway, yeah, he isn't the best looking.
And y'know that'd be fine, but …
He is annoying as the Windows Startup Sound.
[Which, by the way, is no longer in use, thanks to y'all.]
But back to it …

Jessica and Christina laughed as Crisis Chris slowly inched closer as Sarah tried desperately to think of something.

Crisis Chris soon had her back against the wall.
He, suddenly, put his hand up against the wall beside her face.
His other hand was sliding down her arm.

"I said … 'Wanna go do something tonight'?" Chris asked seductively but failed miserably on the account of his breath smelling.

His face was inching closer to Sarah's; Sarah was too stunned to move, that breath must have been paralyzing. Jessica and Christina had walked a little ways off. To give some 'privacy' … or so they said.

Suddenly, his face had disappeared from her view. Sarah unscrunched from being hunched down and away from his.
Sarah glanced to see this other boy scowling at Crisis Chris who was saying, "Dude, what up, Homie?"

"Chris, you gotta stop." The boy grimaced at Crisis Chris' horrible gangster voice mixing with his prep clothing.

"Stop what, G-money? Are you just jeal-Oh, there's my homegirl, peace out!" Crisis Chris beat his chest twice with his fist, kissed it and then made the peace symbol and walked off.

The boy rolled his eyes and Sarah lightly laughed.
"Aedan. You?" He smiled.
"Sarah." She smiled back.
"Pleasure. See ya around." Aedan smiled and waved a little as he left.

Sarah only stood there, grinning stupidly, when Jessica and Christina decided to show their faces and squeal out.
"Oh my gawd! Sarah! Who was that?"
"He is so fiiine! Scrumptious!"
"Oooh, he looks athletic!"
"I see, I see! Look at his legs!"
"Who cares about his legs when you can see his butt?!"

"Geez, guys, it's just a boy who helped me from Crisis Chris." Sarah said exasperated.
"Yeah ok, whatever! You're still looking at him." Jessica teased.
Sarah quickly looked Jessica in the eyes and said, "N-no I wasn't."

"Yeah, yeah. Get in the car, I need to fill my car up." Christina pronounced.

The entire way to gas-station, Wa-Wa, Jessica and Christina annoyed Sarah who finally had some color in her face besides being extremely pale with freckles. Now it was beet red, from all that blushing.

"Dang, Sarah, your skin color might actually get stuck like that!" Jessica laughed.
"Holy mother of god, nine dollars a damn gallon?!" Christina shouted over the bickering and the radio blasting out Shake it by Metro Station.

She pulled up to the pump, got out, opened the tank and began to fill it.
Continuing their squabble, both Jessica and Sarah got out and chased each other around.

The radio suddenly switched to static and a voice sounded over it.
"Breaking news, events are beginning to happen. Argus Melpomene, a wealthy business owner, has formulated a way to make gas out of corn. That's right out of corn for fuel! We are no longer in a gas shortage. 'I did it only to better our nation. We were struggling to stay afloat and now we will remain afloat.' Is what Argus Melpomene had to say about his amazing discovery of a miracle. The White House is planning an awards ceremony just for Mr. Melpomene."

The music cut back in.
The broadcast was over.
And it had begun to change as simple as that.
Someone had figured out the formula for ethanol through corn.
We were saved.
Until the next catastrophe was to happen.
♠ ♠ ♠
Yeah, gettin' better I hope.

--->Riot. -x-