The Pros & Cons of Breathing

Campaigning for Presidency

Argus Melpomene seems god sent, yes?
[I believe they made a religion with him as the new 'Jesus']

Well after he turned corn into ethanol and U.S. I.D. system,
He's done/made:
---> Cloned milk have the same nutrients as normal milk
---> More affordable safer cars
---> Found the cure for STD's
---> Created a new element[type of metal- Melpomene(Ml)]
---> Found a cure for the addiction to drugs
---> Made a special filter to create fresh water from salt water
---> Found a safe way to get rid of hazardous waste
---> Made a gas that seals up the Ozone Layer
---> B/c of this, global warming has stopped
---> Created more efficient electrical wires
---> Created more efficient heating/AC conditioning
---> Non-flammable substance that coats the inside and outside of your home.
---> Created a technology able to detect a corrupt politician
---> Boosted our influence as a World Power
---> Created jobs for everyone

Inconceivable, yes?
You forget this is after you were alive.
Now it's the year, 2014.
I am now a Senior at River Run.

"Now class, something special is happening." exclaimed an excited A.P. Government teacher as he turned on the TV to Fox News.

"Argus Melpomene just announced that he is starting his campaign for Presidency for the year 2016." The news reporter kept going on about his many, many achievements.

Finally when the class let out everyone was chatting wildly, and the news spread like wildfire.

"Hey Sarah, over here! Can you believe what Argus is planning on doing?" Christina gushed.
"I wouldn't be surprised if Congress tried to pass a law to change it so they could elect him right this second." I replied.

By the time I got home, my mom was saying she'd vote for Argus as long as he would end the war in Iraq. Peewee[Parker] was still over there. WE hadn't heard form him a month or two but that happened occasionally.

Nothing happened the rest of the day but homework. And lots of it.

The next day I was in A.P. Government again when the Nurse came in.
'Thank god,' I thought. 'for interrupting the Supreme Courts and Gitlow Vs. NY.'

The nurse had been talking quietly with our teacher and glancing to my side of the room. Suddenly, "Sarah?" from the look on their faces I knew. I knew from the moment the Nurse came in but I just didn't want to think about it. I didn't want to acknowledge it had happened.

I jumped up from my seat, stumbled out from behind my desk, and burst from the room. The Nurse following cooing remarks about how it was going to be ok.

I was crying and screaming, "No! It's not! You don't even understand! Those ... Those fucking terrorists killed my father ... and now ... my brother! Do you have any idea what a toll they are taking on my mom and me?"

She tried to pat my arm and soothe me but I broke free and started running.
I ran down the hall, hooked a left, wrenched open my locker got out my purse. Not even bothering with closing the locker, I took off again.

I ran out to my car, threw me and he purse in, shoved the keys in the ignition and sped off. I vaguely became aware of the police car following me home.

Finally when I got home, I ran into my house ignoring the fact that I left the car running. Leaving the door open, I searching the rooms yelling, "Mom? MOM?" until I found her in her room. I stopped and silently stood there watching her.

She was sitting quietly.
As soon as she saw me she started to cry softly. When I finally reached her, and started hugging her, her tears became sobs wracking her entire body. When I began to cry, again, her sobs became screams of mourning.

The police officer stood in the door. His radio crackled mentioning the story of a female teenager driving home grieving the loss of her brother in the Iraqi War.

We didn't even hear him leave the home.
♠ ♠ ♠
When I typed, "You forget this is after you were alive." I mean this is toward the way older generations six feet under BUT it's serving as a warning to you.

P.s.--> I just realized I keep changing from "I" to "her" and back again. I'm tryin to fix that. :)