Sequel: Renegade
Status: Rewritten and Complete



I don't recall a time that I've worn a dress. I've never even owned something so elegant in my life. The dress Quela lent me is the one she wore for her sister's wedding a few years back. It's a dark purple gown with flowers and beading on the top half and is simple and flows at the bottom. Lia asked to curl my hair, but I declined since my naturally straight hair wouldn't hold the curls.

Fierce is dressed in a black suit which I can tell he feels uncomfortable in as he scowls at Quela who ties a purple tie around his neck. His face appears sickly, but he's attempting to hide it. Quela narrows her eyes trying to decipher what the problem could be without asking him. She brushes her curiosity aside offering Fierce a smile while slipping a carton of cigarettes in his jacket pocket. Fierce glances over at me admiring the way I look. I notice a smile creeping onto his face, but it quickly fades when Gabe clears his throat making it known he saw that interaction. When no one is looking I slip my knife against my cafe. If the party is anything like the invitation, I want to be prepared.

As Gabe suggested the day before, we fasten on earpieces just in case something happens. Gabe scowls at me with one eye since the other is bandaged up from yesterday's fight. I was lucky my nose didn't bruise, but I think that alone pisses him off more. He notifies us Quela will be our operator in case we need help or backup. She'll have Hunter and another rebel by the name of Xaron on stand by. Fierce shrugs claiming it will be a dull evening, but something about the way he said it makes me unsure.

My teeth chatter as we sit in Fierce's parked car. He glances at me looking as nervous as I feel. He inhales slowly and removes his key from the ignition. He forces his door open and I follow his direction by doing the same. He meets me on my side, wrapping his arm around me to keep me warm on this freezing night. We scale the marble steps leading up to the government building.

We enter into the lobby where we are greeted by the doorman who tells us to enjoy ourselves. Music can be heard in the distance as we walk toward it. Fierce lowers his arm, but grabs onto my hand entangling it with his. My hand feels tiny in comparison. We enter the main hall as the music intensifies and murmured chatter echoes throughout the room. Men and women in elegant attire are scattered about the room, dancing, eating, and enjoying their time together. A woman in black pants and white shirt approaches us with champagne flutes on a tray. She offers them to us. I refuse, but Fierce quickly forces the liquid down his throat.

"I need something stronger than this." He whispers to me as he latches onto another flute. He keeps this one in his hand for later.

We make our way around the hall as we get odd looks from the officials and workers who attend these parties all the time. Both of us feel a bit relieved when we see a familiar face. Her short curly hair is extra curly and pinned with a sparkling clip. The emerald gown she wears fits her perfectly making her blend in with the people around us. She wears a fake grin as she approaches us.

"I didn't expect to see you here." Mae says hugging Fierce. "You never come to these things." Fierce rolls his eyes and downs the champagne quickly. "Glad to see you on your feet, Phoenix, but he should not have brought you here." She warns which doesn't sit well with Fierce.

"Will you knock it off?" He barks. "You're not Mom."

"I'm not trying to be." She sighs. "I don't want to have this discussion here. Just wander around and mingle. This will all be over before you know it." Mae squeezes his arm before taking off in the opposite direction.

We walk over to an area of the hall where not many people are located. I lean against the entryway as Fierce towers over me glancing toward the people dancing. I study his face sensing something is wrong. His eyes lack focus and he has a bead of sweat running down the side of his face. He grips my hand tightly looking as though he might be sick at any moment. He's uneasy and freakish about something so I command him to go have a smoke.

He looks down at me as a smile suddenly appears on his face. He leans down planting a kiss on my forehead before heading toward the balcony on the opposite side of the hall. I glance around at all the people and feel slightly intimidated. I know I'm the youngest here and I look as though I don't belong. I spot a pair of eyes similar to Fierce's locked on me, but they quickly look elsewhere. I bite my lip nervously staring at the face which appears in my nightmares. His glance always returns to me as he casually walks about the room greeting people. My heart starts to race hoping Fierce finishes his cigarette soon, but even if he comes back now, it'll be too late.

"Mayor Fierce," my voice doesn't sound as shaken as I feel, "what an honor to be in your presence." My lying is getting scary good.

"No, it's an honor to be in yours." He places his lips against the back of my hand. "Tell me, dear. What is your name?"

"Phoenix Detope, sir."

"Detope? You're Brian's daughter." I nod giving him confirmation. "Well, I'll be damned. Brian is a good friend of mine. I didn't expect my youngest to be worthy enough for the attention of Brian's perfect daughter." I swallow hard. Does my dad really think of me like that? "Speaking of my youngest, where has he gotten to?" I stare at his fake, devious smile.

"He stepped out for some air." I return a fake smile. Mayor Fierce moves his eyes from my feet back to my head, before meeting my eyes again.

"How about a dance?" He offers me his hand. Before I have a chance to answer, he pulls me out into the crowd of dancing people.

He sets up my frame and we begin to move with the group. We spin and swirl around the room in a giant motion with the rest of the people dancing. The room twirls with us and causes my stomach to turn. Being so close to the man I was told to fear is sending nerves throughout my body. I begin to tremble when his cheeky smile doesn't fade from his face. His eyes study me as he seems to wait for his opportune moment to speak.

"Tell me something, Phoenix." I feel nauseous every time he says my name. "How did you meet Logan?" My heart falls into my stomach.

"I met him at the hospital." He raises an eyebrow at me. "He was visiting Mae and tagged along as she made her rounds. Ended up in my room and the rest is history."

"Interesting." He clears his throat. "Has Logan ever told you he's kind of like a human lie detector?" I nod with a chuckle under my breath. "He gets it from me." His voice is gruff and aggressive now. My stomach turns making me feel like anything inside of it will soon reappear. "I must give you credit for coming here tonight." He keeps his eyes locked on mine. "You've got courage and I like that." I feel weak at the knees as he spins me around. "I would like to make one thing clear," his appearance is throwing me off as he keeps a twisted smile splattered on his face. "My son is a traitor and whether or not you knew that before now is irrelevant." He growls. "I need you to do something for me." The music gets louder and he pulls me in closer so I can hear him. "You're going to end this little fling you two have going."

"If I don't?" I stop breathing.

"I'll have the two of you executed. I have someone on the inside of that silly rebellion he's running so I'll know if you followed through or not." His smile fades and we stop moving. "If I were you," he kisses the back of my hand again, "I'd listen to me." He flashes a devious smile as he mutters a simple goodnight and walks away from me.

My body is frozen and I shake where I stand. Mae suddenly rushes over and pulls me out of the moving crowd. She mumbles some words to me, but I can't hear anything. My focus is on Mayor Fierce walking away and not looking back to see the damage he's done. My heads swims with so many thoughts at once I can't focus in on just one. Mae violently shakes me finally getting my attention.

"Where's Logan?" She asks worried.