Sequel: Renegade
Status: Rewritten and Complete



I didn't sleep. I doubt I ever will again as long as I'm still living here. I watch the sun rise as it begins to stream in through my bedroom window telling me the day is ready to start. I shield my eyes with my covers hoping to stay in bed all day. I know it's not an option, but I definitely didn't want to face Fierce again today. I sigh throwing the covers off of me and head down to the kitchen. I tiptoe quietly, but realize I'm not the only one awake. Mom is leaning on the counter sipping coffee from her #1 Mom mug Travis and I got her for Mother's Day. She flashes me a smile surprised to see me awake.

"Good morning, Phoe, you're up early." She wraps her hand around my head pulling me closer for a kiss on my forehead.

"I didn't sleep last night." No point in lying to her. I already did enough of that.

"Well, you've been stressed out recently. We've all been on edge, really." Mom sips some more coffee. She places the mug on the counter tapping it with her fingers. "How about we go out today," she pauses, "together." I shrug. "C'mon! It's been awhile since we went to The Complex and I think a nice day out together would be nice." I smile at her.

It's true. It's been a long time since I actually went out with her. She has been busy with work and I've been busy stabbing the nation in the back. Plus I'm in no rush to go back to The Tunnel. Maybe a day out with Mom would be just what I need.

"Sure," I nod slightly, "let's go." Mom grins putting her mug in the sink and heading upstairs.

I turn on the television in the kitchen while I grab some breakfast. I'm not really hungry, but I figure I should try to eat something. I fumble through the fridge and decide on a bagel. I separate the halves and pop them in the toaster. The news anchor mumbles some story about the government handling a situation which occurred last night. An image of Mayor Fierce pops up in the right hand corner. I grunt in disgust switching the television off. My bagel pops up from the toaster. I stare at it wishing I had the appetite to eat it. I toss the food onto a plate and leave it on the counter. I'm sure Dad or Travis will eat it.

It's been several months since I actually did something with a member of my family. Dad works in a government building, Mom owns a boutique, and Travis is always off with his friends trying to not get in trouble for smoking weed. Strange how I'd never rat him out, but the minute he finds out what I'm doing with proof, he'll rat me out faster than you could say treason.

The Complex is the local shopping area which is down the road from Mom's store. I used to help in her store when I was younger, but I stopped once I got a job at the bar in the middle of town. Although, I quit a few years ago right after my best friend died. My family still thinks I work there which I'm surprised they haven't discovered I don't. I guess it's only a matter of time.

I forgot what it was like to be out with Mom. I've been distant from her for awhile and even if she wouldn't show it, I knew it hurt her. This day meant everything to her and I could tell by the smile on her face. She laughed and joked around with me like we used to and I didn't realize how much I missed it.

Although, I kept getting interrupted by text messages. First, it was Gabe. His was straight to the point asking where I was. Next, it was Fierce. He was whining because I didn't show up when we needed to have a chat. Then Lia was wondering why she was standing alone on our training mat without a partner. I ignored all of them except Lia's. I let her know I was sorry because I wouldn't be there today or tomorrow. I decided to take a few days away from The Tunnel. At least she was understanding.

"Can't you read?" The yell startles everyone nearby. Mom closes the trunk of the car looking over in the direction of the fenced off play area. I rest my hand on the car as I lift myself onto my toes to get a better view. "This area is off limits!" Two officers stand guard yelling at a mother and her two children.

"They saw the swings and were eager to play on the playground. They got away from me before I could stop them. I'm sorry." The woman frantically admits.

"You need to teach them discipline or we will for you." Mom folds her arms across her chest as one of the officers reaches for his baton.

"They're just children." The woman cries. "They just wanted to play." An officer steps toward her.

"They need to learn they can't get everything they want. Now correct their mistake." I shake my head. I've heard about these incidents before, but never actually seen one.

She gives the two officers a hard stare before turning to her children and striking their faces causing them to burst into tears. The officers look in our direction and catch us staring. Mom panics grabbing my bicep and shoving me to look away.

"Get in the car." She commands walking to the driver's side. I do as I'm instructed and climb into the passenger's seat.

She violently turns the key in the ignition and whips out of the parking lot. I know our government is screwed up like that, but I've never actually seen Mom react to it. If it were Dad, he would of been over there forcing that woman to reprimand her children, but Mom? I could tell she wanted to put a stop to that.

After a silent car ride, she pulls into our driveway. She sighs letting the car rest for the day. She looks at me with worn out eyes. I unbuckle my seat belt, but remain in the car with her. I know she wants to talk. I've felt her hesitation all day, but I'm not entirely sure what it's been about until now. She wanted to spend the day with me to talk about something.

"Phoe," she whispers, "I love you very much." I nod knowing this fact, but I know there is more she wants to say. "I don't hate you for what you've done or the decisions you have made." I swallow hard. She knows, doesn't she? She's my mother, of course she knows.

"Okay?" I question helplessly.

"Phoenix Marie," she stares into my eyes, "how long has this been going on?" She whimpers softly.

"I don't -"

"How long?" She yells snapping her head in my direction.

"Two years." I admit. Mom bangs her head back against her seat shaking her head.

"I've had traitor living in my house for two years." She laughs resting her hand on her forehead. "You're lucky Travis told me and not your father. Of course even Travis wasn't one hundred percent sure." She drops her hand and rolls her head in my direction. "I believe in what you are fighting for, but you know I have to wear a mask because of your father. What happened today is one of the main reasons I want this country to go back to how it was. Officials want everyone to be in line. They enforce too many rules and sooner or later everyone is bound to crack." My jaw drops open. Mom is rooting for us, for me. "This will remain a secret and once we are out of this car, we will no longer discuss it. In fact, we never had this conversation." She smiles at me before opening her car door.

I stare blankly at her shadow heading toward the trunk. I've got a mom who is for the rebellion, I've got a brother suspicious of me, and I've got a dad who has no idea, but will probably kill me when he finds out. I'm sure I'll keep this under control. I've been lying for so long, I even believe that one.