Status: I guess I'm back?

The Illusion's Edge


An:) Okay so this story is basically about these boys at my school that me and my friends ship together and we decided to write a story about it. For their safety and for mine(should they find me) their names have been changed. Everything in this story (the plot and characters) belong to me and anything else I don't own. I hope you enjoy it!

John smiled softly walking down the hall to his art class smile fading when he remembered his boyfriend wasn't in the class. Not many people knew since his boyfriend didn't want anyone to know he was gay. Even though most people suspected in any way. John didn't mind him not wanting people to know about their relationship. John, himself, was rather shy and quiet so he didn't mind the attention. His boyfriend on the hand had lots of attention because of how good he looked. It would be big news to everyone if they found out he was actually gay and in a relationship. John sat down in one of the seats and leaned back staring off into the distance since he wasn't really into Art. John's thoughts couldn't stay off his boyfriend the entire class. They were supposed to hang out after school at his house since his mother knew about them and his house was closer than his boyfriend's. Plus his boyfriend hadn't told his parents yet in fear of getting kick out of the house.

Class went by slow for John but, when the bell rung he was one of the very first out of the classroom and went searching for his boyfriend. It was a little hard with the crowd of teenagers trying to get out of the school since it was Friday. John found him with his fake girlfriend, Logan Daniels, and couldn't help the little smile on his face. Not from Logan. He walked up next to them brushing his back gently to let him know who was next to him. He couldn't help but, notice the little smile slip on his boyfriend's lips when he was talking. He was only talking to her to keep up the illusion that Logan was his girlfriend. John listened to him talk and rolled his eyes when Logan him off half way through what he was saying. He didn't like Logan, She was always rude to people and would act like she was better than everyone. It was not uncommon for girls to like his boyfriend's appearance so John assumed she acted like she was better than the other girls because she got his attention while other girls had to watch. He rather him pick another person to fake date then her but, his boyfriend insisted since she was stupid and wouldn't suspect anything going on between him and his boyfriend. John couldn't help the smirk when his boyfriend cut her off by ending the conversation and waving at her before turning towards him. James Bennett, or as he liked to be called Nico. John smiled gently at Nico wanting nothing more than to pull him into his arms and kissed his head. '10 minutes' John reminded himself softly and he nodded slightly. In ten minutes they would be at his house and they could cuddle and do whatever they wanted. John started to walk to the door looking to the side to make sure Nico hadn't got cut off by anyone. He walked outside and let Nico catch up before they started to walk.

They were usually quiet on the way home because they both knew they wouldn't be able to hold themselves back from saying 'baby' or 'babe' since they weren't in school. They didn't want anyone to hear their conversation and go tell people about it. John nudged Nico's hand gently with his and smiled lovingly when he saw the small blush on Nico's cheeks when he looked down at his hand. That was probably the one thing they both wanted to do really badly, holding the other's hand. John has caught himself multiple times in school when he wanted to grab Nico's hand or comfort him when he was frustrated. But, instead he tried the best he could to help him while showing him silently that it was okay.John took a turn on Servene Ave, making sure that Nico was still close behind him. Taking another turn down Faith Court, John finally decided that they could hold hands now that no one could see them. He hooked his fingers with Nico's and pulled him a little closer to his side. John could help the little grin that slipped on his lips when Nico squeezed his fingers back. John walked Nico up to the steps to his house and unlocked the door a little too eagerly, almost dropping his keys much to Nico's amusement. John finally got the door open and let Nico walk in first before following behind him. John fumbled with the lock on the door for a quick second before skinny arms wrapped around his middle pulling him back into a flat chest. He smiled tenderly and turned around facing the scrawny boy.

He knew it was hard for the dark haired boy too. Their whole situation would break anyone's relationship in a matter of weeks or months but, somehow they made it work. They would go on little study dates and steal kisses and hugs when they could. "I missed you" the timid deep voice of Nico vibrated against John's shoulder. John nodded slowly running his fingers through Nico's hair before taking his hand and leading him to the living room. He sat down and chuckled when Nico shuffled closer to his side like if he stopped touching John for a couple seconds, he would disappear. He wrapped his arm Nico's slightly broad shoulders and pressed his lips against his tan forehead. John could stay like this forever. Just him, Nico, and silence. The silence they welcomed because it meant they could be themselves. "How was your day?" John asked in a hushed tone rubbing his fingers soothingly down Nico's back. "It was fine.. Logan finds it necessary to text me whenever someone looks at her the wrong way. And my engineering class is really difficult without you there to help me with things" Nico said with a slightly annoyed tone when it came to Logan and his 'pouting' tone when it came to John not having his class with him. John's grin slipped quickly on his lips for a split second trying to hide his obvious jealousy. It wasn't fair that Logan was able to text his boyfriend whenever she wanted and he couldn't do it himself. "Don't worry about her bug." Nico said seeing the look on John's face. John looked at Nico with his eyebrows raised. He watched as Nico quickly covered his mouth realising what he called John. "I'm sorry!" He gushed looking really embarrassed with himself. John smiled fondly and pulled him closer to him kissing his nose. "Shh, don't worry about it. I think it's cute" he teased kissing the pink cheeks of his boyfriend.

John felt himself pulled to Nico's lips and the next thing he knew his boyfriend's lips were pressed against his. John and Nico kissed lazily for a while before Nico started to get rough with his kisses and his hands. John couldn't contain his smirk when Nico shifted around and placed himself on John's lap straddling him before connecting their lips back together almost desperate for affection from the other boy. John pulled away to catch his breath smirking up at Nico "Hello there James" he teased placing his hands on Nico's hips holding him firmly. His little teasing ended with Nico biting on his bottom lip telling him to shut up. Nico connected their lips once more getting more firm and rough about it since John had teased him but, John wasn't complaining. John held tighter to Nico's hips when the dark haired boy's arms wrapped around his neck and tugged on his hair. John's hands moved down to hold on to Nico's thighs when the door opened."....."
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Oooooo cliff hanger! Though most of you probably know where its going... Anyways! I hope you enjoyed my story and please give me feedback because this is my first time actually posting here and Its been a long time since I have shared my fanfiction online. Thanks for reading! <3