Don't Forget

Night Terrors

“Come here little Mia, Mommy says it’s play time.”

Where is Mommy?

“Shh Mommy’s sleeping you don’t want to wake her do you?”

No...stay away…

“Aw little Mia...So soft…”

It hurts nnno mmmstop!

“Ahh you like that?”

No stop! Please!


It hurts so bad! Please stop!

“Mia wake up!”

It hurtsss stop! Please!

“Mia please wake up!”

Aaaaahhhh stop it!

“Mia just open your eyes!”

Mia opened her eyes and sat up. He was there, “Please don’t touch me.” He pulled away from her. Mia looked around. This wasn't The Room. She was in Eric’s room. Eric? “Eric?”

“I’m here.” Eric said touching her shoulder. Mia straddled him clinging tight to his chest.

“I’m sorry,” She sobbed, “I’m so sorry.”

“What? What are you sorry for?”

“For everything,” Mia was still shaking, “You’re so *hic* good to me. I don’t *hic* deserve it.”

“Miamor you’re not making any sense.”

“I need you Eric,” Mia said pushing him down, “Touch me.” Mia brought his hands to her breasts.

“Oh Mia.”

They made love and Eric washed away all the feelings of terror helplessness. She was safe and warm in Eric’s arms again.

Afterwards Eric was the first to speak, his voice muffled by Mia’s hair, “Are we going to talk about it this time?”

“I had a bad dream.” Mia said. She didn't want to think about what she had just escaped, “What’s there to talk about?”

“These aren't just normal nightmares.” Eric said, “I think they’re becoming more frequent too.”

Mia felt her chest clench. She turned to face Eric and snuggled into his chest, “I don’t want to talk about it.”

Eric pulled away and reached over to turn on the light on the night stand. Mia groaned into her pillow, “Talk to me Mia.”

Mia sat up and fidgeted with the back of her head. The bedside table light was dim so it didn't take much effort for Mia’s eyes to adjust to the light. She glanced at the clock next to the light: 1:00 am. She looked at Eric. His eyes were bloodshot and his hair was plastered to his head in odd places. Mia didn't want to know what she looked like.

Mia felt nauseous at the thought of telling Eric what happened to her. What if it disgusted him? What if he left her? She traced her fingers along the fierce head of the dragon tattoo on his chest. He closed his hand over her laying her hand flat over his heart. She could feel his heart beat and she tried to find comfort from the feeling, draw strength from it.

“How about we make a deal?”

“I’m listening,” Mia said giving him a small smile.

“I’ll tell you the story of my tattoo and you tell me what’s been keeping you up at night.”