Don't Forget

Happy Birthday Mia

Mia woke up to an alarm she had set the night before. It was Tuesday, and the summer sun all but filled her room. Down stairs she could hear her father making breakfast. Smells of cinnamon and bacon wafted up to her bed through the floorboards. She went to shower and brush her teeth before thinking carefully about what she would wear. She decided dressing down would be best. Connor tended to laugh at her if she put too much effort in looking pretty for him. She decided on a regular white T-shirt and the only pair of jeans she owned. She needed to tell John to buy her more jeans. There was a beeping sound outside. Connor was there to pick her up. Mia bounded down the stairs.

“Hey,” John shouted just before she reached the front door.

“Dad, Connor’s waiting.” Mia whined. John came out of the kitchen.

“Let him wait. Where are you going?”

“To Connor's most likely.”

“When will you be back?” This wasn't an actual question. It was a quiz about the rules.

“Before the street lights come on.” Mia droned.

“And if something comes up?”

“I’ll call. I know the rules. Can I go now?”

“What’s my number?”

“What?” She hadn't studied for this question.

“If you don’t know my number how are you going to call me?”

“Daaaaaaaaad,” Mia whined. Why did she have to get the dad that cared so much?

“So I got you a cell phone to help you remember.” John said pulling out a small box from behind him.

Mia gasped and squealed, “For-real?” She went back and sat on the stairs. She opened the box to find a small silver flip phone.

“My number is the 1 speed-dial and if I call you you answer,” He said leaning on the banister, “Happy Birthday.”

“What?” Mia said looking up at him, “Is it really the 18th?”

“I knew you’d forget with all the time you’re spending with the Butler kid.”

“He was Connor before I met him.” Mia giggled

“He’ll be the Butler kid as long as he’s hanging around you, nineteen, and still living with his parents.” John said.

“Thank you Daddy.” Mia said standing on the step to kiss her father on the cheek.

“You’re welcome baby.” He said, “Do you want spaghetti tonight?”

“Will I still get spaghetti Thursday?”

“Twice in one week?” John said feigning skepticism, “I don’t know about that.”

“Daaaaad,” Mia whined again, “It is my birthday.”

“We’ll see. What kind of cake do you want?”

“Chocolate Ice cream cake.” Mia said.

“You've been planning this haven’t you.” John said smirking.

“Since you left, yep.” Mia said. John stopped smirking. Mia pretended she didn't notice his reaction walking to the door again.

“Call me when you get to where you’re going.”

“And if anything comes up.” Mia said nodding opening the door, “You’ll be the first to know.” She shook her phone at him.

“Be safe!” He called after her as she left out the door.

“Go inside Dad, stop worrying!” Mia called back.