Don't Forget

Open Up

Beatrice picked up as soon as she saw his name on the caller ID, “Eric, where are you?”

“I’m up.”

“Mia’s not here right now she went looking for you.” Beatrice said going to the elevator, "After she stopped crying I mean."

“I didn't come to see Mia I came to see you.” Eric said.

His tone was kind of creeping her out. But she just chalked it up to his extreme emotional state. She went to the front of the building and opened the door for him. Eric smelled of brandy and he was leaning on the door frame. Beatrice rolled her eyes as she put his arm over her shoulder.

“You spent the night at a bar?” Beatrice said, “Real original.”

“I’m just one cliche after another aren't I.” Eric snorted as they stumbled into the elevator, “Maybe that’s why”-

“Oh God could we please skip the That’s why Connor's Better Than Me rant and skip to the part where you barf?” Beatrice said pushing him so that he fell onto their old couch inherited from John in their designated sitting area.

“Compassionate as always.” Eric grunted.

Beatrice went and got him a glass of water from the kitchen area, “Sit up drink this.”

“Still the water fairy telling me what to do.” Eric snorted following her directions.

“More like your war nurse.” Beatrice pursed her lips, “I just patch you up for you to go back out there and almost murder yourself again.”

“Why am I never good enough for her?” Eric said swinging his glass. His voice cracked as he said it. Beatrice predicted the action and ducked out of the way. She caught the glass out of the air.

“Eric-eric-eric,” Beatrice tisked and shook her head, “How many times do I have to tell you? La puta se rompe, sigue adelante already.”(1)


“No pero!” Beatrice said pushing Eric by his shoulders and he fell faster than she expected so she fell on top of him, “Hijo de puta!” Beatrice said blowing her hair out of her face. She froze when her eye’s met Rebekah’s, “Rebekah? What are you doing here?”

“I-I didn't mean to interrupt.” Rebekah said stumbling back.
Beatrice glanced down at her position on top of Eric. She jumped off him, “He’s drunk I was just”-

“Tucking him in with your tits in his face.” Rebekah scoffed, “Yeah, you know, I always heard of that method but I've never actually seen it done.” Rebekah smiled, “So thanks for that.”

“You can’t be serious!” Beatrice said running her hand over her face, “You could look at him yourself he’s already asleep, the fucking drunk!” Beatrice would have kicked him but she was afraid to lose eye contact with Rebekah

“Is this just what you guys do? Just fuck around.”

“Are you seriously that insecure!” Beatrice said exasperatedly. Rebekah grimaced as if Beatrice’s words hurt, “Oh fuck! I didn't mean it like that Rebekah please don’t go.” Beatrice took a few steps forward. Rebekah took a few steps back. She pressed the button for the elevator.

“Like I said,” Rebekah smirking again, “I didn't mean to interrupt.”

“Rebekah please” The elevator was already locked and on it’s decent.

“Goddamit Eric!” Beatrice said tugging at her hair “Porfavor, deje de arruinar mi vida!”(2) She went to the elevator and hoped Rebekah wouldn't have gotten far when she finally got down to the ground floor.

(1) The bitch is broken, move on.
(2)Please stop ruining my life!