Don't Forget

“You can’t possibly”-

Messiah smirked, “I’m here to collect.”

“What does that mean?” Connor said.

“I’m staying with you for the years that you owe me.”

“The hell you are.” Connor scratched the back of his head. So pushy... “You’re just like her too.” It was creepy and comforting all at the same time.

“I get that alot too.” She said, “I’ve also got her wit. She taught me everything you taught her, so don’t you think for one second I’m giving up on this without a fight. I’ve already come this far.” She laced her hands in her lap, “I’ve heard your voice and I’ve seen your hands now. It’s a done deal.” Messiah shrugged. Connor opened his mouth to say something but stopped when he saw Britney stumbled out of his bedroom in from the corner of his eye, “Hello.” Messiah said as if her best friend had just joined the party, “And what’s your name?”... more like her five year old best friend.

“Who is she?” Britney said pointing at Messiah and looking at Connor. Britney was blonde, but it wasn’t her natural shade. She had issues, like he had issues. It worked as long as she didn’t talk. Right now she was doing a lot of talking.

“His daughter who are you?” Messiah said crossing her arms.
Britney’s eyes got wide as she looked between the two of them.

“You hush!” Connor said pointing at Messiah. Messiah stuck out her tongue at him, “You should get dressed.” He said to Britney.

“You’re kicking me out because of”- Britney started, but stopped when she saw the look on Connor’s face, “Fine but this is way fucked up.” She said as she went back into his room slamming his door.

“She’s just the type mom talked about.” Messiah getting the same sneer on her face Mia would have as she said, “Skank-hoe-bag.”

“That word's a bit out of date for your generation isn’t it.” Connor smirked.

“If the Fuck-me pumps fit.” Messiah she shrugged.

Connor stared at her. He wasn’t sure what to do with himself. She claimed her parents were out of the country, but she could also be lying. Had Mia really taught her everything? She didn’t forget… Connor scratched the back of his head and sat in his easy chair directly across from Messiah. He didn’t want to think about these things.

“Eric taught me to read faces too.”

“You don’t call Eric dad?”

“He’s not my dad.” Messiah said then added when Connor opened his mouth to say something she added, “And no mom never got that paternity test. We would have changed the birth certificate to reflect that if she had. Eric wasn’t there though…”

“You can’t possibly”-

“I can’t possibly remember the voice that cheered me on while the doctors poked and prodded me with needle after needle.” Messiah said over him, “I couldn’t possibly remember what it was like not to want to eat because I didn’t know where the hand went.” Messiah stood and took Connor’s hand and turned it so she could grab hold of his index finger. “The hand that was my only comfort among all the lab coats and strange faces. I even remember how much Eric irritated me. He still seriously irritates me. He’s so high and mighty, so nice and perfect like a-a-”

“Wonder Boy?” Connor smirked.

“Yeah...Wonder Boy…”

Messiah smiled and if he wasn't already sitting his knees might have from buckled under him. It was really her. She’d come and found him after all these years and what did he have to show for it? As if to answer his question Britney came out of his room. Messiah dropped his hand and turned to face Britney. Britney went to Messiah and held out her hand.

“It was nice meeting you. I wish it was under better circumstances.”

Messiah rolled her eyes. Connor snorted. Britney turned red. She started stomping towards the door.

“You forgot your shoes.” Messiah said going to pick them up.

“Keep’em.” Britney said. She slammed Connor’s front door.