Status: finished//sequel is up

A Few of My Famous Friends

Raindrops on Roses and Sneaking on Buses

I sighed, staring blankly at the party that was raging around me. Some famous musician was no doubt throwing it as instead of playing Guitar Hero, guys were just trying to come up with the craziest guitar solos.

I got up off the couch where I had been wedged between two guys whose names I had forgotten and stumbled over to the drink table. I picked up a plastic cup filled with punch with liquor mixed in and was about to take a sip when it was grabbed out of my hand.

"Exshcush me," I slurred, turning to look at the person who had stolen my drink, who turned out to be my brother. "I believe I wash drinkin' that Jonny."

"Kate. No. You were drinking this," he said, giving me a Sprite instead. "You sound totally smashed. How much of this punch have you had?"

"Uh, five cups? Mebbe six. But hey! I could have a abnormally largshe liver like you and not get drunk."

"Katie, you know I'm like the only one in the world who has that. And if you've drank that much, you're drunk. You're still underage!"

"But I'm famoush. Famoush people can drink as much as they want. I mean hello? Linshay Lohan mucsh?"

"You need to stop drinking," Jon said, leading me over to an empty chair. "Stay here for the rest of the night unless I or one of my bandmates is here to escort you."

I pouted, "Fine."

He left and I sipped at the Sprite, happy at the sudden sugar burst. I continued sipping at my soda, curled up on the armchair until I was out of Sprite. I frowned at the can and turned it upside down. When I shook it, nothing came out, so I threw it. I think it hit someone.

I watched the party lazily for a while. Later, I don't know how much later, but later, Brendon walked over to me.

"Hey Kate, let's go get ourselves wasted."

"No Brenny, I can't."

"Why not?"

"I already drank a lot and Jonny said that I can't leave this chair unless he or one of his band-" I trailed off, smiling at him brightly.

"Then let's go!" He said, pulling me off the couch.

That's about all I remember from last night. I woke up this morning in a bathroom. My face was pressed against the wall, and my legs were smashed by the toilet. I pulled my cell phone out of the purse that I had amazingly held on to and dialed my best friend's number.


"Shh, be quiet."

"Kate? Is that you?" My friend, Scarlett asked.

"Yes dumbface. You have caller ID remember?"

"Oh. Right. So, what's up?"

"I'm somewhere, but I don't know where."

"Gimme some details."

"Well, I just woke up on the bathroom floor. I'm sensitive to light and sound and I can't remember most of last night, which probably means I have a hangover. Um, someone's yelling outside."

"Are you me when I was seventeen?"

"No. I'm much prettier than that. I'm going to investigate. Talk to you later." I hung up and got to my feet. I straightened the clothes that I was wearing, noticing that they were the same ones I was wearing yesterday.

The voice that was yelling got a notch louder and I recognized it as Jon's. "Crap," I muttered to myself. I decided to stay in the bathroom until it was safe.

About five minutes later, I heard people leaving. I poked my head out of the bathroom, and stepped out. It looked like I was in a trailer. After opening and closing several cupboards and hangings that turned out to hide beds, I wandered over to where the countertop was and looked at a schedule that was lying on top of it.

"Oh crap. Crap crap crap crap crap." I said, picking up the schedule. "This is not good." The heading of the schedule was titled Tour Dates

Unfortunately, my darling brother Jon came back into what I had just discovered as his tour bus at that time.

"Kate," Jon growled, pacing back and forth. I sat on one of the beds, with my knees drawn up to my chest. "What do you have to say for yourself?"

"Um, the last thing I remember is sitting on the chair last night, drinking Sprite?" I said, hopefully.

"Let me fill in the blanks. You and Brendon proceeded to drink enough that Brendon got drunk. It's a wonder you're alive. I heard some rumors that you and he were making out in a bedroom or something and if it weren't for Spencer, you might've woken up regretting a lot more than you already are."

My eyes widened at that part and I pulled my legs closer to my chest.

Jon continued, "I've asked around and Pete admitted that he drove you to where we were departing because he thought you'd want to say goodbye to me in person." He scoffed.

I bit my lip nervously. Jon was really mad at me. I hoped he wouldn't send me home. I've always wanted to go on tour with him.

"Brendon ended up sneaking you on the bus and apparently you passed out in the bathroom. It's a wonder that no one noticed you were on. Then again, Brendon was the only one who got drunk and he already knew you were in there, so he wouldn't have been surprised if he wandered in there to throw up. If the rest of us didn't need to go to the bathroom in that short time period, I can see how you stayed hidden."

"I'm sorry." I murmured into my knees. "Do you hate me?"

"Sorry doesn't cut it, and no, I don't hate you. You're my little sister. I'm incredibly angry with you though. I wish we were closer to home, because then I could just drop you off. But we're already on the road, and I don't trust you at home, especially since Trent is there and he's a bad influence on you."

He had a point. Trent was our older brother. He was the epitome of cool. He had that 'bad boy' aura around him. He smoked cigarettes, which made his voice really raspy, which all the girls thought was sexy. He dabbled in some drugs and knew everything there was to know about art.

Each of the three Walker kids had a passion. Trent's was art. Jon's, obviously, was music. It was a little different for me. Growing up, Jon and I would fight over who could have music as their passion. We both played instruments and were in bands. But eventually I learned about acting, and saw that Jon was way more into music than me, so I backed off immediately. I started learning anything and everything about movies. Movies became my passion, which encouraged me to start acting. I had a few roles so far, some of them as extras, some of them as minor characters. Along with the job I worked at Barnes and Nobles and the allowance I saved up since I was a kid, I had quite a sum of money, which turned out to come in handy.

Jon started talking again, so I snapped out of my thought process and started listening to him.

"So, as your punishment, you have to work merch, and you have to share a bed with Brendon."

I raised an eyebrow. "What if someone recognizes me? I am famous you know. And why is sharing a bed with Brendon a bad thing?"

"You may be famous, but you still have to work merch. We'll pay you, of course. But there is nothing less fun than selling t-shirts to fangirls after a concert. About Brendon, you'll have to figure that one out for yourself." He winked at me. "Now come on. I need to go give another speech. And although it's not directed at you, I want you to listen."

"Ugh, fine. But I need a shower."

Jon looked at me and sighed. He walked into the bathroom and came out carrying what looked like a hairspray bottle. "Here. Pete gave me this. It's dry shampoo. You don't need water. You just spray it on your hair and rub it in."

I made a face but took the shampoo. I did as he instructed and gave it back to him. "Let's go hear this speech then."

Jon led me out of the tour bus. I realized that we were stopped at a gas station. Spencer, Brendon and Ryan all were carrying food back towards the bus. When they saw me, they exchanged glances.

Jon pulled me over to where they were standing. "Okay, I'm sure everyone here remembers the little fiasco last night. Maybe not Brendon, seeing how he's partially to blame for it." He glared and Brendon. "Anyways, I'm here telling you that Kate's coming with us on tour. She'll be selling merch. If any of you do so much as to lay a hand on her, I'll kick your scrawny little ass. Are there any questions?"

"Where is she going to be sleeping?" Spencer asked timidly.

"To punish her, she has to sleep with Brendon."

Ryan and Spencer shot me pitying looks while Brendon let out a large "Yes!"

That night, I found out why no one wanted to sleep with Brendon. Not like that you pervert.

First of all, he liked to cuddle. This was extremely awkward, seeing as I only saw him as a friend and we had met twice before. Second, he liked to sing. In his sleep. Off key. And not just that. He liked singing showtunes. Tonight, it was The Sound Of Music.

After enduring that for an hour, I pried myself out of his grip and walked across the 'hall'. I pulled back the hangings in the bunk, and saw Ryan asleep. I climbed into the bed, trying not to wake him up.

I failed, of course. He groaned sleepily. "Aren't you supposed to be sleeping with Brendon?"

"That sounds very wrong. Yes, I am. But he sings showtunes off key. And he likes to cuddle." I said, wrinkling my nose. "Can I sleep here?"

Ryan sighed. "Just don't get caught by Jon."

I nodded and climbed into the bed, thankful that they were condo bunks. I curled into the fetal position and fell asleep.

The next day, Ryan shook me awake. "It's early, and no one else is up. But you'd better get back into Brendon's bed."

I nodded thankfully and crawled back over to where Brendon was sleeping. The instant I laid down, he latched onto me. Ryan was much more comfortable to sleep with.

I lay there, thinking, until I heard people walking around. I smacked Brendon's arm and he woke up.

"Owww, what was that for?" He asked sleepily.

I simply pointed at his arms around me.

"Oh, sorry 'bout that." He said, blushing slightly.

"No problem." I muttered, getting off of the bed.

"So, what was Brendon singing last night?" Jon asked with a smirk on his face.

"The Sound of Music," I grumbled, sitting next to Ryan. I laid my head on his shoulder and murmured, "You're comfy," before trying to fall back asleep.

Unfortunately for me, Brendon came in the room at that moment. And no one sleeps with Brendon around unless he and/or you are heavily sedated.
♠ ♠ ♠
Chapter one is out, and chapter two will be out in about five minutes

Kate, if you don't want to use your imagination