Status: finished//sequel is up

A Few of My Famous Friends

Swear To Shake It Up (With Drunk Lazer Tag)

After finding a bar that was conveniently near a laser tag place, I proceeded to get as many people drunk possible. I bought drinks for Jeremy Davis, Pete Wentz, Joe Trohman, Andy Hurley, and Ryan Ross.

"Alright guys, first drink is on me. But you have to buy the rest!"

After an hour, I rounded up everyone in the bands and made a checklist.

"Okay, Jeremy, drunk; Hayley, sober; Zac, sober; Josh, sober; Pete, drunk; Joe, drunk; Patrick, sober; Andy, drunk; Jon, sober; Ryan, sober… Ryan! You were supposed to get drunk!"

"I don't get drunk. I gave my drink to Brendon. He and Spencer are drunk." He said, pointing over his shoulder.

I sighed. "Brendon's sleeping on the floor for the rest of the tour I guess. Brendon, drunk; Spencer, drunk, and Kate, sober."

The sobers herded the drunks over to laser tag. The owner was locking up as we got there.

"Hey, will you stay open for about an hour more?" I called out to him. "We'll pay extra, and we'll pay for anything that might get broken."

He looked a little nervous at that part. "I really need to be getting home…"

"We'll keep the game under an hour and recommend your place to our fans."

He shrugged and unlocked the door. "Alright."

We separated into two teams, the sobers and the drunks. The sobers had Hayley, Zac, Josh, Patrick, Jon, Ryan, and me. The drunks had Jeremy, Pete, Joe, Andy, Brendon and Spencer. You might think the sobers would win, but the drunks did pretty crazy stuff, like jump off of fake rock formations and tackle you to the ground.

It was insane. The sobers won the first round, but the second round, Ryan, Hayley, Jon and I were tied up using the drunks' belts. This was a bad idea for them, as they had to run around for the rest of the game with their pants falling down. Fortunately for them, unfortunately for us, they had kidnapped the best players on our team.

Eventually the owner kicked us out and we thanked him profusely. When we got back to the tour buses (the sobers dragging the drunks) we split up. Hayley, Zac, Josh and I went into Paramore's bus; Jon, Ryan, and Patrick went into Panic's bus; and everybody who was drunk went into Fall Out Boy's bus.

Istoleborrowed Hayley's laptop and logged onto my screen name.

Xbleedingx3X: where are you?
Oh KAE Go: what?
Xbleedingx3X: yesterday you called me and said you were lost. didja find out where you were?
Oh KAE Go: Oh, yeah. I'm on tour w/ Jon baby!
Xbleedingx3X: not freakin' fair. is brendon there?
Oh KAE Go:
Oh KAE Go: no. it's a Panic tour without the lead singer.
Oh KAE Go: Ryan's singing instead
Xbleedingx3X: =O
Xbleedingx3X: tell him he can't sing for jellybeans
Oh KAE Go: i was being sarcastic
Oh KAE Go: of course brendon's on the tour you moron
Xbleedingx3X: knew that
Xbleedingx3X: oh, call josh btw. he has no idea where you are and it's freaking him out
Oh KAE Go: i've been gone for like a day
Xbleedingx3X: you guys were gonna do a movie, remember?
Oh KAE Go: crap. g2g.
Oh KAE Go: byeeeeee!
Xbleedingx3X: love ya!
Oh KAE Go: love ya too!
Oh KAE Go has signed off

I pulled my phone out of my pocket and dialed Josh's number.

"Kate? Where are you?"

"Remember that party I went to last night?"


"I kinda got drunk and passed out in my brother's bus. We just left Connecticut and we're heading to Boston."

Josh let out a few choice swears.

"Don't worry baby, I'll be back in Chicago in about…" I grabbed a tour schedule from the couch, "A week and a half."

"What about those other guys in your brother's band? It's not that I don't trust you, I just don't trust them."

"Josh, they're like my brothers. Plus, Jon has already played the 'touch her and I break your bones' card."

Josh sighed. "I don't like it. But I trust you."

A silence stretched. But it wasn't awkward.

"I have to go. I love you."

"I love you too." I whispered.


I dialed Scarlett's number. I needed something only she could get me.

"Do you think you could be in Boston by tomorrow or the day after?" I asked as soon as she picked up.

"Oooh! Did Brendon ask for me?"

I sighed. She tested my patience sometimes. "No. He doesn't know you, remember? I need my books and my iPod."

"Fine. But I get to stay with you 'til you get back to Chicago."

"How about until we finish Canada?" I asked.



"To shake it up."


"God, you're touring with them and you don't know their songs?"

"I only listen to stuff that came out before I was born or movie soundtracks, you know that."

"Ugh, whatever. I swear."

"Good. We're done in Canada in four days from today."

"How can you tour Canada in two days?"

"We're only going to Montreal and Toronto."

"You're missing, like, all of Canada."

"I know. Now I have to go, video games are calling my name."

"You're such a nerd."


I tossed the phone on the couch next to me and sat down next to Zac who was in an intense Tony Hawk's Underground 2 game with Josh.

"I play next!" I called in a sing song voice.

Zac nodded, biting his lip. "You wanna play the winner or loser?" He asked, pressing buttons furiously.

"Winner, duh."

I watched them for a while until Josh threw the controller down in defeat. I rescued it as Josh started complaining.

"I have awesome hand-eye coordination. And I rule at this game. So stop whining like an emo kid" Zac said, effectively shutting Josh up.

"Hold it!" I yelled as Zac started to pick another game.

"What?" He said, looking at me curiously.

"I want to change my character. Margera sucks."


I changed my skater to Mike Vallely and smiled at Zac. "Kay, I'm done."

He rolled his eyes and picked Score Challenge.

I smiled brightly as "That's Why They Call It A Union" by Less Than Jake came on. This was the song I played best to. We were in Skatopia, which was my favorite level. After what seemed like five minutes, Zac stared blankly at the screen.

"If I could skateboard, I'd totally be this rad." I said, smiling and putting down the controller.


"Zac, do you play a lot of video games?"


"About how many do you play regularly?"

"Maybe ten."

"I play this and Guitar Hero. Those are the only video games I'm good at. And I want to make sure that I'm not just good, I'm the best."

"Fine. You win this time Walker."

The bus slowed down and I looked outside. There was a traffic jam. I could see the two other buses from the window.

"I'll be right back!" I called to three quarters of Paramore. I ran out of the tour bus and into Panic's bus.

"Hey guys, what's up?" I asked Patrick, Ryan and Jon.

"You're running around in traffic."

"Shut up Jon, I know that."

"Go back to Paramore's bus you psycho."

I stuck my tongue out at my older brother and left his tour bus. Instead of going to Paramore's bus, though, I went to Fall Out Boy's.

"How are you silly drunk people doing?" I asked, entering their bus, although I soon wished I hadn't.

Pete and Joe were duct taped to the wall, and Brendon came running over to where I was.

"I FOUND KATIE!" He shouted.

"Kate wasn't playing hide and seek!" Andy shouted, his normally high voice was even higher because he was drunk.

"Katie, play with us!" Spencer whined pulling at my arm.

"Um, no thanks. Get some sleep, it's late." I said, going outside quickly. I ran back to Paramore's bus.

"Putting all of the drunk people in one tour bus may have seemed like a good idea, but trust me, it wasn't." I said, as I entered. "Now I'm ridiculously tired. I'm going to bed. Hayley, which one is yours?"

"Um, don't you want to sleep in Jeremy's? So everyone gets their own?"

"Actually, no. I don't want Jeremy to decide he wants to sleep in his bed, come in here, and decide to sleep with me. Not like that." I said smacking Zac's head when he started to chuckle. "And I already have to sleep in the same bed as another guy. Well, not any more because he's sleeping on the floor for the rest of the tour cause he got drunk."

Hayley shrugged. "Whatever." She led me to her bed and I climbed in. I fell asleep to Zac and Josh playing Tony Hawk and occasionally cursing.