Status: finished//sequel is up

A Few of My Famous Friends

This Calls For A Toast, So Pour The Champagne

After dinner, we had to do sound check. And by we, I meant the bands. I had to set up merch. Yay me. Scarlett said she wanted to help me, but I expected her to disappear once the bands started playing.

I was mostly right; she came back after Panic finished playing.

"So, why didn't you stay for Fall Out Boy? Too old for you?" I joked, giving a preteen a shirt and receiving the money.

"Eh, I've already seen them in concert a couple times." She said, passing me a sweatshirt when I asked for it.

A little while later, during the middle of Fall Out Boy's set, one fan buying merch surprised me.

"Hey, you're Katie Walker! I saw you in The Corner of Sixteenth and Broadway! I loved it by the way."

I smiled and took the money she held out to me, "I didn't have a big role, I was Lacey's sister."

"Your acting was phenomenal. What are you doing selling merch at a Fall Out Boy concert? And can I have your autograph?"

People started to protest at her holding up the line. Scarlett, being such a great friend, jumped in and started selling the merch.

"Uh, I'm Jon Walker's little sister," I said, signing a piece of paper for her. "I kinda snuck on tour and he made me work merch."

"Really? That's so cool! Well, not working merch, but being JWalk's sister. Sorry to sound like a stereotypical crazed fan, but can I have a picture?" The girl asked, waving a camera.

I smiled and shrugged. "Sure." I jumped over the counter type thing and smiled for the camera.

"Thanks!" She said, after she had taken the picture. I hugged her and she hurried off.

"That was weird." I remarked to Scarlett, helping her. "Usually people don't recognize me."

She shrugged and we turned our full attention to helping the crowd.

Later, back at the hotel, Scarlett gave me the things I had asked for, plus my laptop, some other random things she thought I might need, and anything to do with the bands I was touring with. "Because you refuse to listen to anything from our generation," was the response I got when I raised my eyebrows at the third thing.

I broke my rule for once and listened to the albums. All three of the bands had very catchy songs and I would find myself singing them later on. At eleven, everyone in the Panic hotel room decided to go to bed and get some decent sleep while they actually had beds.

I, however, logged on to IM on my laptop and started watching music videos for Paramore, Panic at the Disco, and Fall Out Boy's songs. When watching Fall Out Boy's songs, I decided to IM Pete.

Oh KAE Go: ewww
attention whorexdelicious: what?
Oh KAE Go: the music video for Carpal Tunnel of Love
attention whorexdelicious: haha, isn't it gruesome?
Oh KAE Go: >.O
attention whorexdelicious: i like the part where the eye gets stuck in the door, flies into the ice cream, gets put into the ice cream float and the two bunnies drink it.
Oh KAE Go: xP
Oh KAE Go: you have a sick, twisted sense of humor
attention whorexdelicious: i know

. . .

Oh KAE Go: omg, is that URIE?
attention whorexdelicious: huh?
Oh KAE Go: 16 candles/touch me music video
attention whorexdelicious: haha, yeah. spencer and beckett are in it too.
Oh KAE Go: i see. wtf is up with that fur on beckett's shoulder?
attention whorexdelicious: he's a dandy. he's cool like that
Oh KAE Go: yeah . . . this video confuses me
Oh KAE Go: but nice flippy thing about half way through the video
attention whorexdelicious: thanks
Oh KAE Go: the fight scenes rule too
attention whorexdelicious: thanks again
Oh KAE Go: g2g, apparently my muffled beeps and low sound is disturbing bden's 'beauty sleep'
attention whorexdelicious: you better go, he really needs it
Oh KAE Go: haha, bye
Oh KAE Go has signed off

The next morning I woke up with Ryan's arm across my waist and his nose in my hair. I pulled his arm off of me and rolled over.Although it was quite nice I didn't want Jon to catch us It was weird as we were like brother and sister.

I walked out of the bedroom and noticed Scarlett and Brendon in the same pose as Ryan and I were moments ago. I grabbed my camera and took blackmail pictures.

Half of me hoping the same would be true for Jon and Spencer, half of me disgusted at the very thought of Jon and Spencer cuddled up, I entered the other bedroom.

Jon was sprawled across the bed and Spencer was almost falling off, he was over so far. I laughed quietly to myself and left the room.

I got Starbucks for me and everyone else who wanted it. I already knew everyone's preferred taste and if I didn't stop, I would end up being their Starbucks girl. Hey, actually that'd be pretty cool. I could go on tour with them simply to get them Starbucks for when they woke up. They wouldn't have to pay me or anything. Maybe I'd discuss this with them…

After dropping off Paramore and Fall Out Boy's coffees, I returned to the hotel room and started drinking mine. Yes, a Venti Java Chip Frappuccino, my favorite.

Scarlett did everything prettily. She ate prettily, she slept prettily and she punched boys prettily. So it was no wonder that when she rolled over and yawned (prettily, of course) Brendon, half asleep, pulled her closer to him.

"Brendon, stop," she protested meekly before snuggling closer to him.

Movement drew my eyes to the bedroom door where Ryan and I had slept. Ryan stood in the doorway, looking like he just rolled out of bed. A disgusted look was on his face as he glared at Brendon and Scarlett. I snorted into my Starbucks.

The snort brought Scarlett back into reality and she bolted up, clutching the covers to her chest, "Omigod."

"Scar, if you're gonna do the nasty with Urie, get your own room. Don't do it on the pull out couch." I said from my spot in the kitchen-area.

"We did not do the nasty!" Scarlett spluttered.

"Whatever," I said, shrugging and putting my empty coffee cup on the counter. "Coffee?"

"Mint mocha chip frappuccino with chocolate whipped cream?" Scarlett asked hopefully.

"Of course." I answered.

"I'm disregarding your statement about doing the nasty with Brenny and saying, 'I love you so effing much!'" she said, getting up and grabbing the frappucino.

That's the thing about Scarlett. You can say whatever the hell you want to her face and she'll forgive you if you get her favorite frappucino for her. But if you say something behind her back, she'll kick your ass.

The rest of the day was pretty normal for being on tour. The guys just wanted to relax and I spent the day on my laptop, just chatting with friends back home and surfing the web.

I had to work merch again that night, and Scarlett helped me so it was less hectic.

The next morning, as we were getting ready to depart, Scarlett announced she wanted to take a walk with Brendon. I told her we were leaving in half an hour and if they weren't back by then, we'd leave without them and let Ryan sing for the rest of the tour.

Now, Scarlett hates Ryan's voice and believes it would torture the fans if he were to sing for an hour or so straight, so she made sure to bring Brendon back on time.

When the tour began, Jon pulled me over and explained something to me: If we were going to be on the road for a while, do not let Brendon have any excess sugar. Scarlett, being a visitor, did not know this rule.

So, when they came back 25 minutes later, Brendon was swallowing the last of a three foot long Pixie Stick.

"How much of that did he eat?" Jon asked, appearing beside me with a horrified look on his face.

"All of it. He was whining to me about how much he craved a Pixie Stick, so I bought him one. Scarlett said, picking dirt from under her nail. She didn't notice our wide-eyed expressions.

I beckoned Scarlett over to the side a little bit. "Scarlett," I said, my voice kind, "you have no idea what excess sugar does to our dear Brendon. It's usually okay, but we are going on a five hour bus trip. We will have to deal with Brendon, who is crazy enough as is, on a sugar high.

"Sorry guys," Scarlett said, her eyes sweeping across Panic at the Disco minus Brendon plus me. I could tell she didn't reall mean it. Next time Brendon overdoses on sugar, I'm sticking her in a small room with him.

We survived the ride to Montreal with no casualties and few injuries. Scarlett had somehow managed to escape riding with the sugar-high Brendon and went with Paramore, where she no doubt hit on Jeremy, Josh and Zac. I was happy when we got there because I got to test my French and see how much I learned from high school. Scarlett, however, took Spanish, and was not so happy.

We happily put Scarlett on a plane back to Chicago the next day and continued on to Cleveland.

I had a countdown in my bed area counting down the days until Chicago.

Only one week left...
♠ ♠ ♠
So, next chapter Kate will be in Chicago and you'll get to meet Josh! Not the guy from Paramore, her boyfriend silly!

But yeah. I still need to find a good picture for him.