Causing Havoc on a Street Near You

vision from hell

Home. It felt so weird. For over one hundred years I thought my parents had died, and now they were in front of me. Vincent had sat down as we walked in and made himself at home, Garwin had ran to find Elizabeth. You could hear them running down the stairs at a very alarming speed. “Thomas!” I glanced at Vincent who was biting his lip, “find something funny?” I snarled, he shook his head then fell off the chair laughing. “Mother” I smiled, she embraced me into a bear hug. “Mother cant breath!” “Sorry” she smiled at me, a soft smile. “I’ve missed you mom” she looked away “You can cry,” I said lightly touching her arm, “Always caring” she smiled.

That night we all sat at the dinner table and caught up on what happened in between now and 1813. Garwin touched her shoulder lightly “come on dear, time to go to bed”
She looked at me one more time “I love you” she smiled, bending down to kiss my head, she walked out the room with Garwin. “So...Thomas” I turned to glare at Vincent, “Its Guardian to you” I growled, he started laughing softly. “Right, you’ve got some business to tend to…Guardian” he straightened upright, “Not till tomorrow” I sighed getting up and going into the kitchen. Vincent was suddenly there. In the way of the door. “Impressive, now move” “just because your living with your parents, doesn’t mean you can just forget about everything” I sighed “okay, move” His iron hands grabbed my throat and pushed me into the living room. I glared at him, staying quiet so he wouldn’t get the satisfaction out of bullying me. “Listen boy, You now my property, I wouldn’t mind a… ‘Gee thanks Vincent for saving my ass” I looked at him with hatred. “I only wanted an apple” I grumbled, His grip tightened, I wasn’t going to suck up to him! I slammed my fist forward, he caught it and twisted it backwards, CRUNCH “Jesus fucking Christ” I yelled. I heard a laugh, I fell from his grip and clutched my hand, “don’t worry, just every knuckle and your wrist is broken” he laughed and sat down in his chair.
I Suddenly felt dizzy, a bunch of white walls whizzed round my head, I felt a sudden mix of hatred love and anger, I became lost among my own and these new thoughts, I clutched my head, the pain in my hand could wait, this was more important, I fell flat on my face; I rolled back and fourth in excruciating pain… I dry heaved a few times then fell silent back onto my back out of breath. My head was spinning, I felt my self somehow disappear from my body, Able to see and hear… but moving, speaking? No.
I felt Vincent grab my shoulders, my eyes were empty, my features more pale than normal.
I left my body and reached out to the vision I was getting. My subconscious.
I was in a white room, nothing else, just a room. To the side of the room was a bed, in it lay Plague. “Plague?” I gasped in disbelief; She shot up in her bed and looked around. “Who’s there?” “Its me, Guardian” She looked around again “im going mad” she said hysterically to herself. I realised she wont be able to see me. “Plague I’m just can’t see me” She looked towards my voice “Listen im sorry I did what I did, I need you back with me!” I looked at myself in disbelief… words flowed out my mouth. “I need you as a team, I found my parents, everything’s going to be fine.” I stopped speaking to see why she was quiet, “You b…be...betrayed me” Her look of shock became a look of horror disgust and anger. “You bloody betrayed me! And then you say everything’s fine!” “Listen I-” “No. Shut it and listen! You come here in a vision thing, after betraying me; my powers have gone Guardian…Im bloody useless now! And you come here saying you want me back, so you and Taiven can make my life a misery?” “I’m not associated with him anymore, I’m working with his brother, and my mother and father” I looked at her pleadingly, she couldn’t see me but still.
“Its all good and well telling me all this! But what about Daikon, He must be terrified and your telling me that it will all be fine” she crossed her arms.
“I’m sorry. Im a failure I get it” I moaned “Guardian. Show me you care” I looked at her “How?” “Break me out” she whispered I looked on in shock “I promise I will get you and Daikon out of this god forsaken place” I said slowly. “Bye Guardian.” She Smiled slightly, “I’ll see you soon” I replied.
I felt my self coming back to myself “Why isn’t he responding” someone shouted “Scarlet let your father get on with his work”
“I think we have him”
“Some one get some water”
“Garwin go sit with Elizabeth”
I gasped, as if resurfacing from a dive.
“Guardian!” Someone shouted at me, I Listened to the movements in the room, opening my eyes slowly I tried to sit up, “Just rest for a bit” some weird man ordered, I lied back down. Four men were crouching near me.
I felt my head spin again, “for gods sake” I whispered
I dry heaved, I left again.
I looked around the room I was in now. It was where I used to stay as a child. Taivens residence, Daikon lay on his bed writing a letter, it read

Dear Plague,

I don’t know weather to believe in god anymore, but if he was here I would sure bet he would get someone to come rescue us, I love you x

Its not as bad here, I hate it though because im not with you.

I rolled my eyes “Daikon, Its me guardian, before you ask your not going mad, Im here in a vision… now let me begin and no interrupting, you can leave here through the door easily its only a simple lock. First get out here then knock out the reception lady…reception is along the corridor to the left. I will meet you there tomorrow. We’re breaking out” I sighed once I delivered my message, I laughed a little, his expression was comical… he just sat there open-mouthed “going now I’ll see you tomorrow”.

I came back for the second time.
This time I woke coughing.
“Guardian what happened?” Vincent asked, genuinely worried, I tried to move my head but couldn’t move this time, “I don’t know” I lied “Guardian Tell me what happened” I couldn’t see who it was because I couldn’t move my dumb head.
Then it clicked, “Edmund!” I gasped horrified “damn straight.” My head felt like lead, Plagues voice suddenly rung through my head “Thanks for betraying me guardian… You at least deserve some punishment” I felt a searing pain down my right leg, “Shit” I groaned, Blood filling my mouth “don’t fucking kill me!” I shouted back in my head “Its so cool how it still works through the mind” she laughed fading away, I opened my eyes, Everyone staring at me in shock “Plague” I choked, “Guardian…” Edmund looked at me, “oh dear god! His leg!” someone shouted, my dark purple trousers were now dark red, the floor around then was soaked in blood…my blood.

I looked around the new room I was in. it was black…pure black…realising the light was switched off I spun my legs over the bed and stood up, closing my eye’s and feeling my way through the room by senses. I felt the door handle and pushed it slowly open, I put one foot forward…. no one around. I took another step forward, the slowly another, a hand came down on my shoulder “bugger” I said under my breath, a small laugh came from behind me, “where you going?” Edmund asked. “Well… bah im busting out Plague” “but didn’t you put her in there I mean-” “yea I know” I butted in “I sort of need to bust her out…so cya” with that I shook off his hand and carried on walking “want any help?” “You wha?” I said shocked, I spun around “he didn’t protect me at all, Taiven deserves to die… Vincent will help, im sure everyone will” I raised an eyebrow sceptically “okay…” He looked at me then smiled, “I’ll go alert everyone” I nodded my head as he left, well that was different.
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uhm sorry it took so long, i was busy