Causing Havoc on a Street Near You

Violet eyes

Violets pov.

I woke to the sound of screaming. My room was pitch black apart from the glowing set of purple eyes in the corner of my room. Who’s ever they were they were just as human as I was.
The purple eyes were so familiar. They reminded me so much of my fathers eyes, filled with worry and sadness. As if they had lost someone close. I didn’t know who this person was but they scared me. Their eyes scanned the room but never seemed to look my way.
The screaming continued to go on down stairs. It must have been my closest friend, scarlet.
I slowly sat up trying not to be noticed but as soon as I moved their eyes shot up to stare straight at me. Their eyes burning into my head. I went to open my mouth to ask what the hell they were doing in my room and WHO the hell they were but the soft velvet voice spoke before I had chance.
“Morning violet, I see it took you some time to wake”
His voice was like velvet, not scary at all, almost comforting. But how did he know my name, I have never met him before.
“How do you know my name? Who are you?” I stuttered.
“ Well I know many things about you violet, am I’m well, that’s not important right now”
I started to scream at him” who the bloo-“ before I got chance to finish my sentence he jumped up from where he was sitting and pout a hand over my mouth. He moved so quickly and elegantly. As if he were immortal. I was right. Internal life and what humans call superpowers, like me. I was so wrapped up in thought I didn’t realise that he had returned to his seat silently.
“ What do you want, why are you here?”
“ You see I have a little problem, personal problem.”
“And where do I fit into this”
“ I need your help, you see I have a friend”
“ Ah, a friend. I see”
“yes anyway. She’s in a locked metal ward, and I need to get her out”
I just sat there for a while, not replying. Maybe he should be in the metal ward. The security in those places is high, very high. Even with my powers and maybe his we still wouldn’t get anyone out of there. He must be out of his mind. Although it did sound like a nice challenge I mist admit. I needed and adrenaline rush every now and then.
I sighed knowing I was getting myself into a big mess.
“ What’s in it for me?” I questioned, I wasn’t going to put myself up for this for nothing.
“A new power?”
Hmm, a new power sounded good but there must be a catch and how did he know I had powers. He must have done a lot of research.
“How do you know about me, I have never met you and I don’t even know your name. Bit risky on my part, don’t you think?”
“ Well I know your brother, Daikon”
“ Daikon?” I just about managed to get his name out of my mouth. I all of a sudden felt sick and rather dizzy.
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New character =D