Causing Havoc on a Street Near You

a long awaited dream

I walked over to Vincent who was lingering in the shadows with a large group of people, some I’ve never seen before. He saw me and stood up “ah, problem here, the entrance is guarded and so is every room” I turned my head to the building. “Is it fitting to send everyone we know to their deaths?” “No, but they said they’ll fight to the death, anything that will help us” I then felt it, the guilt that was hanging over me for every death I caused had dropped, I would be the death of these people. Am I really a guardian? Or am I a reaper. I felt a hand on my shoulder, “Guardian, I just want you to know this is an honour and I to will fight to the death” Violet spoke softly “I do not expect that of you but times getting on” I took off my long leather jacket, letting it fall to the ground. My black fighting top fitted perfectly still, my trousers were my casual dark purple baggy fit. I nodded towards the group.

I crept slowly towards the main entrance… why? Because Its unexpected to use the obvious. I saw the ‘guards’ and gasped. “Vamps?” I asked Vincent who was next to me “yes, strange I know, Taiven can create anything these days.” I shook my head in disgust. I flicked my right hand out to my side drawing out my Scythe as I did. I turned to Vincent, “say when” he nodded, both of us creeping up to the entrance, we were four metres away “when” I laughed softly catching the attention of the guards.

I launched my self forwards, landing in front of them. I slammed my hand into the ugly looking face of a vampire; he stepped backwards but failed to be harmed. I spun the scythe around my hand and ran it into the mans neck, making a clean cut. His head rolled to the floor. Seconds later his body hit the ground. I turned to the other man who was pressing a button on some weird control. Well we are going to die anyway lets test something out. I glared at him my eyes turning black, “Time to die for the second time” I laughed manically at him. With that I rammed my scythe into the side of his neck with such force he stumbled back, the scythe imbedded into the wall. I laughed and walked up to him, his breathing was very shallow. I grinned at my masterpiece. “Guardian leave him we must go find plague” I tilted my head to the side “no hostages guardian come on!” I ignored Vincent’s words and pressed my hand to his wound catching some of the blood that was pouring out of his wound and licked it off. “thanks for the extra strength” I laughed and flung the doors open.

Taiven ran out into the corridor “Guardian?” I grinned at him “You don’t know what you’re dealing with” he snarled at me. I just looked at him; kneeling onto one leg I threw my arms backwards. After a few seconds a small fluttering could be heard, getting louder and louder, Taiven looked at me in sudden realisation. Violet ran up beside me and told me were plague was. Taiven turned round to run. I clicked my fingers and on command bats flew into the building at all angles attacking Taiven.

I looked at violet and nodded, I took a deep breath before running to find the room.
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...sorry about the wait x] but for being patient there will be blood spilt