Causing Havoc on a Street Near You

Return Of The Traitor

I sat there waiting, for what I didn't know, I just sat.

‘Plague. Can you hear me?’ A unseen voice spoke. ‘Yes, how are you old friend?’ I knew that voice anywhere. ‘Im fine, more worried about you though. I can see you, but im unsure where you are. Let me know ill come get you. I have major news.’ He spoke sincerely. ‘You know Taiven. That fuck face of a father I have? Well im in his mental home. You know that crappy place he puts our people when he can no longer control them, well im there.’ ‘Ah ok give me a few hours. Im on it now. Goodbye for now my friend.’ I sat there plainly again thinking bout what to do about Taiven, Guardian and Daikon. What would they think if I wasn’t here any more? That was when I decided to write them a letter. So I picked up the pad of paper I left on the floor for times like this, and began to write.

“ To which ever one of you finds this, Guardian, Daikon or Taiven,
I decided I no longer liked this place, it bored me. And sitting in this cell one day I got a message from a old friend of mine and he offered to come and save me from rotting in this hell hole. So I took it. Anything to get out of this piece of crap. I will see you all very soon.
Plague x x”

I folded the paper in half and wrote “To Whom It Concerns,” on the front and stood it on my desk. I then gathered up what belongings I had and packed them away in my messenger bag. I then waited, and waited, and waited. The hours ticked by, and still I waited. Untill, my boredom was broken by the sound of a familiar voice. ‘Plague?’ The voice asked followed by two knocks on the door. ‘YES,’ I started ‘Yes this is the room, NOW GET ME OUT!’ Thinking for a second ‘Wait where are my manors, PLEASE!’ I waited another few seconds when I heard the voice shout ‘Stand Back!’ I stood over by my bed and counted to four. He came crashing through the door and picked his self off the floor. ‘I know your rusty but you took your time getting in here didn't you?’ I asked ‘Yeah well im sorry, I had to get into the right mind frame. I haven’t used this power in a while, you know? Busting through pure titanium doors is harder then it looks.’ He laughed. His eyes still had that twinkle in them like they did the first day I met him. He was still a child on the inside. ‘So Raven how’ve you been?’ ‘Its been a while hasn't it. Well, im still single, but im coping. You?’ you would have thought it would be obvious how I was, but he’s not one to catch on quickly. ‘I've got two partners, I was stuck in this shitty place by one of them. TRAITOR!’ I shouted hoping Guardian would hear no matter where he was. ‘And the other partner is kinda my other half.’ I smiled. Our catching up time was cut short, the sounds of fighting going on outside intrigued us. We ran out of my room and looked around. With me being stuck in that cell the whole time, and Raven never being here before in his life, we had no idea where the nearest window was. We ran down a corridor and found a big window. We stood there gasping at was going on, People, people I knew and loved fighting. I saw Guardian and some other girl run off towards a open door to this place. I spoke quietly to raven knowing security would be a hell of a lot higher now they are all here. ‘Raven we must get back to my room quickly and quietly. When we get there we must hide and wait. You’ll see.’ I said noticing his confusion.
Hiding behind a wall, I saw Guardian and the girl run up to my room. Guardian was first to speak.

“Sorry about clouding you” “how did you know?” The girl replied “I can see people presence it clouds me” The girl let out half a smile before turning to an open door. Guardian ran inside looking around, a white room, standing in the room was a table, a note and a bed, but no me; He turned to the wall and hit it. I could tell he heard clapping from behind him “Good show, I’ve always been a sucker for a good horror movie” I spoke with a giggle in my voice. “H...How did you get out” He asked shocked
I grabbed Raven’s t-shirt and pulled him into the room, “Meet Raven, He helped me I helped him, heard a huge battle went to watch…simple!” Guardian’s eyes widened, “Powers back yet?” I flicked my hand out, Guardian fell to the floor holding my stomach wincing in pain, “Yep” I smiled. I let it off a little, but still leaving a tint of pain, showing I had power, power that if Guardian, or anyone for that matter, were to screw me over again they would be dead. The girl looked at Guardian eyes wide, she shook her head tears spilling down her cheeks, “Violet what’s wrong!” “I’m... I’m so sorry” She collapsed to her knees. “NNNOOOO” He screamed, “Guards what’s up?” I asked instantly at his side, “They’re gone” He said plainly, his eyes went to a light purple and his skin paler. “Who!?” “My parents” with that I ran out the room-dragging Raven behind me.
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Plague's written this one XD