Causing Havoc on a Street Near You

No use crying over spilt blood.

“if I’ve told you once, I’ve told you one thousand times before, Chill” I placed a hand on her shoulder, she shrugged it off and turned to look at me, “easy for you to say” I turned my head away, lost in thought.

I’ve been with Plague for around 230 years now, It all started when my parents had died of small pox… 28th February 1810, After discovering their death, I ran away, I was living off the things people threw out, occasionally stealing from local merchants.
It was only a year after I had run away that I ran into Plague. She looked scared out of her life, shaking… I couldn’t just leave her, so I took her back to where I was staying, an abandoned house, left empty after the plague, and know-one returned. As soon as she walked in she sniffed the air, and smiled. She never told me why she was running, and it didn’t look like she would share that information either. So we were inseparable after that. Like brother and sister, we would steal from local markets and on one occasion, a ship. It was after that, when we met them, four ‘travellers’, I remember it all too clearly, “Watch out son, where you heading?”, know one speaks to us, well normally anyway. The man said his name was Taiven, and that the others were, Edmund, Chester and Laurence.
He asked us if he could strike us a deal. A deal with death, I shudder to remember..
He said If we kill the people who look like they were dieing, and helped them when we got a message, he would grant us the chance to live forever, and some strange gifts that only we would have. Plague was the first to speak, and signed her life away… as well as mine. And here we are, a filled shopping centre 200 years later, With plague unable to control her gift, a gift to kill.

“right, its about time” I sighed “I cant do this Guardian” she groaned “sure you can, I’m only going to be by the fountain… 5 metres away.” “But I can’t control it!” she started shaking now, I placed my hand on her shoulder “Listen just stay calm, concentrate on me, and if that doesn’t help, buy something from here” I said looking around the tacky clothes shop, “or another shop either way” I smiled, And turned to leave, “Be quick” I smiled to my self and walked away. I reached a women’s jewellery stand, I turned to ‘Look’ at something, keeping my head low, “can I help you sir?” I looked up, “No thank you, I’m just looking” I smiled, looking back down, he was staring at me, I closed my eyes in concentration, I needed to pick up on her presence. “Are…are you ok?” I ignored him and kept searching. “Sir?”, I looked up, staring him in the eyes, “I’m fine.” I said slowly, I saw her!
She walked past me now, one touch was all I needed, to find her later, I dropped in behind her, matching her pace, looking for an object of use to me, A stool! I saw it and jogged lightly over to it, “here goes nothing” I mumbled under my breath, I threw the chair with as little force as possible at her, Crap.. To hard, it flew straight for her head, She turned to me in horror. The stool rammed into her nose, instantly breaking it, she fell down, hitting her head against the floor, A loud crack echoed around the centre. Plague was instantly at my side, “dumb ass” she whispered.
I ran towards her holding her head, “Kate?” I looked up, “oh my god! Kate are you ok?” my eyes widened, a boy friend?. Plague started looking around nervously. People began to gather around us now. “it was that young man over there!” some old lady explained to a cop, pointing at me. “Plague” she looked us, her eyes going a darker shade, “thanks” I picked up the girl and ran for the stairs, a high-pitched scream rang throughout the building. I picked up my pace and Headed for the car park. Leaving Plague to finish my job, Death.
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Death filled Experience.