Causing Havoc on a Street Near You

Back To The Good Old Days

A small puddle of blood sat where Kate once lay. After Guardian made the massive mistake of throwing that stool too hard it was my turn. My turn, To kill. I stood there for less then a second and my eyes went jet black. My hair turned black like my eyes and i jumped down to the lower level, most people would think both my legs would have broken but no. I heard screaming and then 7 clicks. I had not moved yet i locked all doors. The screams continued as people died. Most people died from suffocation. Blood filled their throats and they coughed it up onto the maroon colored carpets that looked as if no one had bothered to clean them for years. Other people died from the scream that i let off. It was higher than high and louder then loud yet the passers by could not hear it. The thing about my gift is i can only kill who i intend to kill and if other people are around the first they know about the killings is from after i leave the facility. POP, BANG or what ever word can best describe the sound of heads exploding. Snap! Parts of peoples skull embedded themselves into the walls and floors. Brain matter went every where. Facial features went flying and landed in peoples bags and on the people themselves. The people that i was not killing that came out in clean t-shirts were bound to leave in dripping red ones with skull and brain dripping off their skin. Before i left i went to see if there were any survivors. One! Begging for life. But once my eyes turned black i had no mercy. I skinned him alive then pulled his muscles out one by one watching him squirm. Watching him and laughing. I ripped out his heart and ate it while it was still beating. I watched the life drain out of his eyes and walked off. Waltzed out of th doors unseen. I flew above the building so i couldn't be seen. Landed in the hidden part of the car-park and my normal eye color returned. I pulled out a mirror from my back pocket and looked at what i had done to myself in there. Blood from the 'survivor' dripped from my chin and onto my clothes. Guardian walked up to me with Kate still in his arms. "What the hell happened to you?" He said as i wiped off the blood. "Not alot! But a hell of a lot happened in that shop! What happened to her?" "I had to re knock her out." "Why?"
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