Causing Havoc on a Street Near You


I walked back to the car and pushed Guardian onto the Back seats and buckled him up. "Does he have to be buckled in? Its not like he will slide around!" "At the speed I drive EVERYONE takes precautions." I hinted with a dark tone in my voice. Daikon suddenly reached over and fastened his belt tighter. His big blue eyes held worry. His Black hair fell to cover his right eye and with a small flick of his head he looked up at me with hair no where near his eyes he flashed a smile and I couldnt help but blush! "Daikon we have to talk.." I said slowly and quietly as I hoped he hadnt heard. "Really? Why? Have I done something worng or what?" He asked with a very puzzled expresion on his face. "No no no you're not in troubble. Well you dont have to talk. You have to listen and I have to talk. I have something very important and its very serious. So you cant laugh, take the mick or anything understood?" "Plague, I wont I Promise!" I looked down towards the floor as best i could. My moves restricted from wearing the seatbelt. "Plague? Hello? Are you going to tell me then?" "Yeah ok, I hope you're ready for this?" A akward silence fell upon the car and lasted for a few moments untill i finally said "Ok, Daikon, I really like you and ive spoken the Guardian and he approved..." "He has to approve?"Daikon interupted. "Yes and No, You see he is like my big brother. And considering what I could possablly do to you. I wouldnt want to hurt you. Guardian helps me. If he didnt I would kill every one." The mood had shifted thankfully. Even with the shifted mood the akwardness of the silence still hung in the air, so to break it i asked "Did that freak you out? I did didnt I? I knew it!" "Hey hey hey slow down. I didnt say u freaked me out it was just a little weird thats all. Only weird because i feel the same way. You're lucky you have someone to talk to when you get lonely. Back before you found me it was horrible. No one spoke to me, i was kast aside like rubbish from a old bin." "How anyone could have called you rubbish is beond me. You're georgous!" He blushed. Something Id never seen a guy let alone him do before. The akward silence returned and stayed for the rest of the ride to the safe house. We moved Guardian onto the couch and left to go and sit in the family room.
*** *** *** ***
"Yay, CARDS!!!! Look Plague I found them!" Daikon had been looking for a pack of cards ever since we left Guardian in his room. "Plague Plague Plague!!" Daikon said running into the room i was sat in. "Plague please play cards.Please?" He begged. "PLEASE!" Yeah sure why not? Couldnt hurt could it." Daikon and I moved the leather sofa that sat in the middle of the room, the one that Guardian was not asleep on, and sat on the floor and patted the area in front of him motioning for me to sit there. So I walked over. But before i could sit down there was a movement from Guardian. He opened my eyes to a dark room, a few candles lit, “Welcome back partner” I smiled, He lifted his head up to me and Daikon sitting on the floor playing cards. He let his head fall back down, “You alright Guards?” I asked, “No im bloody not, I need to go home” He slurred some of his words, still drowsy… “This is your home…” “No. Home home” He repeated, “Plague… uhm he seems a little out of it” “Shush, Guardian, You’re not! Going back to that place” I took his shoulder and held it down, as he tried to get up, “What time is it?” ”What?” “The time! What is the time?” “Quarter to twelve why?” “Crap.” “What?” “I have to go Plague, er I will uhm speak to you when im back”, He grasped my hand and removed it from his shoulder; he stood up, full of energy, searching for the keys. “God dammit Plague give me them!” I laughed, chucking them at him, “Stay out of trouble” He mumbled slamming the front door behind him!
*** *** *** ***
I went back to Daikon who was sat in the middle of the room still but this time he was confused and slightly worried. "Chill Daikon, every thing will be fine. Guardian knows what he is doing," I sighed. "Hopefully." I muttered under my breath. So with that comment I sat down with him and played cards for a hour and a half untill the worried look came back to his face. "Daikon? Daikon? Whats Wrong?? I told you Guardian knows what he is doing!" "That not what im worried about.." "What then?" "Dont be afraid but look at the door." Two men stood there, Two men i knew i recognised straight away. "Damn it Guardian. TAIVEN!!!" I walked over to the door and opened it slowly knowing who was stood behind. "Good Girl Plague. I knew you didnt want ANOTHER new door. Oh who is that? A Friend, Taiven never new you had other friends. Guardian never mentioned him." He looked over towards Daikon. "Whats your name boy?" "D..D...D......Daik...Daikon. Who are you..?" He laughed. "Laurence! My name is Laurence!" "And This is Chester. These are two of the guys I never wanted you to have to meet!" I said Making sure my voice was heard. "Aww Plague dont be like that. We're good guys really." "Ha!" I laughed and by that time Daikon got up and was by my side. "Aww look at them. Thats right make the most of the time you have!" Chester laughed and grabbed Daikon's arms and put them behind his back. "Get your dirty hands off him." At this point Laurence was moving towards me. "Dont even think about touching me." But it was too late my arms were pinned to my back and we were moving outside. Chester and Laurence put us both in the back of his big black truck. "Stay!" Chester said at Daikon.
*** *** *** ***
We pulled up finally at a big white building, Chester and Laurence opened their doors and started to talk as they got out and moved to the back doors which were, obviously, locked to stop us from escaping. We heard a key move in the door. I jumped out as soon as the door opened and tryed to run but Laurence caught me straight away and Chester said "Make sure you tighten security on her. He is fine, He wont run no where." They held us tightly and took us up the long corridor to the secutary desk. "Hey sweety." Laurence said to the lady behind the counter. She had shoulder length blonde hair and big blue eyes. Yet the one problem with her eyes. Round her Left eye was a purple bruise. "What happened to your eye?" "Oh some guy came in and asked for the boss, Sorry i cant remember his name." "Guardian!" "Im Sorry. What did you say?" "Guardian? What? Why?" "Yeah that was his name!" Chester and Laurence took us up stairs.
*** *** *** ***
Guardian opened his eyes, Laying on the floor of Taiven's office. He tried to lift his self up, He couldn’t move. A huge boot was on his chest holding him down, he looked up… Taiven.
I had too many thoughts to hear anything, but Taiven's mouth was moving, as in conversation, Guardian turned his head to the side, I was being held up by Chester and Laurence, Daikon was next to me, gun at his head. Guardian closed my eyes. Guardian shuddered, He looked towards me again. “Im surprised he hasn’t killed her already!” Taiven muttered darkly to himself, Gaurdian looked at him eye brows raised, “Hate him” I whispered to my self, no one seemed to have heard. If Taiven heard, he would of laughed by now. Guardian looked back to Taiven, He looked down at him and smiled, He opened my mouth, “Peace child” He whispered, He looked to me, I looked horrified. “What’s he saying to you” I shouted, Guardian winced. “Guardian!” I shouted again, He looked to Taiven… pleading “Silence Brat. He doesn’t want to speak to you” Taiven spoke, that hurt; My expression was scared and horrified. But Guardian seemed to found comfort in his words.
*** *** *** ***
After a while Taiven said "Guardian, Shall I tell her or are you going to?" "You Do It! I cant bare it." "Thanks, Plague Do you want to know why you are really here?? I dont care if you do or dont im going to tell you anyway!" I sighed and looked at Guardian who didnt look back at me. "Plague...You're off to a home. A MENTAL home!" He laughed. I looked at Guardian "TRAITOR! I CANT BELIEVE YOU WOULD DO SOMETHING LIKE THIS," Tears ran down my checks and smudged the eyeliner that i put on like I normaly did. Thick and Heavy. "I HATE YOU I CANT BELIEVE YOU! WHY WHY!" I screamed. "Why?" My voice crumbled into a whisper. "Guardian? Guardian. WHY?!" My anger reterned. I squermed my way out of Chester and Laurence's grip and walked over to Guardian and fell to my knees when I reached him. "WHY? WHY? TELL ME WHY?" The Tears still ran down my checks just like they did before. "It had to be done! Im sorry but life with you is hard and i cant help you anymore. Im sorry."
*** *** *** ***
"You have 2 minutes to say goodbye before the van get here!" Daikon was all i could think of now! "DAIKON! NO! I cant believe I have to leave you! Thats so not fair. Please be careful. Take care of your self for me, you know I'll come out soon enough. I will think of you every minute im in there. I'll miss you more than I'll miss anything / anyone else! I dont want to go," I turned to Taiven "WHY! WHY DAD What have i done to you?? WHY WHY WHY WHY???" I Hadn't got a answer by the time the van came. There was a knock on the door and one of Taivens helpers walked in. "Sir They have arrived." "Send them in! Dont worry Plague, You wont be leaving this place. The van is full of the rest of them. The rest of the people like you! THE NUTTERS, THE CRAZYS!" He laughed. I let a small growl out. "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" I screamed and didnt stop untill Taiven spoke "Plague You know my weekness please dont make me use your's. Oh I'll be needing this." I suddenly felt empty. "WHY? TAIVEN! why? why did you have to remove my powers WHY?" "You know how it is Plague. Just trying to help! I dont want the crazys down there dying on me!" He had taken my power and said he took it to protect the people he had in lockdown!
*** *** *** ***
Just then a small man walked in and an few slightly taller men followed in after him. Taiven walked over to great them and as he did so I heard him mutter to chester, "Hold her down this might get tricky." As quickly as i heard him say this i hugged Daikon and he stood suprised and hugged me back! "Im going to miss you too. I LOVE YOU!" He whispered into my ear! Chester walked behind me and before I could reply to Daikon he had hold of me. A very tight hold on me. "I'll miss you too. AND I'll always love you!" I shouted back as he pulled me into another room.
*** *** *** ***
When I awoke i couldnt remember what had happened. "Daikon? Guardian? Taiven? Hello?" "Hi!" A friendly yet un-familier voice replyed yet as I looked around I was completely alone, surrounded in white walls. "Hello? Where are you and where am I? What happened to me? Wait Who Are you?" "Hello, I will be the only company you have in here I will only be here for a hour a day. You are in Taiven's Help Home. For The damned or Hurt. You were put in here by Chester helper of Taiven. And I am no one important so you dont need to know who I am." I realised i would have alot of time to myself and no one to talk to and i might actually go crazy!
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sorry its taken some time to write i was banned from the laptop for a while