Causing Havoc on a Street Near You

The Letter

I sat in that bleak room for a week not speaking to anyone except the lady I couldnt see. After a week and 3 days i got bored of being alone so i asked that strange lady "Excuse me, ' being as polite as posible 'Would I be able to send a letter to my friend please?" I got a small reply "Of course. Tomorrow." and with that I walked back to the centre of the white walled room and sat cross legged facing the bleak, white, pad locked door and fell back so i was lying on the floor cross legged untill the ladys voice was echoing through my mind so loud it was like she was stood next to me. "Hello?" I asked suddenly sitting up. "Good morning Plague nice to see you are up. Breckfast is on the table as is lunch you slept through breakfast hour but I decided to leave it there. In case you wanted that instead of what you have for lunch. And on the table next to your bed you didnt use is a pen, some paper and a envolope. Because you asked to write your friend a letter. We like to give our occupants some privacy so we dont read any letters. Ill be back at 5 to give you some food." "Th..Thanks I think." That was all I could manage to push out of my brain and through my mouth. I didnt know what to say she had answer every question thinkable.
I sat at the food table and ate my breakfast and without even thinking as soon as i had finished eating breakfast I ate lunch. After eating I went and sat on my bed and looked at the pen and paper and began to think. I picked up the small multi-coloured pen and the 3 sheets of paper that sat under it and placed them just in front of my favourite sitting spot, the middle of the room. I then layed down on my stumach just behind the paper and re picked up the pen and wrote.

' DearGuardian Daikon,

You dont understand how boring this is, How strict they are here. Im sat in my own room i had to ask for paper. Breckfast, Lunch and Dinner are served at the same time every day - If you are asleep you miss that meal. And my bed its worse than sleeping on wood, you can feel the wooden slates under the matteress which is why I normaly end up sleeping on the floor. I came in here not mental and if i get to leave ill end up crazy and have to come back. HELP me please!! I love you Daikon!

Plague. X '

I turned the envolope over and wrote his address on the front. I folded the paper in half and put it inside the envolope and closed it, I stood up and said "Hello? Are you there?" "Hello. I see you have finished we will take it later and i will deliver it personally." "Thanks is dinner ready?" "Yes here.." A loud rumble shook my room and a electronic draw opened as usual and my plate dropped to the table below. "Thanks" A softer voice replyed "Not A Problem" i sat and ate the sausages and mash that filled my plate. After eating I walked over to my bed and fell face first onto it and I slept untill that friendly voice spoke. "You have a letter back!" At that i sat bolt up right. "I.. I do? Really?" "Its on the desk!"
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Plague - rather random