Hold Me Close


"No, no, trust me babe, he's an asshole," Jack chuckled, shuffling a little so that he could move the popcorn bowl in between him and his boyfriend, Alex.

"But, he seems nice? Like, he hasn't exactly done anything wrong yet, and she's the one in prison!" Alex explained, making dramatic gestures with his arms, as if that would get his point across to the younger boy.

The two were currently sitting on their couch watching Orange is the New Black after Jack insisted that they just had to see it, though Alex was pretty certain that the dark haired boy had already already seen every episode at least twice. But he wasn't complaining right now, it was pretty interesting if he did say so himself; they had been in the same position for pretty much the whole day, Alex with his legs under his butt and Jack with his head resting in the crook of his neck, the only thing keeping them from cuddling closer was the popcorn sitting neatly between them.

It was safe to say that Alex had gotten pretty into the show, and he just knew that because Jack had already seen it, the younger was spending most of the time staring up at him with wide eyes and a small smile on his face.

"He exploited Piper's prison sentence just to boost his career! And he watched Mad Men without her, plus, just because she's in prison he's taken it upon himself to live the life that he wants! Come on, babe, he's a total jealous dickwad." Jack sighed, growing frustrated, he knew that by the end of the series Alex would agree with him, but to him it was pretty clear that Larry was an ass right now.

"He's not that bad," Alex was still determined not to lose the mini debate, even though Jack seemed pretty persistent so he was probably right.

"Spoiler alert, he is." Jack mumbled into Alex's hoodie, quiet enough for it to be a mumble but loud enough so he knew that his boyfriend had heard him, said boy just rolling his eyes and smiling fondly before turning his eyes back to the TV screen.

Jack kept his head in the same position, he could feel his eyes drooping as a tidal wave of tiredness washed over him but he was perfectly content with staying cuddled into Alex’s side as he adjusted his head into a more comfortable position to fall asleep in. “Gonna fall asleep on you,” he mumbled, not quite sure if the other boy heard him or not, and being too tired to repeat himself.

He could hear the voices on the TV getting fainter and fainter as he was dragged under by sleep just minutes later.


“Woah,” Alex said under his breath as the credits for the episode started up and the next one was about to start. “Hey, about Larr-” Alex started, stopping himself when he turned to see that Jack had fallen asleep on his shoulder during the episode.

He smiled at the younger boy, debating whether or not he should snap a picture of him just so he could make it his new lock screen, but decided against it. What was the point when he got to wake up to that face every morning and nobody else did? The thought alone made the smile on his face stretch even wider.

“Okay then,” he said quietly, turning off the TV and moving the bowl on the table. He stood up, managing to keep a hold of Jack so his upper half didn’t flop down onto the sofa.

He chuckled at the light, soft snores that were escaping his boyfriend’s mouth, deciding not to wake him up. That would just be cruel. He lifted up his upper half slightly, slipping his other arm underneath the younger’s legs so that he could lift him up bridal style and carry him upstairs to their bedroom.

“Mmhmmph,” Jack mumbled, one of his arms flailing and hitting Alex right in the chest. The elder just laughed and started his trek up the stairs, stopping every few stops to make sure that he had a proper grip on the other boy and that they wouldn’t both fall down the stairs.

Jack's head was rested on his shoulder, one of his arms also coming over his shoulder, making the position look very uncomfortable, though the younger seemed content with nuzzling his face into Alex's neck and releasing soft, even breaths.

By the time he got to their bedroom, his arms felt numb, it wasn’t even that Jack was heavy, he just wasn’t very strong, it was usually Jack giving him piggy back rides down the stairs and into the kitchen every morning.

“Umgh,” Jack groaned again once Alex had placed him down on the bed, the elder ignored the slight trail of drool that had been left on one of his favourite hoodies, he couldn’t even bring himself to care right now, he was far too busy admiring how cute Jack looked as he turned his body to Alex’s side of the bed, his arm coming down and expecting to land across the smaller boy’s waist, his eyebrows furrowing out of instinct in his sleep when it was met with nothing but sheets.

Alex smiled fondly at his boyfriend, discarding his hoodie and leaving it on the floor so that he could crawl into bed, he lifted Jack’s arm up and dropped it back down over his waist before brushing the younger’s fringe out of his eyes, the smile never leaving his face.

He leaned up to press a soft kiss to Jack’s forehead, pulling one of the sheets up so that he could wipe the drool that was trailing down his chin, he chuckled before pressing another kiss to his cheek then his nose, whispering an ‘I love you’ in the silence of the room before he settled down and tangled their legs together, burying his head into Jack’s neck and breathing in his scent, waiting for sleep to consume him.
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basically didnt send this to my beta i just read over it myself and it seems fine so?? idk i wrote this v quickly bc im still getting emotional over jalex and i just need to stop o k but anyway you can come talk to me on tumblr yay ohcalmtitty.tumblr.com but ugh dont talk to me about Larry bc o m g what a dick