Status: In progress!

For Baltimore


"You had me at come over boy

I need a friend

I understand,"

Alex strummed on the guitar strings effortlessly, resting peacefully against the headboard of his bed, his eyes shut peacefully. He hadn't even noticed Tom walk in, taking a seat on his bed, "That's a really nice song," he complimented his brother.

Alex opened up one eye, "Thanks, it's new." he shrugged, strumming a few more chords, just for the hell of it.

"I can tell," Tom mumbled, "I've never heard it before." he chuckled, resting his head on his palms, enjoying the sounds that came out of the acoustic.

This happened quite a lot. Alex and his brother just sitting around, enjoying each others' company. Except this time, their surroundings were...different. As they had just moved. It was a big move, too.
They'd gone from England to America, due to his fathers' job transfer. Both teenagers knew that a lot was going to change, they'd be forced to make new friends, settle for a new change in scenery. It was hard for them to admit, but they were both scared shitless.

Neither of the two were big fans of change, especially when that change ends up being across the fucking ocean, all the way in Baltimore. Out of all the places in the world. They just had to end up in America. Alex would much rather be in Canada, or something.

Tom sat up after a few minutes of silence, walking over to the door, "I should start unpacking my stuff," he mumbled, tiredly, "I suggest you start as well." he commented, glancing around Alex's room, before walking off with a slight nod.

Alex groaned, ignoring his brothers' request, settling for his headphones instead- it had been a long day, and all he wanted was to listen to some music, relax for as long as possible. Even if it did mean his room would look like shit longer than it should.


"Jack stop, that's not funny." May glared at her younger brother, rolling her eyes at his childlike behavior. She absolutely hated when he acted like this.

Jack sighed, turning to lay on his back, "I do what I want." he stated simply, not making any attempt to stop what he was currently doing- replaying the same sound on his iPhone over, and over again. He only did it because he knew it'd bother his sister.

May was about to protest, when Jack's phone just happened to fall onto his face, he winced in pain. Laughter erupted from his sisters' mouth, "I told you to stop, you dip-fuck." she shook her head, finding a lot of humor in what she'd just witnessed.

Her brother looked over at her with a scowl on his face, "Shut up, May!" he shouted, rubbing his face in anger. He didn't want to have to admit to the fact that it'd actually hurt a lot, so he just sat there in silence.

They both just sat there, doing whatever until May decided to speak up, "Did you see that truck outside the across the street?" she asked, seeming to just want to start some sort of conversation.

Jack nodded, "Yeah." he mumbled, seeming un-interested in their new neighbors, "I hope they're not as obnoxious as the last people that lived there." he grumbled under his breath, remembering about those stupid people that happened to live right down the street a few weeks ago.

May nodded in agreement, understanding exactly what he was talking about, "Mom invited them over for dinner." she spoke casually, expecting for her brother to do what he did next.

"She what!?" he exclaimed, wide-eyed. Sometimes Jack just resented his mothers' kindness. He was pretty sure the whole neighborhood had seen the inside of their house at least once.

Not that he was one of those teenagers that just 'hated people', or anything like that- but the idea of having people over that had just moved in was quite frightening. What if they were serial killers? Or, like- he didn't know, but they could be dangerous.

May shrugged, "You know mom," she chuckled, "Apparently they're from England, mom just wanted to give them a good first impression of the states, y'know?" she mumbled, not seeming to mind the whole idea.

Jack frowned, but nodded anyway. Hopefully they weren't as bad as he thinks they'll be. The only thing he was honestly interested in was hearing if they had a hard accent. He'd never heard a British accent, so, aside from everything else, that'd have to be the number one thing he was looking forward to.
♠ ♠ ♠
Small introduction? Yeah, small introduction.

Haha, I'll try updating this every...whenever I get a chance, lol.

comments / recs / and subscribers are very much welcomed!