
Weakness Exposed

That horrid feeling wouldn’t go away. She was so sure someone or something for that matter was lurking behind her that she could feel the thing’s breath upon her, she could visualize a thousand eyes around creeped her out to say the least. As if being watched wasn’t bad enough she knew this staring at wasn’t just curious lurking: she felt like she was being hunted, like she was a prey. Her common sense told her that it was pointless for her to mumble an uneasy ‘Is there someone there?’ that not even on the so called ‘scary’ films got the characters nowhere. Instead she closed her book and placed the hands on the corners, ready to strike whoever came near her. Suddenly, Amarantha heard footsteps coming from the entrance of the park and then the sensation of being watched evaporated as Headmistress Mayari walked towards her, her light blue robes made her seem like an elegant wave coming over the beautiful flowers. She wasn’t looking at Amarantha, but to her sides as if looking for something. By the time she came face to face with Amarantha she was genuinly surprised.
“Were you here all alone, Amarantha?”
She asked, looking around them as a lost pup of a wolve sniffing around for any scent that might indicate danger. Amarantha nodded,
“Yes. But I felt terribly watched.”
Headmistress Mayari furrowed her brow, staring at Amarantha with a fierce expression, then she shook her head making the expression go away.
“Let’s get out of here...Do you want some tea? That is such an interesting book, what are you looking for?”
Amarantha stood where she was, eyeing Headmistress Mayari suspiciously.
“I don’t like tea...I’m merely interested on meanings behing names...Thanks for the offer but I’m fine right here.”
Headmistress Mayari seemed surprised, apparently she wasn’t used to being denied. She seemed about to protest but then smiled and nodded, walking out of the garden. Amarantha looked at her go. It wasn’t as if she hated her or something, she just didn’t like being ordered around.
Classes came and went smoothly. Amarantha thought she wouldn’t be able to cope with the night schedule but for some odd reason she didn’t feel a change at all. As the days flew by she got accostumbed to the Academy life. She had discovered kids used to go to the gym and exercise either with the aid of machines or by playing games. Amarantha went to the machines from time to time, especially around one in the morning when there wasn’t much movement. She kept to herself and just occasionally talked to Bert, Annie, Anne or Georgina. She and Kier didn’t cross paths much and she was begining to forget about him at all. In fact, the only thing that was possibly odd and annoying about her new life where the nightmares that had starting to get worst: she was even screaming now.

* * *
“Block those damn nightmares from your head!”
Amarantha’s Art of Defense teacher repeated for the uptenth time as she practiced with Amarantha her psychic powers.
“What those have to do with what we’re doing?!”
Amarantha shrieked in desperation. Her teacher closed her eyes and took a deep breath, trying to regain patience.
“They’re like...turbulance on a plane: they disturb the balance and doesn’t let you focus on your task.”
She explained. Amarantha let out a heavy sigh.
“So as long as I keep thinking about them I won’t progress?”
She asked in complete fear. Her teacher nodded at her and patted her head as she stood up from the chair she had been sitting at for the past half hour.
“Let’s wrap this up. I’ll see you on the next meeting...”
Amarantha was walked out of the room and left there feeling like a hurt and stranded dog.
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My spell check is on hiatus or decided to play hide and seek so sorry it I typed something the wrong way. If there's a first grade error that is just too shameful please tell me. It's way too late (or should I say early? It's 1:16 am!) for me to proofread. I know it's terribly short but oh well...I'm tired.