
Prom Fiasco

Amarantha looked at herself in the mirror. The dress her mom had brought her for Ty’s prom wasn’t that bad at all, in was actually quite beautiful. The dress was a silky sky blue, it had princess-like short sleeves and was a slight V shaped neck. It was a bit tight around her small waist and then fell loosely just above her knees. She had chosen not to wear any necklaces, but a pair of clover-shaped silver earrings. Her purse was a small silver one that matched the color of her heels to perfection. Her hair was loose, washed and blow-dried with two silver pins on one side. She had applied smoky blue eye shadow on her lids delicately and traced a line with black eye liner that went from thin to relatively thick, creating the amusing cat-eye look. Her cheeks had a nice shade of blush on them and her lips where coated with a light pink lipstick and cherry chapstick.
Just as she was doing her final touches to her lips she heard the doorbell ring. She took her purse from her bed and tried not to trip going down the stairs. Of course, her parents were off to work a while ago so she went to the door and opened it to find Tyrell standing there with his burned sugar hair combed nicely and his face radiant, wearing a black tux that fitted him perfectly.
“Hello mademoiselle,”
He said mockingly as he bowed to her. Amarantha rolled her eyes as she locked the door behind herself and they walked down the stairs.
“’Sup, Ty.”
“I tried renting a limo...”
“Oh please tell me you did not-“
“But I figured you’d prefer taking a cab.”
Amarantha sighed, relieved, as she nodded. Tyrell smirked as he stopped a cab. She looked around her, feeling an uncomfortable presence near her. The air was dense, as if a storm or something evil was coming. She stared at the sky but it was clear of storm clouds. She shrugged to herself as Tyrell motioned her to enter the cab that was waiting for her. She hurried towards him and slipped in, not caring if she looked gracious or not, but more preoccupied about the feeling of being stalked.
“Please tell me you’re considering having fun, tonight.”
Tyrell pleaded, tugging at her hand after directing the driver towards the place the prom would be held. Amarantha didn’t hear him, she was trying to make out whether or not there was an unusual darkness through the trees or if they suddenly turned thicker. There was a sharp tug of her hand.
“Are you even listening? Of course you aren’t...”
Amarantha shook her head.
“Sorry, what did you say?”
“I asked if you were considering having fun tonight, and if you would dance with me...”
“I don’t dance.”
She stated bluntly, suddenly terrified. She knew less than nothing about proms and how to act on them. Fuck proms, she hadn’t gone to parties or anything related. She usually wouldn’t care but it was Ty’s night and it was supposed to be special for him. She turned and caught his slightly uneasy face, the way he hung his head to one side.
“Oh, alright if you put it that way. But I’m warning you, your feet will end up sore from the many, many times I’ll end up stomping them with my heels.”
Tyrell smiled as the taxi rode on.
* * *
At first prom had been awkward to say the least. The room was decorated beautiful, it looked like a fairy forest which was the theme the senior class had chosen. It had fairy lights covering the hand-made trees and pretty flowers and glitter everywhere. The other kids were sitting around the tables scattered in the place or they were dancing in the middle of the room which was the designated dance floor. Amarantha and Tyrell had sat stiffly on a pair of chairs on the table nearest to the dance floor and had been watching the other couples laugh as they danced. A couple of friends had come and say hello to Ty and some girls had thrown Amarantha dirty glances. And then Tyrell had asked Amarantha if she wanted something to drink and she had said ‘sure’ and Tyrell had brought them a pair of amber-colored glasses.
Apparently, the kids had made the committee approve alcohol consumption in the prom, and the cocktails where no juice, they were loaded with it. A few of those after, Tyrell and Amarantha were loose and dancing as if they had been born for it. He was a natural, and Amarantha sort of got it after a few songs. Her senses were blurred a bit, and everything around her moved a tat too fast, but she was nearly intoxicated enough and she had stopped drinking more. She was only a little tipsy when they finally sat down, slightly red and a bit sore.
“Dancing is fun!”
Amarantha giggled, resting her face on Tyrell’s shoulder. Tyrell laughed, tapping the top of her head.
“You mean cocktails are fun.”
“Those, too!”
Amarantha smiled gaily, straightening up and looking at Tyrell.
“This maybe be a cliché, but thanks for inviting me. It’s been fun.”
“Uh huh...anytime.”
Tyrell smiled as Amarantha bended forward, her lips about to press against his. She could feel his warm breath tickling her skin, and she giggled. And then she turned around sharply, as she felt a sudden change in the pressure. It was no longer light and giddy as it had been a second ago, but dark and heavy, pushing her down.
“What’s wrong?”
Tyrell asked instantly, the disappointment in his voice was almost tangible.
Amarantha was about to part her lips to mumble a reply when there was a bang and the sound of walls crumbling filled the air. People started screaming around them and it seemed that the fairy lights were burning as in a frenzy because the shadows multiplied, they looked alive and evil and Amarantha suddenly realized they were alive, they were evil. Tyrell understood this a second too late, just when he was about to reach for Amarantha she was taken away by one of the shadows. She screamed louder than any of the screams that were in the air, it was piercing and painful, crying out for help, for someone to pull her away from them. Amarantha kicked and bit but the pressure on her limbs didn’t diminish.
She felt like she was a in a horror movie, the people running around screaming, the salon in complete darkness. And then she realized the only scream that remained was hers, and that she was no longer on the salon, but the shadows where quickly taking her far away.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry it took so long!
I'm finally home!
Hey, guys I just reread the last chapter and I realized that I had a slight mixup with the names Four and Two, you might want to read that again if you want to understand next chapter.
Sorry for the mistake!