
Dirty Dishes Are Kept in the Kitchen

Amarantha’s eyes opened in a rather pausible way, as if unsure if they did want to let the light in, or not. In the end the did open completely and her orbs where illuminated by the light that filtered through the thin curtains. Amarantha had had the best night sleep she’d had in years. She didn’t move just yet, Kier’s eyes around her waist where far too comfortable to retrieve just right now. She shook her head on her pillow, making it more comfortable so she could doze off just a bit more...

Wait! Stop! Go back.
What the fuck?!
Why did she let his arms full of lies and unsaid things near her?
What in the world was she thinking?!
She fucking slept with him?
Oh, Amarantha, what’s wrong with you?

The thoughts hammered her head, it was almost as if she was mentally beating herself. Her eyelids where shut tightly, she felt like she was short of air. But yet none of these things kept her from lying there, and actually enjoy Kier’s closeness.
And she fucking kicked herself even more. She turned around and faced him, strands of his purple-ish hair falling on his face, a particular one fell just in front of his nose, and it fluttered every time he inhaled and exhaled. His lids were gently covering his eyes, she was so close she could count his almost invisible eyelashes if she wanted to. His lips looked delicate without looking girly, and they screamed to be caressed with hers...

Amarantha, stop it! Get yourself out of that motherfucking bed! Right now! Now!

She screamed at herself. Her limbs didn’t move immediatly, but they did eventually. Every slow movement that placed distance between her body and his seemed excrutiatingly painful to her. But she continued to, she couldn’t just lie there with him. She couldn’t. She didn’t know just what had gone through her mind last night.

It must be the happiness of being off that psycho Mayari...and being tired.

She partially lied to herself as her feet touched the floor. Kier only stirred slightly as her weight lifted from the bed. She noticed one of her backpacks was lying near the door, and to her delight it contained some of her clothes. She looked around the room and noticed a small door that she was sure didn’t lead outside. Pulling it open, she found out it was a beautifully illuminated and immaculately kept bathroom. She locked the door behind her and didn’t think twice before shedding her clothes and stepping into the shower, turning the handle and playing with the water like a two-year-old. She scrubbed herself clean, until her skin was tinted a faint red and then stepped out, toweling herself dry. She did what she could with her hair and put on a pair of fresh clothes, a comfy pair of jeans and white wife-beater. She even found her duffle bag containing her deodorant, teeth brush and other essentials. She was specially happy for her deodorant and her hair cream, both of which were instantly used.
After brushing her teeth to the point she could only taste mint she stepped out of the bathroom. Kier wasn’t in bed, and the door was slightly ajar. She stepped out of the bedroom, the sun was slowly creeping its way from the open windows. The incubus called Deacon was asleep in the big couch, its tail swinging to the sides and a satisfied smirk upon its face. The little Deacon in between his legs was excited as well, Amarantha noticed, blushing slightly. Its not like she was looking it was just so damn obvious. She veered her head away from the demon, trying to do the same with her thoughts by focusing on something else. There was an almost silent movement from behind her and she noticed for the first time that it was Tyrell. He was sitting on the kitchen table, his hair dripping wet, wearing one of his regular t-shirts, this one the colour of burnt sienna, complementing his hair, with the same pair of jeans. He had a cup of coffee in between his hands and a plate with some crumbs over it. Amarantha suspected it was from a sandwich.


She said, pouring some coffee in the nearest clean cup. She didn’t think Kier would mind if she did so, and she was far too hungry to question herself if she should be using anything that belonged to him. She didn’t notice Tyrell didn’t respond until she took the coffee, sat in front of Tyrell and, placing the coffee in front of her, stared into his eyes and he looked away.


She repeated, more clearly this time, and a bit louder too. A small groan came from the couch. Amarantha turned and saw Deacon’s eyes opening slightly, he raised his head from the cushion a bit murmured a,

“Oh, its only you.”

And then continued to snore, the smirk back on his face. Amarantha sighed and turned back to Tyrell.

“What’s up with you? Why won’t you talk to me? Or look at me for that matter?”

She asked, sipping her coffee eagerly. Tyrell didn’t respond. She rolled her eyes, he was acting like a grounchy baby.

“Did you sleep badly, baby Tyrell?”

She asked, mimicking the typical voice any auntie would use on any baby it encountered. She got his attention instantly, his head quickly turning and his orbs instantly focused on her. With a great, big grimace he mumbled,

“I didn’t, but I’m sure you slept quite well.”

Amarantha’s brow furrowed and for a second she was quiet. Then realization hit her and she put her cup down a bit harder than she intended to, the brown liquid spilling to the sides, a few droplets staining her skin.

“Oh, so this attitude of yours is because of that?”

“I didn’t know you gave yourself so easily, Amarantha, might’ve mentioned that when I was so obviously around you. I might as well slipped you a ten and got the whole thing over with.”

Amarantha’s ancient eyes turned to fire and before Tyrell could continue the array of things to call her and list all of her faults and how cruel she had been he received a strike on his cheek. He could feel the place where Amarantha’s long, five extended fingers had slapped him, the place tingled a bit, he could feel a burn. He knew the spot must be brilliant red, just like Amarantha’s skin was right now.
Anger and resentment was all her features showed. She was about to say something but instead closed her mouth and then took a deep sigh, her visage didn’t change at all. She opened her mouth once again and her words where quick and taited with rage,

“You have no motherfucking right to talk to me like that. You can’t insinuate shit like that, Tyrell. I thought you were above this. Do not, and I mean, do not talk about shit you don’t have a freaking clue about! You’re an ass. I hope you know that.”

She glared at him and took two more sips of her coffee and then simply pushed it away from her and fumed out of the kitchen, heading for the front door just when Kier was stepping in.

“Why are you so angry, Am-“

He started but was cut off my her finger touching his chest in a slightly menacing way.

“You and I have to talk.”

She stated, her eyes fixated on him. He nodded and was about to take her somewhere to do so but she shook her head,

“Not now. I have walk. If I don’t I will fucking murder him and you.”

Amarantha stepped out, the door being pushed violently shut behind her. Kier’s features where of complete shock as he walked to the kitchen. He nodded at Tyrell, too shocked to even change his feautures into those of rage,

“I leave her here for thirty minutes and you manage to turn her into that?
What the fuck did you tell her?”

Kier asked, throwing himself in the chair Amarantha had previously occupied. Tyrell snorted and looked away, nibling at his lip and staring at the floor.

“He sort of said you and her slipped together...and that she should’ve him she was a whore before beacause that would’ve made things easier for him.”

Deacon stated in a matter-fact-tone from his new position at the kitchen counter, his face light and perky.
Kier’s face briskly turned towards Tyrell who was still looking down. Apparently the tiles where pretty damn intereting.

What? Amarantha doesn’t deserve that!”

He spat, striking his hand against the table with much less force than what he really felt like using. Tyrell’s eyes fixed on Kier’s,

“My point exactly.”

* * *

She went down the block, her feet creating small sounds against the gravel. The houses were different here than in her neighborhood. They didn’t look generic-looking, they were actually different from one another and they all looked at least more than fifty years old. Well kept, though, with pretty gardens in front with flowers she hadn’t ever seen before. It took her no time in concluding this was a ‘special being’s’ neighborhood, or maybe even small town by the looks of it. There were young ones in the middle of the road playing light-speed tag and other random game turned supernatural. Amarantha watched them play, staring at their smiles, at their faces that right there didn’t have a care in the world.
She thought about the recent events, about the past, about the future as she sat down on the cement, staring at the kids bluntly without even trying to disguise it. One of them finally walked to her timidly, a kid with a whiskery face and rather paw-like hands. He held a soccer ball in his small hands and looked at Amarantha with big, yellow eyes.

“Would you like to plaaayyyy?”

Amarantha’s lips turned into a smile without her thinking. She stood up as if she was in autopilot, stepping into the street guided by the little kid’s hand.
♠ ♠ ♠
My computer is bacckkk. Josie had a plastic surgery and is now slim and black. She pulled a Michael Jackson! Which means I got a new monitor to replace the old big, bulky, white one.
Which means longer and better updates.
I like how this one came out, but I like YOUR opinions better.
What will Amarantha tell Kier?
Now, add to this chapter who you thought Amarantha would end up with.
Do you still think the same way?
Why or why not??

Cyber cookies, my friends. It's one am and I have painting classes at 9. eek.