
Chains and Explanations

An hour and a few scratched later Amarantha walked back towards the house alter saying goodbye to the little kids. She bit her lip as she placed on foot in front of the other trying to think in anything but the anger she had felt before. She needed to talk to Kier right now. She had to focus on what she needed to discuss with him, on the questions she needed to have an answer for. It wouldn’t help if she started getting angrier by Tyrell. She would probably end up pretty mad after talking to Kier, she didn’t need any more of it. She stood in front of the door and turned the knob, of course, it was locked. She sighed impatiently and focused on the lock on the other side of the door, it clicked instantly. She stepped in and cleaned her snickers on the carpet before closing the door behind her.
Tyrell turned around, his hand momentarily stopped petting Blaze and his face turned pinkish. Blaze affectionately nibbled his fingers, silently demanding attention. Tyrell opened his mouth as if to speak but Amarantha gave him her back, turning to Deacon instead,

“Where’s Kier?”

She asked politely. Deacon looked up from the magazine. Amarantha’s eyes inveterately stopped on the front page that had two slim men in nothing but chains and in a position Amarantha figured had cost thousand of Yoga classes and lot of patience. She shivered and stared at the demon instead, she didn’t much like him she decided right then. Deacon raised his eyebrows,


He answered and then went back to his, er, productive reading. Amarantha nodded and mumbled a thank you before heading towards Kier’s bedroom door and knocking it softly.

“Who is it?”

His voice called from inside.

“It’s me.”

She heard a shuffling of feet scrambling up and then the door opened. Kier smiled at her seductively as he buttoned his white shirt. Amarantha controlled herself to look at his face instead,

“I...We need to talk.”

He nodded, his smile remained.

“ Okay...let’s go to the studio...Follow me.”

Kier rounded the kitchen and walked into a hallway parallel to the one that lead to the guest room.

“We’re on the studio, no disturbing please.”

Kier called. Deacon chuckled and stared at Tyrell, biting his lip so that one of his remarks wouldn’t come out. Tyrell noticed the gesture and sighed.
Amarantha followed Kier into the room at the end of the hall. He opened the door and let her enter it first and then closed the door behind him. He hit the lights since the sun didn’t shine that much in this part of the house and a cozy, mostly amber-colored room appeared in front of Amarantha’s eyes. The walls were half bookshelves and in the bottom they had small compartments, the kind that seemed to hold files. There was an amber desk in the far side of the room and just in front of them were two armchairs and a small coffee table in between them.
Kier motioned Amarantha to sit just as he did. She moved towards the other armchair, sitting Indian-style in it instantly. Kier remained silent, waiting for her to start talking. Amarantha licked his lips and opened her mouth...

* * *

“So, why are you here?”

Deacon asked, his eyes gazing at Tyrell from the top of his magazine. Tyrell’s planted on the demon mumbling a,

“Because Amarantha is here. I want to take her home.”

“She doesn’t seem to want to go anywhere with you...”

Tyrell’s gaze hardened, Deacon chuckled.

“I’ll make her change her mind.”

“How? By calling her an exotic dancer instead?”

Deacon spat, taking a look at his magazine. Tyrell snorted,

“I don’t even know why I bother talking to you...”

Deacon smiled as his eyes wandered down the page. Silence.

“Hey Ty-ty?”

“Don’t call me that.”

“Would you like to do this with me?”

Deacon asked, showing Tyrell a full two-page picture...

* * *

“Kier, why did you leave?”

His eyes remained the same patient ice.

“Mayari and Adlaw ordered me to. Adlaw hated my guts for a while and our, ah, relationship bothered him even more...”

Amarantha hung her head to the side,

“Did he keep you tied in a cave underneath the earth?”


“Answer the question.”

“No, why would he do that?”

“Did he beat you and you entered a coma?”

“Amarantha, what in the-?”



“Did you loose your ability to move?”


“Did someone kidnap you?”


“Did he menaced to kill everyone in the world if you came near?”


“Did aliens conducted you?”


“Did Moby Dick eat you?”


“Then why the fuck didn’t you look for me?”

She asked, tears rolling down her flustered cheeks.

“Why didn’t you write? Why didn’t you call? Why didn’t you appear in my front steps?”

“I, ugh...I didn’t think you’d-“

He started, a preoccupied face on.

“No, that’s right! You didn’t think. Period.”

She stated, cleaning the tears away and sniffing.

“Did you try to rape that night?”


“Did you try to rape me that night?”


He began, looking away.

“You did?!”


Amarantha’s mouth flung open and she was about to say something but Kier cut her off.

“Let me explain. I was...I was out of control. I...I didn’t know I was your...your knight...I mean, the thought hadn’t even passed through my mind. That kind of...that kind of want took over me, and I wanted you. I wanted you all to myself. I was...I was thirsty for you. And then I broke down. So much desire...I thought I would kill you and the thought tore me down. You found me like that, remember?”

“You were so...fragile...”

“I bet I looked like that...”

“But are and incubus. You don’t want anything from humans, from women, except for their body you-“

“That’s not correct.”

Kier snarled back, a fierce look in his visage, baring his teeth. Amarantha felt fear for a second.

“We can feel much more than that, that’s just a textbook definition, Amarantha. You know better than no one that things are much more different than textbooks.”

“What do you mean?”

“Elves, fairies, are magical, fairytale creatures that...”

“Okay, okay I get it...”

She pouted, looking down, feeling defeated. Kier always won her over...

“But if that’s not it...then why was I alone for the past eight years?”

“You weren’t, I was looking after you!”

He assured her, placing his hand over hers and tracing small circles with his thumb.

“But you weren’t there with me. Why weren’t you there with me? Was it so hard to fucking knock on the door?”

She asked fiercely. His eyes looked like water now, and he stared at her knees instead.

“I was afraid...I...I didn’t think you wanted me near. I...I saw how frenetic you were when you looked for all of that information on the incubi...I was...I was scared shitless.”

Amarantha took the information in, processing it.
So she was the one that had held him out of her life for so long? It was her fault after all?

* * *

Tyrell’s eyes widened in disgust.

“What the fuck, Deacon?! That’s the nastiest thing I’ve ever seen!”

He yelled, rubbing his eyes.

“I’m motherfucking traumatized! I won’t be able to see....the same way!”
Tyrell threw one of the cushions at Deacon who chuckled like a five-year old.
♠ ♠ ♠
They're coming out lengthy.