
Pumas and Professions

* * *
Amarantha went down the stairs and, to her surprise, her parents where on the living room, their fingers hugging a cup of coffee with steam making pretty swirls in the air.

“Morning sweetheart!”

Her mom called, giving Amarantha one of her charming smiles. Her father turned around too,

“Come and sit with us. You’re mom left you some coffee on the coffee pot.”

Amarantha walked to the kitchen and took out a mug from the shelves. She verted the liquid in and opened the fridge in search for something to accompany it with. She found butterscotch cookies in a ziplock bag and took them out. They liked to place cookies on the fridge so they would be a bit more stiff than the usuals. She walked to the couch and cuddled in between her parents.

“So...what are your plans now that you’re out of school?”

Her father asked her with a smile.

“Well...that’s why I came down. I was going to call you to the office to let you know Headmaster Adlaw just offered me a post in Akilah Academy. I accepted.”

“Oh sweetie, that’s so great!”

Her mom cooed, wrapping her arms around Amarantha tightly, almost making her tip her cup of coffee.

“Careful, mom!”

Amarantha said in between giggles.

“I’m so proud of my little girl!”

Her father cheered as his wife’s arms had finally unwrapped Amarantha and he gave her a hug of his own.

“Thank you! The problem’s that they’re moving the Academy, apparently Mayari did quite the damage. Headmaster thinks it’ll be functioning completely, in its new headquarters, a few weeks later than the term usually starts...”

“Where is it going to be?”

“It’s going to be secret from now on, only-“
Amarantha bit her lip to keep herself from letting the words slip Headmaster Adlaw and me know the location, and Tyrell if he accepts...,

“only Headmaster Adlaw knows the location.”

“Then how are the students and staff going to get in?”

Her mother asked, her brow furrowing instantly.

“Don’t worry, dear, Adlaw’s a smart man. He’ll surely figure something out.”
Amarantha’s father told his wife reassuringly. Amarantha nodded, taking her last sip of coffee and munching on a cookie.

“What are you going to teach?”

Her mother inquired, clearly excited.

“PUMA. Psychic Use and Management of Abilities.”

Amarantha responded simply, her mind already wandering over the task she had ahead of her. She stood up and kissed her parents on the forehead,

“I gotta go. Tyrell’s been offered a spot and I just noticed he’s already outside mowing the lawn...Gotta go talk to him.”

“Oh, Tyrell dear is going as well?”


Amarantha grumbled, heading for the door.

* * *

Tyrell was pushing the rather old mowing machine over the front lawn, the radiant rays of sun producing tears of sweat roll down his bare chest and clinging here and there on his toned six pack as his body’s reaction to the heat. His hair was damp, and he shook it off his forehead every now and then like a pretty puppy. His jeans clinged to his small hips, exposing the upper part of his navy blue boxers. His discarded t-shirt and cellphone laid on the window sill of the left window.

“So you are going to be a gardener from now on?”

Amarantha asked. Tyrell turned to look at her: her small and delicate body was covered with a strapless light blue dress just above her knees, she had white flipflops on her now pedicured feet and her hair, straight jet black and curly on the ends fell to her hips. Her rosy lips where showing him a smile as she sat under the shade of the tree infront of his house.

“Better than staying under a tree doing nothing,”

He pointed out, in a jocking matter.

“I’ll have you know I’m the proud PUMA teacher of Akilah Academy, thank you very much!”

“What in the world is that?”

“Psychic Use and Management of Abilities, duh.”

She stated, her smile widening. He rolled his eyes at her and continued with his work.

“Gardening is my life vocation.”

“Well, you could be more than that.”

She prodded, standing up from the shade of the tree and strudding towards him, her fingers intertwined behing her back.

“Oh yeah?”

“Mm-hmm. You could be the Head Keeper of Peace.”

Tyrell stopped short and turned to her, eyes wide.

“What’s up with your kind and giving everything ridiculously funny names?”

Amarantha winced at the ‘your kind’ comment.

“You don’t have to be mean, okay? I’m just giving you information. It’s a new police Adlaw and I are going to be instituing. We decided to pull the special beings away from normal humans. It seems to make things easier. You’d be the...the one in between. In the normal world you’d be a branch of the police, a superior of the local police stations of every country in the world, the in the real world you’d be the head of all police. That’s the work anyone with the power to control the phoenix has. I’m, representing Adlaw, hereby asking you if you’ll take the post.”

Tyrell stopped the machine and whisteled, taking in all of the information. Then he was silent. Amarantha stamped her feet impatiently,

“You’ll have pretty, pretty money.”

Tyrell snorted at her in a that’s-not-the-main-point-here sort of way.

“Come on, say yes! You want me to beg?”

“Where’d I have to live?”

He asked with a sly smile. Amarantha jumped up and now, cheering.


Tyrell laughed at her sudden girly outburst and pointed it out for her. She punched his shoulder,

“Hey! That’s not fair! It’s not like I act like a boy!”

“You don’t, but you don’t really act all girly all the time either!”

Amarantha pouted.

“Go back to your work, garden boy.”

“Not for long, not for long PUMA. Come to think of it, you even act like a puma.*

“Oh, shut up. We’re starting in a few weeks since we have to change the headquarters...I’ll fill you in on that later, okay?”

♠ ♠ ♠
*Puma is the spanish word for the animal cougar.
Surprisingly, I have nothing to say right now. No witty comment :O. I know, I know it's a first.
Oh yeah I do have something to say!
This story is coming to an end!
Yes, yes yes.
Weep as the numbers get closer to 30.