
A Choise

Three weeks later

Amarantha zipped her last suitcase, and placed it on the floor, cleaning a drop of sweat off her forehead with the back of her hand. She opened the door of her now almost completely vacant bedroom and stepped down, giving her three suitcases a quick glance that made them dance in midair, following her. She went down the stairs and took her purse from the kitchen table along with her cellphone. She had already said goodbye to her parents on the morning before they had gone to work. Her mom had shed a few tears, but apart from that it was a candid farewell. They knew she was going to be extremely busy, at least for the first few months and that by the time it was holidays she would want to arrange her own place and rest, so they weren’t expecting more than the occasional phone call. They had hugged their daughter, wished her luck and gave her a few unnecessary advice for routine’s sake.
Amarantha took a glimpse around her house for one last time. She had chosen nap time to get out, so that there weren’t any curious neighbors outside. She and her suitcases walked out the door, and she locked it before turning around to the black car already standing in front of her with a grinning Tyrell leaning on the passenger seat’s door. He looked nice in his worn out jeans, snickers, and long-sleeved ochre sweater, his burnt sugar hair sticking out in certain places. He looked more like a puppy than ever, and Amarantha was sure he will have a screaming fan base of skyrocketing-hormones teenagers. She giggled at the thought and waved at him as she came near.



“I’m just excited of finally moving out.”

He said, his grin doubling if it were possible.

“Bah, I’m just happy about teaching. I’m sure it’s going to be awesome.”


He agreed as he placed her suitcases in the gigantic trunk (for some unknown reason), three times the size of a normal one. He then went to the driver’s door and slid in, and Amarantha sat on the place beside him. His left hand curled over the steering wheel and his index finger of his right hand went over to one of the fifteen buttons over the radio, bu then he paused.

“Seat belts?”

He asked. Amarantha groaned as she buckled herself in safely, and the seat belt clicked. Tyrell gave her one of his goofy smiles and mumbled a,

“Set. Ready? Go!”

As he pressed the button, the streets around them where a blur, and the wind seemed to want to cut them in a zillion pieces.

“Ugh, my bad.”

Tyrell mumbled as he pressed one of the buttons on his left and the windows went up a bit reluctantly. Now that the air was no longer trying to murder her Amarantha clicked her tongue against the roof of her mouth,

“Quite the car, huh?”

“Yeah...Adlaw said I could have it to drive back and forth the school and all. Legitimately is school property, though, so no funny scribbling on it.”

“God, you’re acting like a policeman already!”

Amarantha said as she placed the tap back on her mini sharpie, hiding from his gaze on her purse.

“So...have you heard of demon-boy?”

The words left Tyrell’s mouth rather stiffly.

“Aww, you miss Deacon already?”

Amarantha kidded, but her laughter was cut short when Tyrell glanced at her. She looked outside her window.

“We’ve been writing to each other...He’s been busy in meetings with his know to clean their names and stuff from the outside world...”

“Oh, has he succeeded?”


Tyrell smirked.

“But they have accepted him back and he’s great friends with the new appointed leader. So he’s in the process of making certain rules so that they’, raping isn’t so much as raping...”

“Doesn’t sound too convincing to me.”

“Yeah, well, they’re only meetings right now. Kier’s smart, I’m sure he’ll work something out.”

Tyrell was silent, pondering over his next choice of words,

“So are you and hi-“

“Hey what about Blaze?”

Amarantha asked quickly, looking ahead. Tyrell sighed and looked at her,

“He’s fine...likes that we’re going to become rather important.”

“Aw, that’s sweet.”

Tyrell shrugged, concentrating on the ‘road’ ahead. Amarantha’s fingers stretched and she turned the radio on, singing along softly to one of those old rock songs.

* * *

Tyrell parked in a spot reserver for the car. They left the suitcases there, since the maids went over them ten seconds after, disappearing with their luggage. Tyrell didn’t seemed too impressed as they walked up the white and shiny snail staircase and ended up in a chamber decorated in golden and red completely, with a beautiful setting sun painted on crystal. Amarantha gasped at the comfortable-looking sofas and the amber-colored tea tables in between. She turned to Tyrell and pulled from his sleeve,

“Come one, you’ve got to say something! You simply cannot be unimpressed!”

She squealed as she walked around the room and noticed the crystal-looking small candy on some tables and noticed that the cushions on the sofas each depicted a different scene from numerous books, sewn in delicate golden threads. She found a roaring Aslan against the White Witch and screamed louder. She all but shoved the cushion on Tyrell’s face.

“Come on you’re jaw’s not even on the floor!’ve already seen this, haven’t you? Aw, you’re terrible!”

Amarantha said with a pout at Tyrell’s surrendering laugh. She placed the cushion down and walked away, her arms crossed. Tyrell’s laugh suddenly stopped as Amarantha bumped into something. Her ancient eyes went up instantly, her feet moved backwards to back away but then her eyes settled on the pair of ice and she squealed once more, throwing her arms around his neck.

“It’s nice to see you too, Amarantha.”

Kier replied in a thin voice, wrapping his arms around her as well.

“You’re here! You’re here! I thought you said you would be stuck there for at least a month!”

Tyrell silently walked up the staircases to where his room was headed he sighed,

“I guess I’ll see both of you for dinner.”

He gave Kier a defeated nod to which a surprised Kier returned. Amarantha hadn’t heard him and prodded Kier, eager for answers.

“That was before your letter saying you’d be here arrived. Plus, things are starting to get more smoothly.”

He said, walking her up to where an elevator was set. She entered it without thinking and continued to smile, not letting go of his hand.

“Seriously?! I’m so happy!”

Kier smiled and placed his hand softly on her cheek, rubbing it softly.

“I’ve missed you, sweetheart.”

He mumbled as he neared his face to hers, their noses touching. Her face acquired a pink tone and the corners of her lips went up in a cute smile,

“I’ve missed you, too.”

She whispered before they closed the space between them and their lips collided in a sweet, eager kiss.Their tongues played around for a few seconds and then they separated, smiling at each other more in love than ever. Amarantha looked at him up an down, he had fitting jeans with a few rips here and there due to hard work rather than fashion. He had a v-neck black t-shirt that was now slowly making its way into faded gray with a leather jacket in a similar state than the afore-mentioned clothes. His feet were dressed in black leather boots, the laces wrapped tightly.

“What’s up with the bad-boy look?”

Kier’s laugh resonated on the small elevator.

“We should be getting home in just a few seconds...I didn’t think it would take so many minutes...”

He commented. The doors opened a second or so after his words had trailed off. Amarantha ignored the last comment. They stepped into another chamber much more different from the one they had been before. It actually looked like a decent-sized house. If Amarantha had looked at it she would’ve realized it was, in fact, the house she had so often described to Kier she wanted. The place they were in right now was with their backs to the chimney that was filled with picture frames with Amarantha’s loved ones. They were facing a stripped dark red and black sofa with a table in front. The table held small magical items from all over the world and it had cushions around it,as well. The walls where a soft pink and had detailed portraits of the so-called ‘mystical creatures’ in Japanese style. There was even one of a few geishas and maikos.
Amarantha was pouting at Kier,

“Did you use it to turn girls on?”


“The outfit!”

“Honey, it was easier to wear jeans and a t-shirt back in the village. They look this way because I was helping to reconstruct a few buildings. The jacket I bought off Salvation Army because it was the cheapest and nearest place around and I needed something warm. I’m not going to stay in this piece of crap clothes, especially not around you! You’re completely ignoring the most important thing here! Look around!”

Amarantha nodded, finding his explanation made complete sense and that he had even mentioned this on his letters and small phone calls before.


Kier placed his hands over her face and delicately turned it around the room.
Amarantha watched at the objects nonchalantly, but then she looked and her eyes swarm up with tears that rolled down her cheeks.
It was her dream house.
She walked further and found a small wood table for four facing the window with a vase of white oleanders. The chairs had mismatched cushions on them. She strutted to her left and her feet met pink and white sparkling clean tiles. The kitchen had this old-school feeling about her and almost everything was done in wood. The fridge was half pink, half baby blue. She turned to the oven and it had a towel hanging from the handle. There was a small door on the side of the kitchen and she opened it to find a perfectly organized pantry, behind the door clung a white lace apron with the words ‘The boss’ imprinted.
She all but ran from the kitchen and jumped up the white staircase to the second landing. There were four doors. She went to the one in front and found a humongous bed, the bedspread a dark blue with broad, every-colored cushions over it. It had a flat TV placed in between carved wood. There was a small door that led to a bathroom in baby blue and white.
She left the room excitedly and went to the door on the left of it to find a library half full with a desk facing the window and a comfortable chair behind it. She shrieked and ran to the other two rooms, one was a nice bathroom and the other was completely empty. She ran back to Kier, her arms extended as they collided and fell into the soft, pale pink carpeted floor.

“I love it, I love it, I love it!”

She gasped in between childish laughter.

“I’m glad.”

He stated, her laughter being contagious. They laid there, theirs arms around each other in a mess of clothes and hair. And then Amarantha’s head perked up and she slid closer to Kier, kissing his lips in a rough, desiring way. Kier fought back a little at first, and then gave in completely. Their bodies tangled together, the lust escalating.

“Let’s use that new bed...”

Amarantha purred as she stood up,pulling Kier by the hand. Kier stiffened instantly.

“You don’t know what you’re saying, sweetheart.”

He stated, standing up anyway and following her to the bedroom. She unbuttoned her light lavender dress, the clothes making a soft thump as they fell against the floor. In a matter of seconds their skin was exposed and they were in a not-so-arranged bed, their bodies pressed against one another, hands exploring as their lips met furiously. Amarantha’s hand slid down his already sweaty, hard six pack, as her fingers were about to touch soft flesh his lips quickly moved,

“ don’t know what you’re’re too can’t...”

“You don’t think I can’t handle it? I meant what I said in that last letter, Kier, I want to have a family...”

“You’re too”

“I’ve never acted my age, and you hadn’t seemed to mind before.”
She said, stopping the series of kisses she had been trailing down his neck.

“Yes, but-“

“You said you loved me, that you wanted to be with me as long as it was possible. Did you change your mind already?”


“Did you not say you were feeling slightly old...and that it was time to settle down and stop the fooling around?”

“Yes,I did, but-“

“I want that, too. What’s the problem, then?”

“Do you realize what the outcome of this will be?”

“I might get pregnant, I’m aware of that.”

“Wouldn’t you be overwhelmed?”

“No, I’d be genuinely happy.”

She responded fiercely, her eyes not leaving his for a second.

“And you’re completely sure of this?”

He asked, then casting his eyes down,

“It could be an incubus...”

She raised his face with a delicate finger,

“I would love it, it’d be like his dad.”

He smiled, his whole face turning childish with delight.

“Well, then.”

He mumbled seductively and with a swift movement he straddled her, his toned pale body against her milky one as if they were one. She felt the hardness in between his legs. His lips caressed her neck gently, nibbling the soft flesh eagerly. Her hands flew to his back pressing it against her in complete desire. He lowered himself to her and it wasn’t long before the soft moans of his name filled the room, echoing through the house from the opened door.
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Poor Tyrell and Kier...I haven't wrote it yet and I'm already crying for them!