
Kier Sullivan and the Dorms

She was led into a room crowded with books and shiny things, a big willow desk occupied most of room and it was here where most of the gadgets where placed. But as soon as Amada and Amarantha took two steps forward the room was suddenly organized, every thingamajig was placed into the shelves that covered the walls and two chairs were placed in front of the desk.
“Come in, come in!” An ancient yet vital looking man said from behind the desk. His skin was of a rather pink hue, and he had shoulder-length hair the color of fire. He was wearing all black, and there was a long, thick, golden chain dangling from his neck with a beautiful sun charm about the size of an adult palm.
“You must be Ms. Amarantha Moore.”
The old man said with a smile on his face as he extended his big hand towards Amarantha’s small one. She shook it and nodded,
“Yes sir, I am.”
“Welcome to Akilah Academy, Amarantha. My name is Adlaw, I’m the headmaster for this institution. I’m sorry I can’t give you a proper welcome, I’m not used to welcoming new students…You see, my sister Mayari is the one that usually does this but she’s evaluating a man that’s running for the vacant spot of our history teacher and I couldn’t go because of this wretched flu…”
He talked quickly, and just when he finished his sentence he sneezed into a handkerchief that had an embroider sun on a corner.
“Here’s your schedule for now…and this is the school’s schedule of important events and…”
He trailed off as he looked into Amarantha’s confused face and right then he knew she was bursting to make questions.
“You seem eager to…Do you have any questions you’d like to ask, dear?”
“Oh yes! What is this place? I mean, I know it’s a ‘special school’ but…those kids in the living room, they were so…weird. They looked funny and what does this school teach that makes it different from the others?”
Amarantha said quickly, her hands on her lap and her face facing the headmaster in an expectant way. He laughed before responding,
“This is a place for special children, indeed. What does the common tongue calls them? Kids with special abilities, paranormal, out of the ordinary or the ever so hurting…freaks. But we don’t use those words here. This are merely kids who cannot be taught by normal standards, they need to be taught how to improve and control their special abilities…you are not the same as your formers classmates, right Amarantha?”
Amarantha looked at her new headmaster for a few seconds and then decided to tell him the truth.
“I’m not, headmaster Adlaw. There are things they talk about that I don’t understand…like this weather thing. Hot? Cold? What is that? They wear heavier clothes on winter and loose ones on spring and I find that pointless and unnecessary…They’re too slow at grasping concepts…they run too slow, they can’t even move things with their…”
Adlaw extended a hand towards Amarantha.
“I know about that, and believe there are still thousands of things you don’t know about yet. And that’s why you are here, and so are our other 999 students. I must tell you something, so it doesn’t take you off guard…most of our students are not…human.”
At these words Amarantha instantly backed away. Adlaw laughed at her reaction and lifted his index finger on his right hand. There was the sound of the door opening and closing and quick footsteps.
“You called, headmaster?”
Amarantha turned around to see the ice-eyed teenager stand just behind her.
“Yes, my boy…come here…”
The teen walked towards the headmaster and stood at the corner of his desk.
“This is one of our oldest students. Amarantha this is Kier Sullivan. Kier, this is Amarantha Moore.”
“Nice to-“
He cut her off as they briskly shook hands.
“Moore…how interesting…”
“Give it a rest, Kier…”
Headmaster Adlaw said instantly, to which Kier rolled his eyes.
“Kier isn’t human either, Amarantha. See? He’s got pointy ears and that tail that won’t ever stop moving…he’s got wings, too…”
“I’m not sure showing her my wings will make her less scared, Headmaster…”
Kier pointed out, his tail indicating a frightened-looking Amarantha.
“Oh, dear…”
Amarantha’s eyes were glass, and she was tucking the end of her dress tightly.
“Oh this is why I do not take care of new students…”
The headmaster started mumbling in a preoccupied manner.
“Here, I’ll walk you to your dorm…that way you won’t be scared anymore…”
Kier walked up to Amarantha and extended his pale hand towards her. She stared at it for a second or two and then took a deep breath and placed hers over his. His fingers instantly wrapped around hers comfortably and she stood up from her chair. They started walking towards the door, Amada opened it for them. Kier slowly looked back and smirked at Adlaw who looked at him as if analyzing his moves. Kier’s smile widened as he guided the small child through the corridor that separated the office from the rest of the academy.
Kier looked down on Amarantha whose eyes where still glassy. Headmaster had surely forgotten he had been talking to an eight-year old, regardless of how smart and supernatural she was.
Kier said, offering her a handkerchief. She took it and cleaned the tears that were now falling down her cheeks.
“You’ll get used to us…everyone tends to be a bit secretive and analytical at the beginning but they’re okay after a while. I’m taking you to the sun dorm. There are two dorms: the moon and the sun. The classification is depending on what classes you can take, the night or day ones…although sometimes, you have to take classes on both day and night…I’m in the moon dorm…Most of my classes are at night but I’ve got some on the day, too…today was one of those days. We all have dinner together at seven forty on the diner…you’ll see it in a couple of hours…Hmm, what else should you know? Oh, the Academy is underground, there are more than two thousand rooms underneath the shack you saw upstairs…I mean, the maids’ headquarters…There’s a map of the Academy on your dorm but I suggest you just memorize the places you need to go, like where your classes are going to take place and the diner, salon, and such and the rest you’ll just get to know once you walk the corridors…It’s a really good place…”
They stopped in front of a pair of willow doors with a sun expertly carved on them.
“You’re going to be seeing Headmistress Mayari more often than Headmaster Adlaw since she’s the one in charged of your dorm…just for you to know…I bet she’ll be coming to meet you soon enough. Now you just have to pass the doors and you’ll find your room easily…”
He started to let go of Amarantha’s hand but she tightened her grip. She usually wasn’t this clingy, but right now she was terrified to her very bones. She hated unexpected things, things she didn’t know about and although she didn’t sense danger nor any other evil thing on the other side of the doors, she still wanted Kier’s presence nearby.
“Can you…can you accompany me inside?”
She asked, taking all of her courage to look into his ice eyes. Something moved in them and for a fraction of a second their color changed and then they turned back to normal.
“Any moon student seen inside sun dorms will face detention for a week. Same goes for sun students on moon dorms. Sorry.”
Amarantha nodded and let go of his hand, placing it on the handle of the willow doors and opening them.
“Why are the headmaster and the sun dorm’s doors made up of willow, Kier?”
She asked suddenly, turning around. But there was no sign of Kier.
“Did you just say Kier? As in Kier Sullivan?”
A voice asked in front of her. Amarantha turned around: a gigantic room full of tables, cozy chairs, shelves upon shelves full of doodads and books, all in ochre, red, golden and yellow colors. There where about thirty students on the room, which made the room rather lonely. Amarantha focused her attention on the tall girl with gold, curly hair that fell to her hips, pale skin, pointy ears (much more pointier than Kier’s) and emerald eyes.
“Er, yes…He walked me to the dorm and then I was about to ask something and he…”
“He walked you to the dorm?”
The beautiful teenager repeated, shock pouring into her features.
“Yes, from Headmaster Adlaw’s office…”
“From Headmaster Adlaw’s office?”
Amarantha replied curtly, already annoyed at the woman who was apparently unable to say something Amarantha hadn’t alleged before. Then the girl screamed,
“This girl was escorted by Kier!”
It seemed like she had said something along the lines of ‘This girl said that the world just ended’, because all of the girls in the room conglomerated around Amarantha instantly, bombarding her with questions, all concerning Kier.

* * *
Tyrell stood in front of the woman called Mayari. There was something odd about her, and it wasn’t the multiple earrings hanging from her ears nor the straight dark blue hair that fell to her hips, it was something more. Something deeper.
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What do you think about it, my dears? I'm into meaningful names so that's why there are so many 'weird' names right now. I'm sorry I'm taking so long in between chapters but I have to do major researchs for each.
I was going to explain more abour Tyrell but the chapter was way too long so I decided to end it there.
Comments and Suggestions are highly appreciated!
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