
The Knights

I remember much about that dinner, the way the headmasters talked about random news concerning the school and then said it was okay for us to start eating. I always found it impressive how they could talk with anyone of the approximately one thousand students, and get their fully attention without even raising their voices. But what I remember mostly was when the every chair in the diner was empty, and the dishes were already cleared out, and only Headmistress Mayari and I were left.

“At last!”
Headmistress Mayari exclaimed in joy,
“So many things have happened, and I’ve delayed our meeting for far too long. Sit nearer, my child.”
She said sweetly. Amarantha pushed her hair back and walked over the nearest chair to her Headmistress, placing her hands neatly on her lap.
“So what do you think about the school?”
“It’s…different. I guess I still have to get to know it…”
Amarantha said, staring into her Headmistress’ eyes. She didn’t know if this was a lack of respect or not but it didn’t seem to bother Headmistress Mayari, in fact, she looked like she enjoyed it.
“There are rules for the people that are special, that are different from the average human. Some things you shouldn’t do, shouldn’t speak of…but you’ll learn this during your stay. You’ll make mistakes, but don’t we all?”
She smiled at Amarantha’s face contorted with fear.
“You’re not the only one who doesn’t know, Amarantha. Most of your classmates don’t know a thing about other special beings…There are two types of special beings in this world, the ones that come from a family that consists entirely of special beings which are often referred to as purebloods, and the other one are special beings in whose family there are only several special beings scattered through generations. It can be one per century, or even more. You’re part of the second group.”
Amarantha nodded, taking in the information she was receiving.
“You’re overwhelmed,”
Headmistress Mayari stated, placing a hand on Amarantha’s shoulder.
“Rest, child, I’ll make sure to talk to you along the week to see how you’re adapting, okay?”
“Yes, Headmistress.”
Amarantha said politely, waiting for her Headmistress to make any sign to leave the table first. She didn’t, so Amarantha lifted her sore body off the chair and tried to remember her way towards her dorm. It wasn’t that hard, but by the time she reached her room, her roommates where completely knocked out. She walked towards her bed and for the first time noted an opening that contained papers just below the carved name in her bed. She took them out and her eyes quickly scanned the first sheet of white paper. It was a letter welcoming her to the new school. She discarded it and shifted the rest of the papers, until one finally caught her attention. It was a schedule. Her finger traced the column signaling the classes she’d have the next day,

6:00-7:00 Breakfast
7:00-7:30 History 1
7:30-8:00 History 1
8:00-8:30 Medical Counterattacks 1
8:00-8:30 Medical Counterattacks 1
8:30-9:00 Astrology 1
9:00-9:30 Art of Defense 1
9:30-10:00 Break
10:00-10:30 Art of Defense 1
10:30-11:00 Analytical Thinking
11:00-11:30 Physical Education
11:30-12:00 Physical Education
1:00-2:00 Lunch

She nodded at the unknown classes, changed into her pajamas and crawled into bed.
She woke up around five thirty in the morning and went to the bathroom, quickly showering and dressing up in the school uniform. The papers that were left for her announced she needed to fetch her schoolbooks from the library since the rest of her classmates had already fetched them. Apparently today was the first real day of class, the other days where the ones in which the students came to school and did welcoming and bonding activities which Amarantha wasn’t too sorry she had missed. She took the paper that bore the intricate map of the Academy and followed it’s directions until it led her towards the humongous library. She made a mental note about returning here on her free time. She took her books from the librarian and ran other errands like going to the phone booth and calling her parents, asking for extra uniforms and hygiene items which the papers said she should ask for in the infirmary center. She was on time for breakfast and chatted a bit to Annie, although it would be more accurate to say that she nodded her head and responded all of Annie’s questions. Amarantha felt eyes boring into her skull but she decided to ignore them just for today, and instead daydream on how her classes would be like.
At around seven fifteen the group of kids slightly older than her but still the youngest crown arose from their seats, and started walking out of the diner. Amarantha collected her things and followed them. There was a trio of girls chatting enthusiastically and one of them turned and looked at Amarantha. She looked like a much younger Annie.
“Are you Amarantha?”
She asked, with the same sweet smile as Annie usually gave her.
She answered, curious to know who this person was.
“I’m Anne, Annie’s little sister. Nice to meet you!”
So much for imagination… Amarantha thought as she gave Annie a small smile,
“You too!”
“This are Georgina and Natalie.”
She introduced the pair of twins she had been talking too. They smiled at her.
“You four…”
A voice neared them and before she knew it Amarantha was staring right into Kier’s eyes. The corners of his mouth curled upward and he placed a hand on Amarantha’s back,
“Don’t nag behind. You’ll get lost and miss your first class. Now, come on.”´
As soon as Kier was out of sight the twins said almost at the same time,
“That Kier dude…something’s off about him. It scares me.”
Amarantha looked surprised but Anne quickly added,
“They do that a lot. Talking in chorous.”
Amarantha nodded, brushing away her words. It didn’t matter to her that the twins talked in chorous, it didn’t surprise her one bit. What did trouble her was that someone else thought that about Kier. There was something mystically attracting about him, but at the same time her ears seem to burst with one word: danger.
They finally got to the history room and Amarantha all but ran towards the front rows. She knew she got distracted easily and wanted to avoid doing so, especially when she was so eager on getting to know more about the ‘special beings’.
A man in his mid forties was already standing in front of a board; he had hair the color of burned sugar that fell to his shoulders and caramel eyes. He was wearing a pair of dark blue pants and a pale hay-colored long-sleeved sweater.
“Welcome class,”
He said in calm, even voice as the class settled on their chairs.
“I’m professor Willowitz.”
He announced, writing his name down on the board behind him.
“I’m going to be your history teacher from now on. History is one of the pillars of human and non-human knowledge, and it is also a necessary requirement if you want to pass your first year.”
The class grumbled instantly, which made the professor smile.
“Let’s not fumble on that. In order to survive in this new world, as one might describe it, you need to know a few things. Like guardians, who here knows what a guardian is?”
A boy with long, dark green hair that fell to his shoulders raised his hand instantly.
“Andrew War, sir.”
“Yes, Andrew?”
“Guardians, also called knights, are the two persons each of us has to protect us.”
“You’re right, Andrew. Anyone else knows more about knights? No? Okay, as your classmate said, each special being needs protection. Therefore, they are given two guardians. The first of these guardians, also called the alfa guardian, has the characteristic of being there to teach the enlightened one about its powers, mental and physical. The other guardian, called omega guardian, teaches the enlightened one matters of the heart.”
Professor Willowitz paused, and in that moment Amarantha raised her hand.
“What do you mean by ‘teaching’, sir? If it’s regular teaching then you are our physical guardian…”
Professor Willowitz raised a hand towards her.
“I was about to say that,”
He said with a polite smile.
“It is unknown in which way the guardians will teach in and every one of us, since it is different for everyone. By the way, don’t think that because of its name, the Alpha knight is more important than the Omega knight, these are just names for people not to get confused. Knights have many other roles scientists haven’t been able to prove entirely, but one of their roles is to become the enlightened one’s mate, companion, or husband and wife if you must. Although knights are usually enlightened ones themselves, they can also be humans.
Finding one’s knights has turned extremely difficult for the past hundreds of years, due to the corruption and evil that has spread around us. Because of this, enlightened beings have ended up mating with random people instead of the ones that are meant for them causing…”
Professor Willowitz’s lecture contained much more, but around this time Amarantha’s mind wondered if she had already met her knights.

* * *
Tyrell flipped the channels with his remote, lazily scratching the back of his neck.
“Mom, when is dad coming for dinner?”
He asked from the comfortable place on the couch. His mom picked up plates and stirred something in the kitchen.
“He’s not coming, dear; Ms. Mayari gave him the post. Now he’s Professor Willowitz of history in the Akilah Academy! Isn’t it marvelous?”
Tyrell shrugged. He didn’t much like having his father ripped away from him for a couple of rich students.
“Quite so.”
He lied, turning the TV off and standing up.
“Call me when dinner’s ready, okay?”
Tyrell walked up the steps to his room. He didn’t feel like a ten-year old at all. He felt like and old grandpa about to die. He felt vacant and lonely.
First Amarantha, now Father…, He thought sulkily as he locked himself up in his room.
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I swear this is the last of the main introductory chapters! Don't hate me!