I'm on a sentimental journey, of no return or looking back

Part 10

*several hours later*
I sat in the nursery, looking into the empty cots. The twins hadn’t even spent a night in them. I felt so empty inside, my babies had been taken from me, and my husband had been badly beaten. I let the tears fall onto the blanket that I held in my arms. Sam was asleep in her room, she had been exhausted by everything and was still terrified by the whole ordeal, but I had finally gotten her to sleep.

I heard a noise at the door and looked up to see Tré standing there, his left arm in a cast and his cut stitched up. I ran over to him and hugged him tightly, and he hugged me back.
“Tré, why us?” I sobbed into his chest, I felt him take a deep breath.
“I don’t know babe, I just don’t know, but we are going to get them back, if it’s the last thing I do.” He promised and held me tighter. Just then Billie came running into the room,
“Dude, Mike just called, what the fuck are you doing?” he yelled, we both looked angrily at Billie.
“Sorry, but he checked himself out of hospital A.M.A, he’s got serious health problems and needs to be kept in. I know what just happened but dude, you need to look after yourself too.” He said, Tré looked from me to Billie,
“You have no idea what we are going through, I don’t care if I was supposed to stay in overnight, all I care about at this precise moment is my children. Two of my babies have been kidnapped, I’m sorry if I would rather be with my wife and child than stuck in a god damn fuckin’ hospital, if you can’t see that, then I don’t know, but you aren’t the friend I thought you were. I can’t have people around me that think that I ain’t okay. This is just too big right now, and if you aren’t gonna help us try to find our kids then get the fuck out of my house and get the fuck out of my life.” Tré yelled, Billie was shocked, he paused for a moment,
“Look Tré, everything you said is true, but I will do everything that I possibly can to help you. You have to just calm down, and realise that I’m just worried about your welfare. I know that you’re in a state right now, and yes you should be, but dude, I don’t wanna lose you man.” He said then turned away. Tré looked at me, tears running down his cheeks,
“I don’t wanna lose any of you guys. You are all my world, but those babies are the next step in our world, they’re our future.” He cried. I nodded,
“Tré, don’t lose a friendship, go tell Billie that.” I said and gently pushed him away,
“I love you, but so does Billie, go and tell him what you told me.” I said and wiped the tears from his cheeks.

*Tré’s pov*
“Breffni.” I yelled up, she walked down the stairs slowly,
“What is it?” she said, little emotion in her voice, her eyes red and swollen from crying. I looked at her, and tried to smile as I took her into the kitchen.
“Detective Rogers said he has some news.” I said in a hopeful voice.
“Ah yes, Mr and Mrs Cool, I’m afraid it isn’t good news,” he started, Breffni broke down,
“You haven’t found them, have you?” she cried, he shook his head,
“No, we had a few leads, but nothing came from them. I think the next plan of action is to do a public plea, if you want, we can set up a slot on the morning news, and we’ll record it here.” He said, I nodded,
“Yeah, of course, but I’ll call people and get it sorted. I want the best, so I’ll call my people.” I answered, he nodded.
“Okay, now, try to think, is there anything about the two intruders, what they did or said, that you can think about, that you might not have told us earlier? Even the smallest detail can make a big difference.” He said. I thought hard, but the only contact I had with the bastards was when his fist collided with my face.
“His eyes,” Breffni said softly, we turned to look at her,
“Excuse me,” Detective Rogers asked,
“his eyes, the younger one, he had piercing blue eyes, only, not the way you think, they were like, like, like Tré’s.” she said quietly, tears forming in her eyes as she spoke. The cop wrote it down and nodded,
“Anything else you can think of?” he asked, I wrapped my arm around her shoulder, she shook her head,
“No, well, he sort of looked familiar, but I know that I’ve never seen him before, I know that much.” She said, tears falling freely. He nodded, and left.

*Breffni’s pov*
“So, darling, are you hungry?” Tré asked me, I shook my head, my stomach was crying out for food, but I knew that I wouldn’t be able to keep it down. There was now something missing from my life, a hole that may never be filled. In some ways, I think this is worse than a miscarriage, because I’ve known my babies for months, I felt them grow inside me, every kick, every bump, and now, I possibly won’t even get to see them grow up.

I looked up at Tré, he sat staring out the window, tears in his eyes, some falling down his cheeks and into his glass. I know I shouldn’t be thinking like this, but I can’t help it. I know that he is hurting inside, just as much as me. I stood up, walked towards him and embraced him tightly. He hugged me back, holding on as if he’d never let go,
“We’ll get them back, we will.” He said, his voice wavering, I don’t know if he was trying to convince me, or himself, by saying it out loud, but something about the way he said it, made me feel a little better. He stood up, kissed my cheek and left the room, dialling numbers into his phone as he walked.

*Next morning*
I looked into the mirror, and I looked horrible, dark rings around my red puffy eyes, blotchy skin. I hadn’t slept all night, and now, I have to sit in front of television cameras, in front of the whole nation, possibly world. I splashed water on my face and walked down to the living room, Tré was already sitting behind the desk, I sat beside him, and he threw his arm around me.
“They think it will be more effective if you talk, you appeal to the mothers out there, whereas I don’t.” he said, I shook my head,
“Tré, I can’t. I won’t be able to.” He kissed my forehead, and grasped my hand,
“You’ll be fine, and I’ll be here the whole time. Billie and mike said that they’ll be up if we need them. They’re both at Billie’s.” he said. A young man walked over and handed me what can only be described as a script. I was about to make a plea to the world for the safe return of my two babies, and I was being told what to say. I looked up at him, he smiled softly,
“I know how you feel, but he said you have to stick to that.” He said as he pointed in the direction of Detective Rodgers. I shook my head, but decided to leave it. The producer came over and knelt down on his hunkers in front of the table.
“when you’re ready, look into the camera behind me, and read off the auto cue, I know it’s an emotional time for you, but it usually gets a helpful response.” He smiled softly, turned and left. Tré could feel me clenching my fist under the table,
“It’s okay, I know they’re all smarmy bastards, but we have to do it.” He said soothingly, I nodded,
“But do they all need to be so fucking condescending, I mean, how the fuck do they know how I feel, they can’t even begin to fucking think how I might feel. They’ve never had their child ripped away from them, I’ve had fucking two!” I said, my voice rising all the time.
“I know, I know.” Tré said sadly,
“Tré, I know that you’re going through the same thing as me, but seriously. I am surrounded by egotistic insensitive men here, look around, there ain’t even one woman.” I said, at this point I was in what psychiatrists call the second stage of grieving – anger. He nodded, but didn’t say anything. He knew me too well, he knew that in this state of mind, he would only make things worse by trying to make them better.

“And, if we’re ready Mr and Mrs Cool.” The producer said, looking at us impatiently.
“Would it really hurt us that bad if I fucking floored him?” I asked Tré, he smiled a little,
“No, but I reckon, wait until we’re done here.” He said and kissed me. I nodded and looked up into the camera.

*other side of the state*
“Gregg, get in here.” Jimmy yelled,
“What the fuck is it Jimmy, I just got them to sleep.” I yelled quietly.
“They’re on the TV.” he said, turning it up.

“…I just want you to know that if you are out there, watching this, I will give you anything. I will give you the world, just give me my babies back, please…”

I grabbed the remote off Jimmy and turned it off.
“Don’t watch that shit, that’s what they want you to do. They want you to feel sorry for them, and turn yourself in. When you asked me for my help, I asked if you were in it one hundred percent, no matter what, and you said yes, so don’t fuck this up now.” I said, threw the remote onto the table and left the room again.

I picked up my cell,
“hello babe, I just left the adoption centre, how does twins sound…get the nursery ready, we’ll be home in two days…love you.” I smiled and hung up, she never has her cell turned on. Jimmy came running out of the living room,
“Gregg, we’ve got a problem.” He said looking worried.
“Well, what the fuck is it, or do I have to guess?” I said,
“The boy’s birth mark, on his left ear. We’ll never clear security if they’re looking out for that.” He said anxiously. I looked at him,
“And how the fuck do you know about his birth mark. You haven’t been anywhere near him.” I asked,
“She said it, when she was describing him.” He said quietly.
“You fucking asshole, I told you not to fucking watch it.” I yelled, hitting him.
“I know about his birthmark, I have it sorted, don’t worry about that.” I yelled.